League of Legends Invades Another World

Vol 4 Chapter 762: Cooper dies first

The warm spring breeze sweeps away the haze of the past and blows over the restless old soil.

Driven by the hidden undercurrent, the wave of pioneering swept across the Valoran Empire at an incredible speed, triggering many heated discussions.

The southern province near the old land of Fadirha Kingdom was particularly noisy.

Thorson River.

The swift waters curled like white ribbons over the green plains, encircling and embracing the southern provinces of the empire.

From the towers of the city wall of Bouvois, overlooking the Thorson River passing slowly in front of you, it can be described as a battle of hundreds of boats.

As far as the eye can see, the current is turbulent, the turbid waves are monstrous, and there are giant ships that look like mountains, densely covering the wide river surface. From the waterline of the bottom of the ship, you can see how heavy the cargo is.

This is just ship transportation under the pioneering wave.

On the continent of Kaladimos, land transport is the most transported goods.

Under the decree of development, the interior of the empire, the neighboring Ailan Faro Empire, and the Grand Duchy of Tambefasa.

Countless urgently needed items passed through the city of Boufois through different transportation routes, and they flowed into the old land of Fadirha Kingdom like a rushing tide, creating a vigorous scene.

The water flows in the east, and the leaves fall one after another.

The time like quicksand just like this quietly, across the fingers, disappearing.

Under the witness of time, the old land of Fadirha Kingdom abandoned the unkemptness of the past, and territories like newborns emerged from scratch and stood proudly.

These newly developed territories seem to be transplanted tree buds.

After careful cutting and maintenance, it grows into a towering tree in a short time.

Thick foliage casts shadows and shelters where the roots extend.

Many forested territories dispelled the calamity and desolation that permeated the old land of Fadirha Kingdom, and a breath of prosperity emerged in the old land, faintly reappearing the past style.

With the increasing prosperity of the territory, the social interaction between the nobles began.

Relying on the identities of their respective families, the pioneering lords established a trade route with each other.

Each territory always has unique resources.

Maybe it is lack of others, maybe you can trade your own necessities, maybe it is an imperial acquisition.

In short, the opening of social interaction and trade has injected fresh breath into the old land of the dead Fadirha Kingdom. Pedestrians have been running on the road that was once covered with bones, and it belongs to the spark of life, blooming brilliantly.

And under this hard-won prosperity, the turbulent undercurrent quietly infiltrated the old soil along the Solson River.

The development of the territory cannot avoid the interweaving of blood and fire.

The battle that the old and new nobles had given up on once reappeared, faintly appearing in this chaotic old land, and somewhat intensified.

Social order is still being restored and rebuilt.

The old and new aristocrats who were far away from the center of the imperial capital had an evil thought called greed in their hearts. Apart from territorial disputes, they regarded themselves as hunters. In this wave of pioneering, they secretly scrambled for rare prey, creating scenes of **** dramas.

The increasingly chaotic old land of Fadirha Kingdom seems to be silently sending signals to the outside world and to many forces.

The seemingly rebellious and bloodthirsty Valoran Empire is tasting the bitter fruit of its rapid expansion.

Driven by the undercurrent, the **** killings intensified.

The empire seemed to have never heard of it, and let the incident develop.

And such an almost powerless performance made the new and old nobles who had renewed their disputes feel a little carried away, as if they had completely broken free from the shackles.

Especially after some old and new aristocrats tasted the **** fruit, the secret killings became more apparent.

They saw that the empire's control over the old land of Fadirha Kingdom was somewhat insufficient.

If it weren't for the hub city of Galen and the Demacian Legion guarding the old land, this old land that had just emerged with a hint of prosperity would once again become a quagmire of chaos and darkness.


The northern part of the Valoran Empire, the city of Irwindale.

This former town, after the baptism of wind and frost, coupled with the advantages of its geographical location, is adjacent to Fort Lakstark, and has become a prosperous city in the north of the empire.

In the morning light of autumn, the sound of hustle and bustle can be heard endlessly.

Cars, horses and pedestrians on the streets in the city seem to be surging, gradually becoming a prosperous scene.

On the wide streets, there are steel armored vehicles carrying goods, like trucks; there are long passenger cars carrying passengers, driving on the right side of the road, like canned cans; carriage.

