League of Legends Invades Another World

Vol 4 Chapter 738: The last fight to destroy the disaster

The black sun hangs in the air, and the crows storm violently.

Compared with the battles in other places in the realm of shadows, the battle between the dark evil goddess Roxani and the ancient fear Fiddlesticks is much more peaceful.

The two stalemate in the air, the surrounding divine power, silent annihilation disappears, disintegrates and separates the space.


Suddenly, the charming laughter of the dark and evil goddess Loksani sounded, black flames surrounded Baizhang's body, and she looked down at the scarecrow in the broken clothes in front of her.

"I have to say, the power of the Valoran Empire is really amazing!"

Loksani, who had spare strength, had already noticed the change in the battlefield situation.

The silence of the gods of order, the red flames that rendered the sky, Ulysses' struggle and retreat, and the flank battlefield, the defeat of many abyss evil gods and demon lords, she saw them all.

This abyss raid that she conspired to launch seems to have completely failed and cannot be recovered.

Roxani looked at the southern sky, and the red flames swept across the sky. Ulysses, the Lord of Gluttony, was evacuating in embarrassment, and the eternal flames like gangrene burned his flesh and blood.

And it was Ulysses' defeat that directly disrupted all Roxani's plans.

"Almost the ability of a prophet? Is it time?" Roxani murmured in a low voice. Jax, who was covered in flames, was reflected in her huge black eyes, and she couldn't help but look solemn.

Only in terms of strength, there is not much difference between her and Ulysses.

If she is determined to die, she is still in a weak position.

However, these are exactly what Roxani expected.

The stronger the Valoran Empire is, the more rewarding the abyss will give her after winning this battle.

"unexpected result!"

Loksani didn't expect that a human territory that she chose at will, a force that had once killed weaker divine powers, would actually hide such a terrifying power.

In particular, the identity of the Valoran Empire.


This is not only what the gods of order are wary of, but there have also been aliens in the bottomless abyss, and boundless killings have swept across most of the abyss.

Roxani grew more and more eager for the reward after the battle was over.

It's like the reward given by the bottomless abyss when she destroyed the gods of life, allowing her to completely complement the dark godhead and at the same time control a new priesthood.

"Gahaha! Gahaha!"

The weird hoarse laughter interrupted Roxani's thoughts. She lowered her eyes and looked down at Fiddlesticks, who opened her arms and attacked by endless crows.

"what are you laughing at?"

Roxani's eyes were filled with doubts, and the black sun in her hand pressed downward, causing bursts of black ripples.

"Me?" Fiddlesticks said hoarsely, tilting his head and staring at Roxani, who was hundreds of feet above.

"I'm looking for your real body!"

"My real body?"

Hearing this, Roxani's expression froze, the charming smile on her face remained unchanged, but an alarm bell suddenly sounded deep in her soul.

How did he see it through?

No, how did he guess?

Yes, this 100-foot-tall dark body is not Loksani's body, but a body she uses for battle, a body derived from the existence of powerful divine power.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

But he... wait!

Suddenly, Loksani stretched out her black hands and shook it at will. Hundreds of wailing crows were wiped out in the palms of her hands, and a trace of dissipated aura merged into the black sun.

"It turns out that you killed Tobias, the **** of conspiracy and evil." Roxani said softly, staring at Fiddlesticks.

No wonder she felt a little inexplicably familiar when they first met.

He had seen a similar aura in the temple of conspiracy and evil.

However, why did the Valoran Empire not directly integrate the godhead, but let the godhead and priesthood return to the world?

Too many doubts emerged in my heart, but there was no clue.

Suddenly, Loksani felt inexplicable unease. Just a second ago, she had just extracted key information from the memories of countless believers.

Not only the godhead of Tobias, the **** of conspiracy and evil, but also the godhead of Grace, the **** of plague, and the godhead of Samuanya, the **** of lizardmen.

It seems that after a period of time after their fall, the godhead will automatically return to heaven and earth, and it will be noticed by most of the legends or gods walking on this road.

It's just like......

discarded waste.

Or, are you fishing the gods?

As expected of a **** who has lived for countless years, Loksani guessed most of the truth through just a few words of information.

