League of Legends Invades Another World

Vol 4 Chapter 758: the end of the absurd

【League of Legends Invasion of Another World】【】

League of Legends Invasion of Another World Chapter 758 The Absurd End

The starfall calendar is 1464 years.

The season of vigorous spring has just arrived in less than two weeks.

The warm spring breeze, with gentle steps, blows across the land after the ravages of winter, bringing a rare warmth to the Kaladimos continent that has experienced chaos and deep darkness.

Even if it is a temporary peace, it also raises a hope that the dawn will come to the hearts of countless ordinary people who are living in a difficult life.

However, at the time when the Kaladimos Continent was recuperating.

A piece of news spread from the northwest corner of the mainland, like dandelions fluttering and swaying, slowly falling to all parts of the mainland with the pace of the spring breeze.

The Valoran Empire, which rose from the invasion of the bottomless abyss, brazenly launched a full-scale surprise war against its neighbor, the Fadirha Kingdom, which was protected by the Temple of Power, in a way that was beyond everyone's expectations.

The reason is only that the Fadirha Kingdom exists behind the scenes, and the God of Strength, Dunn, once intended to assassinate the great His Majesty Modrian.

Ridiculous reason!

This is the first reaction of many forces after hearing the news.

But before they had time to process the news...more precisely, before they had moved the tables and chairs and prepared to watch from the sidelines, this all-out war had changed beyond anyone's imagination.

At the end of the first month of the season of heavy spring.

The Valoran Empire, led by Galen Crownguard as the general, led the Demacia Legion to attack the Fadirha Kingdom.

Only half a month.

The imperial flag representing Valoran is flying high in the northern border of Fadirha Kingdom.

Incorporate many northern military towns such as Wag Sky Fortress, Dover Town, etc. into the territory of the Valoran Empire.

Then in less than a week.

The ace legion belonging to the Demacia Legion, the Demacia Dragon Bird Knight Legion, is like a shooting star across the sky, clearing the drowsy sky with lightning speed.

The loud and clear chirping of dragons and birds brought a ray of light called hope to the Kingdom of Fadirha, which was in a dark age and out of control.

The Demacian Legion to which Galen belonged, starting from the northern border, seemed to be a surging silver torrent, roaring, venting, and scouring, cleaning away the **** darkness clinging to the territory of Fadirha Kingdom.

This unexpected war.

In just a little over one month, the territory of Fadirha Kingdom was almost completely occupied.

Apart from being abandoned by the gods and being eroded by the bottomless abyss.

In this teaching-like blitz battle, the Valoran Empire's legion combat capabilities shocked many forces in the order camp.

If we say that the high-end combat power exposed by the Valoran Empire in the previous abyss raid made the gods of order feel frightened and uneasy.

Then, in this invasion of Fadirha Kingdom, the war strength and war potential displayed by the Valoran Empire can already exceed most of the forces in the Kaladimos continent.

Counting from the territory of Valoran to the establishment of the Valoran Empire.

In just a few years, Modrian has completed the accumulation of other forces for thousands of years, and thoroughly demonstrated to the outside world the terrifying war power possessed by an empire, an outsider force.

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【League of Legends Invasion of Another World】【】

Silver stars dotted the dark sky, and azure banners fluttered high above the castle.

This blitz battle started by the Valoran Empire has come to an end before the order camp and the bottomless abyss have reacted.



The morning rain and fog soaked through the gray clouds and wet the muddy road.

A sudden spring rain fell last night, washing the gray sky and cleaning the mottled blood on the ground.

The weeds and dead trees on the side of the road seem to be welcoming new life, a touch of greenery emerges between the stems, leaves and tree buds, dotted with a hazy world with a few strands of silver light passing through.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

The dull horseshoes were stepping on the muddy road, and the Demacian elite cavalry in silver armored stomachs ran forward neatly through the rain and fog.

Its momentum is like the wind, blowing away the mist with a loud noise.

Looking from a distance, one can see that the silver armor stomach stretches endlessly on the broad road, connecting the sky and the earth, like the water of the Milky Way, descending from the sky, with no end in sight.

"Quinn sent news that there is only one obstacle left in front of us...."

Tiana looked down at the elite Demacian cavalry who were rushing forward, and spoke softly, a fiery golden color appeared in her calm eyes.

"The royal capital of Fadirha Kingdom, San Dorn!"

This is a majestic city named after the **** of strength. Since the establishment of the kingdom, it has stood in the prosperous central hinterland area.

Even in the depths of the Dark Ages, and being abandoned by the gods, this city will always stand firm.

It can be said that it is the Fadirha Kingdom, the only area where order remains.

"The Flame Knights of the Dale family will open up a path to victory for the empire." Horace stopped behind Tiana with a respectful expression.

As a legend, he should have the pride of a legend.

But during the rapid march of more than a month, he witnessed the terrifying strength of the sword captain in front of him.

No matter in the abyss channel. The demon legion that came out in full force, or many demon lords who intended to overthrow the imperial legion, turned into wisps of dust under Tiana's sword, paving the way to glory.

