League of Legends Invades Another World

Vol 4 Chapter 742: Aftermath

Alan Faro Empire.

The royal capital, the holy city of Rasir.

The drifting ice and snow gradually covered the ridge with the frigid wind, and the snow-white city reflected a light blue halo under the sun and the sky, showing the solemnity of the city.


A sigh suddenly sounded above the Ice and Snow Temple, trembling the souls of countless believers.

Streets and alleys, city corridors, aristocratic gardens, the depths of royal palaces, etc.

Countless believers crawl in the icy snow and sing songs praising the ice and snow storm, as if trying to soothe the sorrow that emerges from the depths of their souls.

"The Valoran Empire!"

The eyes of Alexia, the goddess of ice and snow storms, were rippling with starting points, reflecting the silent confrontation that took place in the realm of shadows far away.

The appearance of the world-destroying snake Yerimes was unexpected.

Alexia, the goddess of ice and snow storms, could not have imagined that the bottomless abyss attached so much importance to this raid.

Not only the goddess of darkness and evil, Roxani, and other abyss masters who can rival the powerful divine power, but also the world-destroying snake, Yerimes.

And the trump card that Valoran Empire frequently reveals is beyond everyone's imagination.

The bright orange-red starlight shone through the plane, shaking the souls of the gods with a gesture beyond words.

Even the world-destroying catastrophe that overturned the world had to retreat and leave.


An inexplicable color flashed in her azure blue eyes, and Alexia, the goddess of ice and snow storms, whispered about the existence behind the Valoran Empire, and there was a dignified expression on her face.

For his neighbor next door, this great existence didn't care at first, and the Ice and Snow Temple was only a test.

It is just a newly emerging territory, no matter how hidden its strength is, for the Ailan Faluo Empire and for the Ice and Snow Temple, it is just a piece of chess that can be wiped out.

But I don't think that the goal that I didn't care about before has grown to the point in just a few years.

A new empire!

A mighty empire that can withstand the invasion of the bottomless abyss!

A terrorist force with at least several powerful divine powers!

As if remembering something, Alexia, the goddess of ice and snow storms, looked at the immortal fortress that returned to the main material plane, and whispered softly.

"Storm, ice and snow!"

Alexia has a panoramic view of the battle that takes place in the realm of shadows.

Whether it is the icy blizzard caused by the ice crystal phoenix Anivia, or the demeanor of the Storm Fury Janna holding a staff and suppressing the **** of tyranny Hextor.

Alexia saw their endless possibilities for growth.

But this is not a good thing for the ice and snow gods.

At least Alexia, who is the master of the Ice and Snow God, sees a potential threat.

Storm and ice and snow are the priesthood she holds, and this is also the cornerstone of the ice and snow **** system, and it is absolutely not allowed to be coveted by others.

With lowered eyes, Alexia, the goddess of ice and snow storms, overlooked the holy city of Rasl below, and her icy face climbed with worry.

Compared to the dazzling stars of the Valoran Empire, the once radiance of the Alanfaluo Empire was somewhat dim.

This is Alexia's truth, and it's what worries her.

legend? Demi god? God?

The battle that ended in the Shadow Realm perfectly demonstrated the infinite potential of the Valoran Empire.

Even though the Ailan Faluo Empire has the support of the ice and snow gods behind it, there is already a gap compared to the current Valoran Empire.

"Outsiders, order, and destruction!"

The cold wind blew up the snowflakes and swayed.

The azure blue light and shadow dissipated with the wind, leaving an inexplicable sigh.



Central area of ​​Kaladimos continent.

Not as cold as the north, as chaotic as the south, as quiet as the ocean.

This central place, as the true back garden of the gods of order, has four seasons and all things grow.

It has the most fertile land, the most prosperous economy, the most crowded urban agglomeration, and breeds the most prosperous intelligent civilization.

The Favorkad Empire, known as the [Lionheart Empire], is located in the very center of this flowery area.

Favorkad Empire!

This is a huge empire with a long history, which has existed for as long as the Alan Faluo Empire, or even longer, and behind it stands the God of War.

The Great Patriotic War that once took place in the Kingdom of Stoke, there was the presence of the Favorkad Empire.

Compared with the Ice Temple, which is hidden behind the scenes and does not interfere with the operation of the empire, the influence of the God of War on the Favorkad Empire has long been deeply rooted, and almost half of the nobles believe in the God of War.

They believe in war, advocating war, and their icy iron hoofs swept through every city of the enemy.

It is also for this reason that the Favorkad Empire occupies the most fertile land in the continent of Kaladimos, winning the name of the lion's heart.

Imperial capital, Saint Nazaire.

A majestic city standing on the vast plain, the wide roads in all directions are crowded with people coming and going, looking from a distance, like countless shaking golden straws, bursts of noise swayed the clouds in the sky.

Compared with the hustle and bustle outside the capital, the inner city area of ​​Saint-Nazaire was full of solemnity.

Under the cloudless sky for thousands of miles, the golden-yellow glazed tile and double-eave roof of the Temple of War was extraordinarily splendid, far superior to the surrounding buildings.

But these are not the end points that many strong people in the capital are concerned about. They look solemnly at the dome of the Temple of War.

A pair of huge golden eyes hung in the air, and in the depths of the bright pupils, golden lightning flashed across, reflecting a lush virgin jungle.


The thick murmur shook the space, causing faint ripples, but under the influence of the golden glow, it surrounded the eyes without making any sound.

His eyes flickered, and the God of War, Tours, recalled the forgotten information from the depths of his memory.

"Stoker Kingdom, Valoran Territory!"

Somewhat incredible, the chess pieces he once placed were used as a buffer area with the Alan Faluo Empire, and an empire was actually born.

When looking through the memory, Tours saw the information from the Temple of War a few years ago, as well as the news brought by several small nobles who migrated from the Stoke Kingdom.

"As expected of an outsider, for a few years, it was completely hidden from the sight of the gods."

"Until today, with such a gesture, while showing strength, he brazenly chopped up the dirty hand stretched out from the bottomless abyss."

The God of War, Tours, remained motionless, and his golden eyes looked around.

Of course, he knows what the God of Strength, Dunn, has done. This guy kicked the iron plate, and many eyes around him are watching the attitude of the God of War and the Favorkad Empire.

If it is just a new empire, UU reading www. uukanshu. Com Tours may not care, but the identity of the Valoran Empire is not simple.

Not only the newborn empire, but also the aliens.

The history that once perished in the long river of time told the gods of order that every outsider deserves to be treated with care.

Not to mention the Valoran Empire, which gathered many splendid aliens like stars.

The most important point, with the strength of the Valoran Empire today, the God of War must also be treated with caution.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The evening wind is gradually rising, and the little golden rays of light are like a sunset shrouding Saint-Nazaire, a prosperous city that is famous for the Caladimus Continent.

Under the gaze of the God of War, Tours, all the prying eyes lowered their heads and uneasily praised the great God of War in a low voice, hoping to forgive their sins.

In the end, the golden eyes glanced at the northern part of the continent and slowly dissipated.

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