In the face of the godhead and clergy of Tobias, the **** of conspiracy and evil, many heroes of the Valoran Empire despised them, and no one accepted the power of godhead promotion.

This is a bit embarrassing, they seem to despise the extraordinary system of the Caladimus Continent.

Later, Modrian also wanted to give his followers, but their strength was too weak.

Once these beings wake up from their slumber, he has no way of knowing whether his followers can resist the evil god's abyss.

In the end, Modrian had to arrange for Professor Heimerdinger to absorb the power of the godhead for experimental research, as well as the existence of the priesthood in the godhead, and also record the experimental data.

For the Valoran Empire and Professor Heimerdinger, the study of the Godhead is a very important experiment.

This is the best opportunity to dissect the extraordinary system of the Caladimus continent.

In addition to Professor Heimerdinger, Giggs and Rambo are also conducting research on related topics in order to completely digitize the extraordinary system of the Caladimus continent.

This also led to the fact that the power of the godhead began to dissipate by itself after being consumed too much and could not be replenished, and it returned to heaven and earth.

As for whether Modrian has done anything to the godhead, it's hard to say...

The dark and evil goddess Roxani does not know that she has guessed some truth.

However, in the face of Fiddlesticks' silent threat, she didn't seem to care, but no one could see a corner, a ray of dark divine light, quietly disappeared into the collapsed space and fell into the bottomless abyss.

"You are so sure that the Valoran Empire will win this war?" Roxani took a deep breath and adjusted her mentality.

This war, she is bound to win, even if Ulysses has been defeated.

"But I don't think so!"

When the last sentence fell, its high voice sounded like thunder on a sunny day, spreading through the immortal fortress.

The **** sun held by the hand is also accompanied by the words, bursting with terrifying energy fluctuations, instantly oppressing the wave of fear set off by the crows.

Roxani had to so much.

As far as she can see, there is only her here, and the northern battlefield of the Lord of Corruption, Nathaniel, maintains a balance of power. Others, such as the defeat of the abyss evil **** on the frontal battlefield, and the tyranny of the west, Hextor, were brutally suppressed.

Silently told that the raid of the bottomless abyss had already fallen into a rout.

This is the last fight!

When he heard Roxani's words, Fiddlestick's expression paused. For the first time, a serious expression appeared in his mad eyes. He turned his crooked head one hundred and eighty degrees and looked behind him, looking up at the sky above the immortal fortress. .

I don't know when, a layer of gray mist like spun yarn immersed in the realm of shadows along the turbulent flow of the chaotic space.

The boundaries of black and white shadows are almost shattered, and the mottled colors stir the sky.

It is the environment where the space is cracked, and the gray mist as thin as white gauze quietly scattered to every corner~www.NovelMTL.com~ If it weren't for the last high voice of Roxani, Fiddlesticks would not have cared about the surrounding environment. These gray mists as thin as white gauze are too ordinary.

Suddenly, Fiddlesticks's eyes tightened, and the blood-red eyes flickered violently, as if he saw something terrible, and the rust oil lamp in his hand began to flicker.

Not just Fiddlesticks.

As Roxani's voice spread throughout the immortal fortress, most of the heroes who were fighting stopped suddenly.

In the gray mist as thin as white gauze, the weak heroes seemed to be under the pressure of mountains. No matter how they vented the power in their bodies, they could no longer hang in the air and gradually landed.

And many heroes with strength comparable to the gods have used their own means to resist the pressure from outside the realm of shadows.

Aatrox, Pantheon, Vladimir, Xin Zhao, and more, including Jax who expelled Ulysses.

They stopped at almost the same time and looked up at the sky.

I saw a pair of dark eyes as huge as the sun and the moon, hidden in the gray mist as thin as white gauze, overlooking the world of shadows and everyone.

Compared with the **** sun in Roxane's hand, it is like the difference between table tennis and football.

"It's getting dark, I can't find my way!" Fiddlesticks said hoarsely, the straw body covered in broken clothes trembled slightly, and the wandering crow soared low.

At the moment when the eyes like the sun and the moon appeared.

The colorful mottled energy above the sky has lost its due light, and the gloomy darkness along with the gray-white mist shrouded this shattered world of shadows.

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