League of Legends Invades Another World

Vol 4 Chapter 734: Climbing to the top

All kinds of air traction.

The dim sky lit up with a rotten and colorful energy halo, which became more and more turbulent.

The boundary between black and white shadows is almost shattered.

The aftermath of the battle of the gods raged, causing the space to crack, and the turbulent flow turbulent, and a vivid picture of the continent of Kaladimos could be seen faintly.

Everything fell into chaos, and the aura of destruction manifested.

In the midst of all kinds of destruction, the immortal fortress under the rune formation is like a beacon of light in the darkness.

The city walls are towering and towering.

The tallest one, the top of the tower is already close to the rune formation.

It seems to be able to reach out and touch the mottled sky, and looking up, you can see the raging back and forth, like a substantial energy storm.


On the dark and sturdy top of the tower, a crisp knock sounded, like an egg when it fell, some pleasant, some dull.

In fact, it is indeed the sound of an egg beating.

A burly figure wearing a purple cloak with a pine-backed back sat cross-legged on the top of the tower, a long-handled weapon was placed on his knees, and the cold wind was blowing the cloak.

From a distance, it looks like a green bamboo rooted in a rock, independent of the world.


The beating continued.

The cloak figure held a boiled egg with rough hands, knocked lightly against the wall in front of him, and then unhurriedly peeled off the egg shell.

The finely broken eggshell fell to the ground, and the milky white egg was exposed to the cold wind and steamed.

Riding on the heat, the cloak figure lifted a corner of the mask and took a bite of the egg.

He took a deep breath and tasted the sun-drenched crops blowing in the wind, and the freshly turned soil stretching out from the vast fields to the horizon in every direction.

Then the cloaked figure swallowed the egg in one gulp, and at the same time swallowed the cold in the memory.

Quietly looking at the chaotic scene above the sky, he seemed to recall a country that no longer existed for him, and a deep sense of homesickness.

His cloak was so heavy that it was too heavy to bear the responsibility of the past, because the mottled and grotesque skin under the cloak was a memory of the previous war.

His stomach moved, and after digesting the egg, he also walked out of the sadness of his memories.

"What a mesmerizing performance!" The cloak figure whispered softly, and the eyes behind the mask reflected the tragic battlefield above the sky.

He only appreciates, not mixed with any other emotions.

This is the purity of all kinds of martial arts in the world!

above the colorful sky.

He saw Aatrox's frenzy.

The crimson giant sword danced, and the power of the darklings was like a frenzy, smashing the blood-sucking wilderness;

He saw Fiddlesticks' coldness.

Wearing broken linen clothes, carrying worn-out rusty oil lamps, the crows sweeping the sky and the earth, burning the fear of the mind;

He saw the nobility of Anivia.

The phoenix sings in the sky, the ice and snow roll back, the blue fireworks fill the sky, and the cold wind freezes everything;

He saw Volibear's wildness.

Thousands of lightning roared, and the inextinguishable thunder shook the world, making the gods bow their heads;

He saw Ashe's tenacity.

The sun of Avarossa shines on the north, the bow is drawn, the arrow is like a shooting star;

He saw Panson's unyielding.

The mortal fireworks above the spear ignited the sky and burned the filth of the evil gods.


"It can be called the pinnacle of the use of techniques, and the pinnacle of all kinds of martial arts."

The chaotic and colorful halo permeates the world of shadows, and the cloaked figure can't help but utter praises.

But at the end of his gaze, he looked at Xin Zhao, who was holding the three-clawed dragon spear and was invincible, showing a look of eagerness to try. His restless hands kept rubbing the long-handled weapon on his knees, and he couldn't hold back.

In his eyes, Xin Zhao's spear skills were advanced and reached their peak.

"The Undefeated Weissero."

The cloaked figure had heard the name of Xin Zhao, and as a prisoner, in the Noxian Empire's Reckoning Arena, he completed an undefeated move.

This is a man skilled enough to be his opponent!

Seemingly aware of something, the cloak figure moved his gaze to the shadow corner on the left, and a familiar figure appeared in front of him.

"Jie?" The cloak figure said in surprise, his eyes flickering, looking up and down at the weakened Shadow Stream Lord.

"You look a little embarrassed? Need help?"

"No, no." Jie replied softly, rejecting the kindness of the person in front of him.

