League of Legends Invades Another World

Vol 4 Chapter 726: Battle of Empires: Phoenix Nirvana?? Deadly Hour

Whoa! Whoa!

In the silent and empty astral world, dark green blood is mixed with corrupting power, like a torrential rain pouring down, washing away the wind and snow in the sky, hoping to erase the vigorous vitality bestowed by nature.

However, the wind was blowing.

The crystal clear snowflakes, like endless, keep spinning and dancing.

Let the corruption erode, still maintain a graceful posture.

Melted in the wind and snow, born in the wind and snow, and then turned into continuous heavy snow, falling from the sky.

Seeing this, Nathaniel had no choice but to stop moving forward. His star-like body was suspended outside the realm of shadows, and a faint green glow hung down, dispelling the black and white brilliance.

He smelled a tinge of unease from the wind and snow in the sky, just like before, the danger of death haunted his soul.

Somewhat ridiculous.

But it is.

The decision to put it to death made him a little moved and shocked.

"how is this possible........."

As if seeing something inconceivable, Nathaniel's dark green eyes showed awe for the first time.

He saw the wind and snow drifting all over the sky and stopped abruptly, as if he was stuck in the quagmire of time.


A cold blue flame appeared out of thin air, burning slowly from the tail of each snowflake.

When the snowflakes burned, the strands of blue mist, like clouds and mist, hung in the void, floating up and down. Then it suddenly spread out, like a raging fire, a huge blue fireball ignited in the empty star realm.

Wind helps fire, fire borrows power.

In the blue fireworks that spread out, a hazy and illusory phoenix shadow can be vaguely seen, reflecting in the air.

【Frost Nirvana】!

Life and death, eternal reincarnation.

As the frost bird that created the Freljord, Anivia wields the power of resurrection, and as the seasons turn, she remains the eternal soul of the Freljord—symbolizing hope.

In the burning ice and snow, under the silence of death, a flash of life suddenly appeared.

At first, it was a little uncertain, but in a short while, it was brilliant.

Anivia stretched her wings, her noble and elegant figure followed the ancient trajectory, crossed the illusory, broke out of the endless ice, snow, wind and frost, and set foot on the mottled star realm.


The loud phoenix ming sounded again in the sky above the empty star realm.

The endless snowstorm was lifted into the sky, and when it fell, it turned into a smart snow elves, singing ancient songs.

"Blizzard....with me!"

Anivia raised her neck, her cold phoenix eyes staring at the Lord of Corruption, Nathaniel, with a high fighting spirit, like the blue flame that was still burning, blazing up.

The wind and snow rolled back, and the sky was full of fireworks.

Anivia, who had returned from death, fluttered her wings, pulled the cold frost, and faced the Lord of Corruption again.

Blue frost, dark green corruption, intertwined.

In the chaotic and violent broken space, blue-green tracks were drawn.

This is the manifestation of the power of rules.

Anivia has done her best to drive the extremely cold frost to freeze everything in the world.

"This power..."

The dignified lord of demons, Nathaniel, who is comparable to the powerful divine power, witnessed Anivia's resurrection with his own eyes, and could no longer hide his shock and a touch of greed surging from the depths of his soul.


Perfect resurrection!

This is not like the **** of order, who engrave his real name in the long river of time.

Those who believe in gods and who chant their true names, even if they fall, they will eventually recover from the long river of time.

Even if he loses most of his power, his true name is immortal, and he still has a moment to regain his glory.

However, for the Demon Lord, for an existence comparable to a powerful divine force, such a process is too sprawling and full of uncertainty.

Especially in the cruel bottomless abyss, once the body dies, there will be countless greedy eyes staring at the throne.

The most important thing is that no one can know whether the recovering returnee is still who he used to be.

This has been recorded in the long and long history of the resurrection of the gods...

It was different now. Nathaniel's eyes showed extreme longing. From what happened in the snowstorm in front of him, he saw something deeper.

An existence that is comparable to the peak and medium divine power, surpassed the imprisonment of death, resurrected the world and stepped into reality in the most perfect posture.

"All this will belong to me!" Nathaniel whispered, condensing the power of corruption around his body, setting off endless waves.

What about Frost Power?

There is an essential power gap between the two! The difference in the power of rules!

Everything is in front of you.

At this moment, Nathaniel, who is the Lord of Corruption, no longer retains his power, and fully demonstrates the terrifying and terrifying power that belongs to the Lord of Demons.