It can be said that Tiana's strength is worthy of the crown guard, a surname that symbolizes supreme glory.

"I have seen the glamor of the flames. Presumably after this war, the name of the Dale family's flames will be engraved on the territory of the empire."

Tiana looked back at Horace, and said with a soft smile, her calm eyes were full of appreciation.

"Your Majesty Miao Zan, compared with the elite cavalry of Demacia, the Flame Knights still have room to go further." Hollus lowered his eyes and replied in a concentrated voice.

During this period of getting along, he once again clearly recognized the strength of the Imperial Legion, and also knew why His Majesty Modrian would delegate power to them as much as possible.

Who has the power of such a terrorist army, and still cares about the small actions of the people below?

In the face of absolute power, any conspiracy is false.

"It's time to go, Quinn must have been waiting for us." Tiana waved the reins, and steered the white war horse towards the rolling silver wave ahead.

Hollus raised his face, and his eyes followed the high fluttering cloak, extending to the billowing silver torrent, and the gray-brown child holes reflected azure blue flags moving forward alternately.

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【League of Legends Invasion of Another World】【】

The sword and shield are intertwined, and the white wings are stretched to protect all living beings.

"Guardian of the Empire!"

Under the flag blowing in the wind, Horace recalled what he had seen and heard along the way, with a sad look on his face.

Time is ruthless. Ever since the invasion of the bottomless abyss, the continent of Karadimos has been in dire straits. Blood and death have become the main theme, slowly kicking off the prelude to darkness.

According to the information collected by the empire, outside the territory of the empire, the vast majority of ordinary people have suffered so much that death has become a normal state, and they can only rely on the protection of the gods to barely survive.

Under the endless erosion of the abyss, villages, towns, and cities lacking enough faith in the wild are constantly heading for destruction, turning into pieces of scorched earth in purgatory.

Only some large cities are still holding on, but the population is still decreasing.

Horace recalled the peaceful environment in the Valoran Empire, and compared what he had seen and heard in the past month or so, he couldn't help expressing his silent emotion.

It seems that living in Valoran is one world and outside is another.

To put it simply, there are only a few words in the intelligence records.

People eat each other, the bones accumulate, and the roads are full of filth, which seems to be the end of the sufferings of the world.

But until this war.

It was only after Hollus led the Flame Knights on a long-distance raid that he truly understood what was behind those few words...

What does it represent, the suffering that cannot be described in words!

After a short moment of regret, Horace gently tugged at the reins, and steered the scarlet warhorse, blending into the galloping silver tide like fireworks.

As Tiana said, there is only one obstacle left in this battle.

The Valoran Empire will once again pick a brilliant diamond, embellished with a crown of glory!


The capital of Fadirha Kingdom.

Saint Donne!

This is a tall city standing on the top of the cliff.

The city is built on the mountain, and about half of the area extends to the top of the mountain, like a crown, crowned with majesty and glory.

Gray and white are the main colors of the city. Whether it is the towering city walls or the exquisite buildings that look like crowns, the almost uniform colors bring great sensory enjoyment.

It's a pity that a touch of bright red blood blends into the gray and white tones, from bottom to top, like climbing vines, destroying the overall feeling, showing fragmented visual damage.

Behind the wall stacks, there were already soldiers of the Kingdom waiting in battle. Through the gap, they looked at the distant plain, and the silvery white light came into view.

Once upon a time, the countless abyssal monsters that existed on the verdant green plain no longer existed.

Under the dim sky, squads of Demacian dragon bird knights circled and soared, shuttling among the clouds, and the sound of eagles chirped endlessly, stimulating the spirit of the soldiers of the kingdom.

On the plain, the soldiers of the Demacian Legion were organized into rectangular formations in an orderly manner and were advancing. There were only a few thousand people, but the sense of oppression they brought was far greater than that of the abyssal monsters.

The silver wave is rolling, looking from a distance, it looks like a flood rushing, ravaging the wilderness, the turbulent angry waves beat the long sky, and savagely rushed towards the towering city wall.

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【League of Legends Invasion of Another World】【】

At this moment, the soldiers of the Kingdom facing the full-scale assault of the Demacia Legion, like fishermen and boatmen under the stormy waves, felt the terrifying sense of suffocation, feeling lonely and helpless.

Dongdong! Dongdong!

The heavy drum sounded, beating the hearts of the soldiers and arousing a little bit of courage.

The bow string is drawn, and the sharp arrow tip emits a cold light; the hot oil continues to heat up, and the faint white steam sways with the wind; the ballista adjusts the center of gravity, and the bowl-thick crossbow is aimed at the silver wave ahead .

The magic tower standing above the city wall is filled with colorful halos, and the engraved runes are shining brightly. The majestic magic energy is condensed on the top of the tower, and some forbidden magic is brewing.

Everything is ready, just waiting for the offensive order from the rear.

Start this swearing-in war about the only remaining dignity of Fadirha Kingdom.

Yes, to the death!