Most of them are the low-level people who are crowded on both sides of the road and passing by. Occasionally, their eyes will look for luxury private carriages, but most of them will look at the slow-moving coaches. They hope that one day they can sit in them.

After several years of rapid development, something called technology has taken root in the Valoran Empire, covering every city in the empire.

The fusion of technology and magic has made the old things gradually obsolete.

With the forceful promotion of the empire, novel and unprecedented technological products will change the lives of ordinary people little by little.

Although there is still the persistence of the old nobles, the wave of technology has set off huge waves, changing and destroying all old history.

Cooper Adolph pushed the door of the mansion, and this was the scene he saw.

Even if he sees it every day, it still makes him a little unreal, like falling into a dream magic, like a dream.

Looking back on the past, it seems that only seven or eight years have passed.

He still remembers his past, the former knight apprentice, an ordinary member of the Perris family, followed His Majesty Modrian to the city of Irwindale, and from there he went north to open up the territory.

Life at that time, without technology, they trekked hard, but everything was wonderful and full of hope.

Until now, with the help of His Majesty Modrian, he has embarked on the road of legend and has become a legendary crown that was unattainable in the past.

Although compared to Horace's powerful position in the southern part of the empire and Sigrid's demeanor in charge of the arena, his living conditions are somewhat unknown.

But no matter how low-key Cooper is, his identity and the existence behind him still make him a person of attention, and all the northern nobles of the empire are awed by his strength and power.

Cooper turned to look at the mansion behind him. It looked like a palace-like building, with golden glazed tiles shining brightly in the morning light.

It can be described as a withered beam and painted building, resplendent and resplendent!

Shaking his head slightly, Cooper didn't like the mansion in front of him very much, but his status forced him to follow the aristocratic etiquette, otherwise the northern nobles would frequently harass him.

If you don't build luxury, how do they build it?

You don't enjoy life, how can they enjoy life?

Going down the steps, Cooper's figure gradually returned to ordinary. He was used to this and blended into the lives of ordinary people, but in the next moment, a sullen look appeared on his face.

The field of vision in front of him suddenly changed, the colorful colors disappeared, and the world of black and white came.

The Realm of Shadows!

As a legend, Cooper instantly understood the predicament he was in. Someone targeted his habits and laid a trap, pulling him into the shadow realm unknowingly.

"Has the chaos in the old land of Fadirha Kingdom affected the interior of the empire?"

Cooper's thoughts surged, and the urgent information from the past few days flashed in his mind. Before he could think more in the future, the terrifying mountain-like gravity suddenly descended, bending his knees.

"A high-level legend? There are two other legends?"

"Wait, the hidden breath... familiar?!"

Cooper's expression was gloomy, and his extended spirit felt the hidden breath. This **** game that unfolded finally gave the mice in the dark a chance to take advantage of it.

"It's really a profit-seeking, short-sighted generation."

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

The energy of the elements is vented, and the world of black and white trembles, seemingly unbearable and crumbling.


The boundless mid-level and high-level spells are like a torrent roaring, the endless waves rushing towards Cooper, and the pervasive and majestic wave of energy rolls up a black and white halo, destroying all obstacles along the way.

[Advanced Spell: Spatial Isolation]!

Invisible power descended on Cooper's surroundings, without any spell damage, but this targeted high-level spell made Cooper's heart sink.

Its function is incomparable to some ultra-level spells. It can resist prophecy spells regionally and erase the traces of the subject.

[Advanced Spell: Inner Fire]!

Golden flames burned in the spiritual world, and the figure of Cooper, who stepped into the legend as a knight, flickered, and the fine fireworks followed the outline of the subject, outlining the body of flames.

[Advanced Spell: Discord Elegy]!

The ear-piercing ditties suddenly exploded in the ears, like whispers of demons, murmurs of gods, and terrifying sounds. Cooper's eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes, and a little bit of blood appeared in the dark childish holes.

[Advanced Spell: Corpse Feast]!

Negative energy filled Cooper's body, and the white bones squirmed in the flesh and blood, as if they were about to break through the shackles of the body, wrapped in the blood of the living, and turned into a man of bones.

[Advanced Spell: Deep Winter's Chill]!

In the fall of autumn, the bitter cold of deep winter permeates the soul, making Cooper exhausted, unable to lift a sliver of strength, as if a layer of icy shackles fell on the body.