"Pass on the decree of His Majesty Modrian, His Majesty Jax, you need to go to the southern jungle to alternate the duties of His Majesty Ivern."

Hearing this, Jax's expression changed, and he turned to look at the precarious realm of life, and said softly, "Okay, Ivern? It seems that his opponent is not very easy to deal with."

"who is it?"

"The Lord of Gluttony, Ulysses!" Zie said in a deep voice, his red eyes staring at Jax in front of him, but he couldn't see any emotion.

"Well... gluttony, this reminds me of a familiar name, a fat guy who is also a demon." Jax looked down at the polearm on his knees and said with a chuckle.

He stretched out the rough palm of his hand that had just peeled off the egg, and wiped a few wisps of frost from the top of the softly gleaming lamp post.

"Hopefully...will be a good opponent."

Jax stood up, the dark purple cloak draped over his body.

"At least get a beating."

Facing the robbery in front of him, he nodded lightly, clenched the sturdy soft light post with both hands, and took dexterous steps, step by step toward the half-blooded southern sky.

Looking closely, every step he took, as if measured, was exactly the same, and he did not leave the slightest energy fluctuation.

The cold wind blows in my hometown, and there are no people coming and going.

Jax was walking in the sky against the cold wind.

The seemingly slow pace disappeared in an instant, and there were only ripples in the transparent space, dazzling the dim night.




The deafening roar sounded like thunder, making everything quiet.

Ivern is based on the earth, thousands of willows are hanging down, and the rich emerald green brilliance covers the primitive jungle, as if all things are in harmony, supporting the huge emerald mask together.

But these still can't stop the passage of life.

The green canopy is filled with ash, the delicate petals lose their luster, the clear river becomes more and more turbid, the grass along the coast is completely withered, and the bones buried in the soil reappear.

A touch of paleness gradually emerged in the primitive jungle, like ink dripping into a clear pool, rendering the pool water.

It was unremarkable at first, but as time passed, the paleness spread, and the emerald brilliance became more and more dim.

What's more, Ivern's wrinkled tree is also a little pale and gray.

"What a pity, I can't seem to stop this guy's progress."

Ivern sighed softly, looking beyond the emerald brilliance with tired eyes.

The scarlet compound eyes of Ulysses, the lord of gluttony, were firmly locked on him, and his star-like flesh and blood body filled his field of vision.

The boundless blood-colored tentacles set off a frenzy, stuffing everything that could be swallowed into Zhang He's gluttonous mouth, turning it into nutrients for flesh and blood.

"Delicious food?"

Ivern realized that he had become the food of Ulysses, just like the ancient trees in front of him and behind him, with the brilliance of life, disappearing into the gluttonous mouth, completely reduced to the nutrients of flesh and blood.

But in an instant, most of the primitive jungle fell, leaving only the area where he was, and it was crumbling.

"Food? Is there food here?"

A surprised voice rang in his ears.

Ivern looked sideways, and I don't know when, a tall figure in a cloak appeared on his shoulders, holding a soft-light lamppost in both hands.

"Jax?" Ivern said, his tired eyes filled with surprise, and his heart was instantly relieved.

If other heroes come, maybe he won't behave like this.

Not belittle others, but he has enough trust in Jax.

Jax, the greatest weapon master in Valoran.

They are also the only survivors of Khaoari - a group of guardians who have fought to the death to defend Icathia.

Even the void cannot annihilate Jax.

However, Jax, who survived, lost everything. He walked through the ruins, picked up the [Last Light of Icathia], and guarded the hope it represented.

"It's me. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

Jax looked at Ivern carefully, the breath of weakness, the look of exhaustion, and the amiable face he once had.

Whether in Valoran or Kaladimos, Jax and Ivern's friendship has always remained.

The two have met each other in their long lives, and are old friends who can give each other trust.

"Leave it to me now."

His eyes fell to the sky, and Jax looked at the ugly flesh and blood body that filled the field of vision, and the soft light lamp post gradually lit up.

Ivern bowed his head, and the visor covered Jax's face. He couldn't read his mind, but the high fighting spirit that rose up made him unload the burden on his shoulders and hand over this responsibility to the other party with great confidence.

But Ivern did not leave because of this.

He still stood in place, the towering tree body radiating the brilliance of life, as if to put on Jax's emerald armor.

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