As early as half a month ago, after the Valoran Empire occupied most of the kingdom's territory with a lightning raid speed, everyone, including the former nobles and royal family, was aware of the ultimate fate of this war.

With the gods gone, they alone could not resist the Valoran Empire's offensive.

crunch! crunch! crunch!

The sound of drums faded away, and the sharp and piercing sound of steel rubbing broke the dignified atmosphere.

The steel city gate, which was full of damaged and mottled marks, slowly opened from the inside to the outside, exposing the dark and long corridor.

Pieces of solidified and dried red lumps, like withered yellow autumn leaves, fell off the surface of the steel city gate, and a strong stench surged out along the corridor.

The hazy sunlight fell down, dispelling the deep darkness in the corridor.

There were bursts of flustered footsteps and unconcealable noises of speech, suddenly appearing.

However, the first thing that came into view was a snow-white flag, fluttering slowly under the spring breeze, covering the blood on the city gate.


The roar of voices, like dull thunder, resounded on the city wall, causing the restlessness of countless kingdom soldiers.

The slightest bit of courage that was originally aroused disappeared suddenly when the white flag appeared.

If it weren't for the early suppression by high-ranking knights, the instant psychological collapse of many soldiers of the kingdom would even directly trigger the roar of the camp, leading to the complete collapse of the army.

white flag!

Behind the Demacia army formation, Galen was riding a white armored war horse, looking at the white flag flying high in the distance with a surprised expression.


Galen shook his head lightly, and then signaled the flag commander beside him to wave the silver flag in his hand.

Make the flag wave.

The fully charged Demacia legion was like an armored war horse pulling the reins, and suddenly stopped in the field. The silver shield was erected high, facing Saint Dorn, and quickly built a silver barrier.

Until the white flag slowly floated to the front of the formation.

The tight silver barrier separated a passage, revealing Galen riding a horse, looking down at the bowed crowd in front of him.

The one bowing at the front is the new emperor of Fadilha Kingdom, Reginald XI.

In this abyssal calamity that swept through Fadirha Kingdom, the departure of the gods and the chaos of the order led to a serious weakening of the kingship.

Even in St. Dorn, the only remaining city of order, the royal power is peeped by the bottomless abyss.

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【League of Legends Invasion of Another World】【】

Infected by blood, the royal power has changed.

Reginald XI relied on his royal background and the legacy of the God of Strength to barely maintain the final dignity of the kingdom.

"Tours Juliulton Reginald, I would like to present the crown in order to obtain the protection of the Valoran Empire." Reginald XI walked out of the queue slowly, stopped in front of Galen, and took off the crown of his head. The golden crown, held up high.

The warm sunlight shines down, reflecting on the golden colored glaze, refracting a bright yellow brilliance.

The golden crown that once represented kingship was somewhat dim at this moment.

"Is there a choice?"

The bowed King Reginald XI had a bitter expression on his face.

Facing the abyss disaster sweeping across the Kaladimos continent, facing the surging Demacian legion, the Fadirha Kingdom, which lost the protection of the gods, is like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, quietly waiting for the final judgment of fate.

Staring at the golden crown in front of him, Galen felt a faint remnant of divine power.

This is a sacred artifact blessed by the **** of strength, Dunen. Unfortunately, due to Dunen's decisive departure, the golden crown gradually became a mortal weapon, which can only represent the glory of the former king.

Averting his gaze, Galen looked at Reginald XI, who was bowing, and the many nobles of the Fadirha Kingdom in the queue behind him.

According to the information provided by Yingliu, these people basically control the crumbling Fadirha Kingdom.

After a little silence, Galen drew out the long sword from his waist and stood it in front of him.

Who doesn't like a peaceful occupation?

This means that soldiers under his command will bleed very little.

"I, Galen Crownguard, accept your request on behalf of the Valoran Empire, and will protect the Reginald family and your families."

The deep voice resounded like fairy music, and Reginald XI and many nobles who were waiting silently could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Being able to preserve the strength of the family is already their most optimistic idea, but they did not expect to achieve it easily now.

As for the Kingdom of Fadirha, the kingdom that once gave them glory and status, turned into historical dust at this moment and was completely forgotten by them.

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Reginald XI and the many great nobles present began to imagine the peaceful life in the Valoran Empire in the future.

According to the intelligence information collected in the past, the living environment in the Valoran Empire and the current chaotic Karademus continent are two completely different worlds.

This can also be regarded as part of the reason for their surrender.



Gray mist clouds float, mixed with the cold and warm spring breeze across the gray and white city.

On the towering city walls, the azure blue imperial flags pierced all over the towers rattled and fluttered head-on, like a blue ribbon, wrapping the majestic city standing on the cliff.

The Demacia Legion entered St. Dorn very smoothly, and took off the last brilliant diamond of the Fadirha Kingdom.

At the same time, on behalf of the Valoran Empire, it fully occupied the Fadirha Kingdom, leaving a perfect end to this blitz battle.

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【League of Legends Invasion of Another World】【】

Of course, no one thought of it.

This war will end in such an absurd way!

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