League of Legends Invades Another World

Vol 4 Chapter 756: dark despair

Test ad 1 The night is dark and cloudy!

The silent sky is like a deep ocean, sinking all living things in the world.

Until a sliver of silver light suddenly appeared, like a flying sword falling from the sky, cutting open the secluded sea, bringing the hope of dawn into the darkness.

Hoo hoo! Hoo hoo!

The bitter cold wind was blowing, but it couldn't hide Quinn's sharp eyes.

Looking down, a few rays of light flicker, like candles that are about to burn out, dotted the dark and deep earth.

As far as he could see, Quinn couldn't see a trace of human habitation.

Mountains, forests, avenues, villages and small towns, these places that once had traces of fireworks are completely plunged into darkness, only the flickering fire, swallowing and swaying gray dust.

"Dark Ages!" Quinn whispered.

Even during the most chaotic period in Demacia, when there were bandits inside and the iron hooves of Noxus entering outside, they had never seen such a terrifying scene.

Ten rooms and nine empty rooms? Hungry everywhere?

Quinn recalled the scene he had just seen, and his expression grew colder.

Whether it is a village or a small town, it seems to be hollowed out, throwing away the fireworks that belong to the world.

And on many main roads, there are corpses everywhere, like the drifting snow in winter, covering the criss-crossing roads.

These are truly dark ages!

The gods abandoned their believers, and the nobles abandoned their responsibilities.

Only these ordinary people who were seeking a way out in the dark were reduced to bones on the side of the road, and the whimpering cold wind cried out the sorrow of death for them.


The high-pitched eagle's cry sounded, piercing through the clouds, shaking and dispersing the gray fog, and a few strands of starlight fell, illuminating the front.

"Mosquito bat!"

Quinn frowned slightly, and the disgust in his eyes was as real as it was, and he didn't hide it.

The red flesh and blood appearance, the extremely ugly short figure, and the piercing and sucking mouthparts like a mosquito, just like a mosquito with gray skin peeled off.

Also like its name.


A monster from the bottomless abyss.

It is rumored that they are a mixture of abyss bats and blood mosquitoes, with feet with sharp pincers and hollow needle-like beaks, moving everywhere in the abyss.

It is analogous to the hungry vultures active in the snowfields and wilderness, they are waiting for their next meal of blood.

Perhaps the white bones paving the road are the leftovers after a feast.

According to many records, a small number of mosquitoes and bats are not very dangerous, only equivalent to stronger beasts.

However, when they gather in a large group, they will change from quantitative change to qualitative change. The superiority in quantity makes it difficult for the victims to get rid of mosquitoes and bats, even if they pull them all down, and stick them again and again.

Therefore, even a high-level transcendent would choose to retreat three feet when facing thousands of mosquitoes and bats.

But now, what Quinn saw was more than tens of thousands.

Dim starlight fell, and the dim sky was almost covered with mosquitoes and bats.

As far as the eye can see, it is densely packed and innumerable.

They crowded and pushed each other, turning into a blood-colored 'dragon' floating in the secluded sea, smelling the clear and audible smell of flesh and blood, smashing through the clouds, and moving forward at top speed.


Thousands of feet above the sky, the piercing cold wind blew against Jia's stomach, and his loose hair swayed gently.

If Quinn felt it, she patted the sharp claws on her shoulders to soothe Hua Luo's restless heart, and then she turned her head to look behind her, and many Demacia dragon and bird knights were reflected in the hole.

The Sixth Commandment: Let's fight together and make a quick decision!

Quinn flashed her Seven Commandments of Survival deep in her heart. Facing a strong enemy, her choice was very simple.

Immediately waved the arm holding the crossbow, pointing forward.


Almost synchronously, when Quinn waved his arm, the sharp and ear-piercing hawk chirped again.

But this time, Hua Luo's voice was long and distant, filled with endless chill.

Also like a horn, fluttering leisurely.

Among the misty clouds, the Demacian dragon bird soaring and spreading its wings stretched its body to the fullest. The scaled wings turned into sharp blades, cutting through the cold wind, leaving silvery white marks.

When Hua Luo's voice reached Shi Mo, the Demacia dragon and bird immediately uttered a rapid call.

The sound is like the roar of a dragon, like the cry of an eagle, gathering together, responding to the legendary giant eagle.

The dragon and bird knights sitting on their backs also immediately entered the battle preparations. The child holes behind the visors focused on the figure in front of them, and the spears held tightly in their hands lit up with a brilliant brilliance.


Hoo hoo! Hoo hoo!

The cold wind above the sky became more and more bitter, and the gray and misty clouds drifted away gently like fear, letting the dim starlight hang down.

