League of Legends Invades Another World

Vol 4 Chapter 764: Killing in the night (can be skipped, saved on the map)

Talon's earliest memories were the darkness of the underground tunnels of Noxus, and the reassuring reliability of the blade in his hand.

He had no impression of family, warmth, or friendliness.

The clink of the stolen gold, and the security of the wall behind him, were everything he'd longed for.

Talon made a living by relying solely on his quick wits and dexterity, scraping by in the seedy underworld of Noxus.

His mastery of the blade made him quickly seen as a threat, and Noxian guilds sent assassins to him with demands:

Join them or be killed!

He responded by throwing the bodies of the uninvited guests into the moat of Noxus.

The assassination grows more dangerous until one hitman faces Talon in a head-to-head duel.

To Tyrone's surprise, he himself was disarmed and bowed to the executioner's sword.

The killer revealed his identity in due course: Du Kecao.

General Du Caucao offered Talon the choice of dying by his sword or living as an envoy of the Noxian High Command.

Tyrone chooses to survive, but the condition is that his client is only Du Kecao.

He respects only the orders of those he cannot defeat.

Tyrone still hides in the shadows, carrying out Du Kecao's secret missions, from the frigid lands of the Freljord to the inner sanctums of Demacia.

Talon regained his freedom when the General disappeared, but his respect for Du Caucao was beyond measure after years of service.

In order to track down the whereabouts of the general, he began to contribute his assassination methods to the imperial command, assassinating the leaders, officers and heroes of the enemy...

And of course any Noxian idiot who offends the High Command!


The northern part of the empire, Edalas City.

This is a small city adjacent to Irwindale, inconspicuous in the cold northern region.

However, the environment in this small city is good. Affected by the bustling trade of Irwindale City, many trade caravans will choose this place as a temporary stop.

Green Willow Tavern.

A popular tavern in Edalas.

The operator is a half-elf with wine-making skills. The price of the wine is moderate, but the taste is excellent, which makes this place often visited by trade caravans.

In the shadowy corner of the tavern, Tai Long gently wiped the silver-white dagger in his hand. His lowered eyes swept across the tavern not far away, a trade caravan that was loading and unloading goods and was about to leave the city of Edalas.

"Rebels, there is nowhere to hide!"

Tai Long habitually stayed away from the crowd, tightened his tight silver cloak, closed his eyes and meditated.

It was still early, before the city gate was closed, the trade caravan would leave in the dark.

He remembered Swain's words before he left.

The Shadow Stream Sect is a private armed force belonging to His Majesty Modrian, and the Ominous Blade Legion is more active in legion battles, rather than appearing as assassins in this **** game.

And he, Shadow of the Blade Talon.

A dagger in the dark, no merciful killer.

It is the most suitable assassin!

"Master of Shadow Stream, Zed, Blade of Unknown Katarina!"

Tai Long closed his eyes and bowed his head, as if taking a nap, gently flicked the dagger in his hand, but was warning anyone who approached.

He is relatively unfamiliar with Jie, but he has heard about the influence of the Shadow Stream Sect on the Ionian War.

As for Katrina.

The three most deadly sword masters in Valoran on the mainland are all related to the Du Kecao family.

General du Caucao, Caterina du Cucao, and Tyrone.

That speaks volumes about Katrina and Tyrone's relationship.

It's a pity that Katerina's failure made her relationship with General Du Kecao more and more rigid, and she gradually drifted away from Tyrone indirectly.

Until the disappearance of General Du Kecao, he served in the command of the empire, and he only saw a few times occasionally.

Dongdong! Dongdong! Dongdong!

At dusk, the night is gradually rising, and the sky is filled with crimson sunset glow.

The clock tower in the center of Edalas City rings crisply.

Due to the recent turmoil in the empire, Edalas City will close its gates ahead of schedule.

The ringing of the bell reminded the trade caravans in the city that if they need to leave, please rush to the city gate as soon as possible.

In the tavern, in a shadowy corner, Tai Long opened his dark eyes, looked around coldly, and his thin figure disappeared.

At the thick city gate, the crowded crowd seemed to be crawling long snakes. After passing the inspection, they slowly entered the corridor and left the small city behind.

Tai Long followed in the crowd, putting away his cold face, like an ordinary honest man, hanging far behind the trade caravan.

Beyond the city gate, the bleak autumn wind blows across the land.

As night fell, the advancing trade caravan lit hot and bright torches, and the scattered guard cavalry drove out some people who followed, and began to change the established route, leaving the wide and straight road and entering a rough road.

In the second half of the night in autumn, the last smear of starlight is erased by the night, and it seems to be a dark and dark curtain, quietly opening.

The world fell into silence. For a while, the mountains in the distance and the grass and trees in the nearby fields gradually changed from clear to hazy. Occasionally, one or two meteors streaked across, adding some vitality to the quiet night.

The camp of the trade caravan was built on the hills, and the guards stood firm under the light of the red bonfire.

Tai Long hid in the dark, staring fixedly at the camp, with the blade flying in his hand.

"Enjoy the taste of death!"

The howling and cold autumn wind swayed the bonfire and shook the shadows in the forest.

The air gradually filled with a strong smell of copper rust, a figure in a silver cloak stepped forward in the forest, leaving **** traces.

Behind him, corpses that were still warm paved the way to death.

Tai Long enjoyed the wanton killing process, felt the texture of blood in the air, and a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Although this is a task assigned by Swain, he is happy to do it.

Tai Long didn't know the feeling of family and warmth. From the beginning of memory, coldness and killing accompanied him and never stopped.

There is only one person who is enough for him to remember in his life.

Because of this, during the chaotic period of the Noxus Empire, in order to track down the whereabouts of General Du Kecao, he began to serve Swain, becoming a cold-blooded and ruthless blade, harvesting any rebels.

The pace stops, UU reads www.uukanshu. com Tai Long looked at the felt tent built in front of him, and walked inside with a knife in his hand.

He will not give any warning before he makes a move, will not leave any escape route, and will not arouse any vigilance, just like a cold killing machine.

After easily cutting off the target's head, Tai Long took out a stack of thick **** labels from his arms, and tore off the top page.

The absconder Baron Dimas.

Nodding his head, Tai Long put his **** head into the interspatial ring, walked out of the felt tent, kicked the burning bonfire away, and let the blazing flames burn and devour the camp.

Under the brilliant firelight, Tai Long's figure melted into the darkness, continuing to enjoy the taste of death brought by the killing.

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