Looking at the colorful and surging torrent of elements in front of him, Cooper's bent body trembled uncontrollably.

These mid-level and high-level spells are just minor troubles for His Majesty the Legend, but Cooper has already realized that something is wrong.

Since entering the shadow plane, all the magic attacks he received were basically weakening spells, and the few harmful spells were also very targeted.

"Hehe, is it so hard for me, an ordinary follower?" Cooper slowly drew out the long sword at his waist.

All high-level professionals in the territory of the Valoran Empire must be registered in the Eucalyptus, and the legendary crown will also be bound by certain laws.

However, now, in the city of Irwindale, there are three legends under the crown, and there is also a high-level legend.

This indicates that someone is collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country!

Chi Chi! Chi Chi!

Bloody fireworks emerged from the blade.

Cooper took a step forward, his gorgeous robes ripped into strips.

He waved his sword lightly with a firm expression, like a devout believer, the ultimate god.

Compared with the other two followers, Horace and Sigrid, Cooper has self-knowledge. His talent is very ordinary, but every step he takes is extremely solid.

From time to time, as an apprentice, he would ask Fiona or Master Yi for advice on the problems he encountered.

Those who are sincere to the sword are sincere to the heart!

Cooper's eyes lit up brilliantly, and the blade in his hand was blood-red.

【Sword Skill · Zhan Kong】!

The blade of the sword fell, and the blood-colored sword energy permeated it, as if separating the world from the earth, cutting off the middle and high-level spells in front of him.

Then in the world of black and white, go upstream, follow the trajectory of the spell, and cut to the source of the torrent of elements.

[Dark Wraith's Wailing]!

Facing the reverse slash of the **** sword, the energy tide unique to the bottomless abyss burst out in an instant.

The wind howled, and endless black ghosts descended on the shadow realm. Their red eyes seemed to be full of stars, and they locked onto Cooper's figure tightly, following the whispers of the demon behind him, and wailed silently.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

Black ripples filled the air, annihilating the **** sword energy and hitting the target with precision.

Cooper, who was stepping forward, staggered, the condensed rushing momentum dissipated in an instant, and the long sword in his hand fell to the ground.

Even though he sensed that the deadly threat was about to fall, he didn't panic, and looked calmly into the depths of the shadow realm, grinning.


The space cracked, and the black and white world burst into fine cracks.

A touch of crimson color seems to be dancing leaves, fluttering and falling towards every black ghost who wailed.

The black ghosts, which are immune to physical attacks, melted one after another when the crimson color fell, as if facing the blazing sun.

It wasn't until this moment that I saw that pulsating crimson color, which was...

A dagger!

As soon as he saw the dagger, the high-ranking legend hidden in the dark exploded, disregarding the concealment of many auras, smashing through the shadow realm, intending to escape into the boundless star realm and escape the imminent **** death.

Ominous Blade Katarina!

The high-level legend realized that their plan was in vain, and attracted the attention of death!

With long crimson hair hanging over her shoulders, Katerina's enchanting figure appeared in front of Cooper, with her right hand spread out to catch the falling dagger.

"Is it fear I smell?"

Katerina's gaze first looked at the panicked rats exposed in the shadow world, and then looked at the high-level legend who could smash the shadow world.

"Leave your back to the enemy's idiot!"

[Waiting for an opportunity]!

The scarlet dagger was thrown in the air, and Katerina followed closely. The moment she grabbed the dagger handle, her figure disappeared.


The crimson red streaked across the black and white world, completely cutting through this prison of imprisonment, and also dividing the high-level legend in front of it into two halves.

The ultra-level spells cast before death, as well as the spells fixed in the soul, are like nothing under the dagger.

Death came as expected!

Holding the dagger lightly, UU reads www.uukanshu. com Katerina floats the shadow sky, ignoring the identity of the dead in front of her, which is only a small part of her glory.

Her gaze fell to the Boundless Star Realm, and just now, a dim, divine aura disappeared in an instant.

"A **** like a dirty mouse?"

After patrolling with icy eyes, Katerina returned to the Cracked Shadow Realm, and there were still some rats that needed to be dealt with to completely wipe out these empire moths.

The dagger jumped.

The crimson figure flickered in the colorful energy flow.

Every time the figure flickers, there will be a bright red flower blooming, and the sprayed blood will outline the outline of the ominous bird.


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