Looking from a distance, this sea of ​​deep darkness is only left with turbulent and tumbling **** waves.

And the silver sharp blade that cuts through the darkness and comes straight.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

The restless humming sounded like the deep roar of the **** 'giant dragon'.

At the beginning, only a few mosquitoes and bats chirped.

However, within a short while, the buzzing sound condensed into one piece, disturbing people's hearts and souls, and trembling the sky.

Looking at the momentum from a distance, it seems that a storm is gathering, and the aftermath of the turmoil is enough to compare the legend of stepping on the road of law.

This is also the horror of mosquitoes and bats.

There are too many of them, too many cause qualitative changes, and so many break the boundaries.

What created them was the Kingdom of Fadirha, which was invaded by the abyss. There were too many wild creatures, which provided the best breeding ground for mosquitoes and bats.

Under the cold wind, countless mosquitoes and bats flapped their wings, and the color of greed almost turned into substance.

They flapped their wings in a frenzied manner, letting the biting cold wind and blood splatter, getting closer and closer to the target.

At the same time, the smell of flesh and blood in the air stimulated their senses, making them more urgent.


Extraordinary flesh and blood!

What a wonderful taste!

The long beak-like mouthparts trembled, and the strong mosquitoes and bats at the front couldn't help opening their mouths, and the smelly saliva slipped down. They relied on the hollow mouthparts to distinguish the smell of flesh and blood in the air.


There was a lot of buzzing!

The **** 'giant dragon' that was moving at high speed speeded up again, and couldn't wait to welcome it......


"This is the punishment bestowed by the holy Demacia!"

The cold wind couldn't hide the biting killing intent, and Quinn stared intently at the mosquitoes and bats that were getting closer in front of him, his expression getting colder and colder.

Under Hua Luo's coercion, without hesitation, she rushed towards the **** 'dragon' that stirred up the situation, like an arrow that had left the string.

Buzz! Buzz!

Under the manic buzzing that filled his ears, Hua Luo's golden twins shone with joy. It sensed Quinn's emotions and knew in his heart that the time to kill had arrived.


This time, the short hawk chirping instantly suppressed the restless buzzing, and it also heralded the coming of a prelude to a massacre.

【Eagle Wings Fly】!

Hua Luo's figure seemed to flash across the sky like lightning, and his wings spread out against the wind. The blue feathers, like torrential rain, accurately hit the **** 'giant dragon' in front of him.


A small voice sounded.

A blue ripple emerged from the sky, diffused at an incredible speed, annihilating the dim mist and engulfing the **** wave that was coming.

Looking from the bottom up, it seems that the sky is broken, with Quinn and Hua Luo as the leaders, a large wave of blood disappeared immediately, revealing the gray clouds.

But this is not the end.

After the azure blue ripples, Quinn half-kneeled on Hua Luo's back, with his left arm raised, and the silver-white crossbow swallowed deadly bolts, like meteors across the deep sea, piercing through the body of the blood-colored 'giant dragon'.

As Demacia's trump card army, the Demacia dragon and bird knights naturally would not have the opportunity in front of them. They drove their partners, formed a simple triangle formation, and blatantly pierced into the chest of the 'giant dragon'.

Looking from a distance, the Demacian dragons and birds moving forward at extremely high speed, like peacocks opening their screens, cover the leaky sky, and the scales reflect the starlight, like undulating waves, moving forward alternately, submerging all obstacles.

Puff! Puff! Puff!

The slender and straight lance pierced the body of the mosquito bat, and its charge was unstoppable. It continued to use a violent posture, bathed in blood, and pierced through the body of the giant dragon.

Sharp long beak? Bloodthirsty instinct?

As the top of the food chain, the Demacian dragon and bird, with scales and sharp claws, cleanly shredded the red body of mosquitoes and bats.

The rain of blood swayed all over the sky, watering the white bones.

The whimpering cold wind also has a momentary pause, UU reading www. uukanshu.com then continued to whine mournfully.


The biting cold wind is still there, and the gray sky is stained with blood.

Less than half a quarter of an hour.

The Demacia Dragon Bird Knight completely wiped out the **** 'dragon' in front of him, and this was just one of tonight's appetizers.

They couldn't remember clearly, this was the first time they encountered surprise attacks by monsters from the abyss. Fortunately, the honor after the battle would record the only remaining traces of these monsters who died.

After hastily cleaning the battlefield, Quinn continued to move forward with the Demacia Dragon Bird Knights.

Under the darkness, all they saw was despair.

But Quinn still believes that there will always be some people who will hold up the torch and drive out the darkness with the hope of dawn. test ad 2

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