Looking from a distance, in the empty star realm and the broken shadow realm, layers of dark green waves rose up one after another, hanging the galaxy upside down, slapping the sky, and in an instant, this space was completely incorporated into the rules of corruption.

Splashing waves, dripping blood, rancid pus, drifting snowflakes,,,,,

In an instant, Nathaniel's star body wants to turn into a world and include Anivia in it...


Who dares to ignore me!

I am the real god!

Surrounded by thunder, Volibear saw that he was completely ignored, the color of rage floated on his face, and the dark purple lightning turned into beasts that broke free from the cage, roaring and rushing towards the sky full of corruption.

"Scars are my glory, and failure is my motivation for revenge."

"Shake the sky with my storm!"

Volibear straightened his body, raised his hands high in the sky, and let the power of corruption erode his flesh and slam into the edge of the dark green world.



The wild and furious eyes stared at Nathaniel, the Lord of Corruption, and Volibear exerted force, his arms already covered with thousands of scars suddenly released extremely violent thunder, tearing apart the dark green world in one fell swoop.

Boom! Boom!

The world tilted, and the sound of the galloping torrent exploded.

The shattered and cracked gap in the world is like an open river channel, and the rich corruption force turns into a rolling torrent, facing Volibear, pouring down the head.

Roaring thunder and lightning, lost voice.

The white sturdy hair quickly faded away.

The body was surging with hot blood, and you could almost see the bones.

"Blood and blood, I have never retreated."

Volibear opened his mouth, a savage smile appeared on his face, his rough voice spread across the battlefield, and his horned dragon-like arms continued to exert force, tearing apart the solid dark green world little by little.

The pouring power of corruption, the surging inextinguishable thunder.

Symbolizing destruction and rebirth, it is repeated on Volibear's tall body.

And all this perseverance is worth it.

The scattered wind and snow and the loud phoenix ming, along with the pouring power of corruption, fluttered in the sky above the star realm.


Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

In the sharp whistling sound of wind and snow, little cold stars appeared in the chaotic space, engraving a different style.

A blue arrow encased in the power of True Ice slashed through the black and white world, pierced through the power of corruption, accurately pierced the torn world crack, and nailed it on the huge corrupt body.

"The strong should do the unfeasible!"

"Unbearable suffering!" Ai hope looked extremely solemn to Anivia and Volibear, who were in the center of the battlefield.


The agile blue figure jumped down from the tower of the city wall of the immortal fortress, like an eagle, rushing to the distant battlefield, fluttering white hair dancing in the wind.

With dexterous steps, Ashe stepped on the condensed frost step by step, properly running on the edge of each broken space, and approached the chaotic battlefield at a rapid speed.

Step on the snow and follow the wind, the bow is like a thunderbolt!

A blue arrow, under Ashe's Avarosa's bow, turned into a splendid meteor, shuttled through the broken space, pulled the power of frost, and penetrated the power of dark green corruption.

I am Ashe and I am Longbow.

I will let everyone hear the voice of the Freljord and see the power of the Valoran Empire.

【Shooter's Concentration】!

【Frost Shot】!

Even when running, Ashe maintained her rhythm and never interrupted the bowstring in her hand.

In just a few breaths, the blue arrows that cut through the space, wrapped in the wind and snow, formed a splendid blue galaxy over the connection point between the astral world and the shadow world, and fell to Nathaniel.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

The sloping world shook with ripples.

Ashe witnessed the star river composed of blue arrows, covered with frost, along the thunder, pouring into the dark green world, leaving small but non-negligible scars on the body of the star.

"We...will protect the Valoran Empire!"


Seemingly sensing Ashe's determination, Volibear responded with an angry roar, and the thunderous thunder and lightning fell endlessly, turning his space into a world of thunder.


Anivia, who was surrounded by wind and snow, was not to be outdone, her sharp cry pierced the dark green world, her wings stretched, covering the sky with frost, and in front of Nathaniel, an ice and snow storm was set off.

Just when Ashe and the others were fighting fiercely.

In the southern jungle of the Immortal Fortress, a dark blood-colored tide emerges quietly, soaking in the lush virgin jungle.


Move forward a little bit.

In the realm of shadows of black and white, the emerald green flower of life blooms.

On top of the gathered petals, there are piles of bone wreckage, irrigating the recovering virgin jungle like fertilizer.

Green God Ivern stopped in the center of the virgin jungle, and from his dead tree-like body hung down a wrinkled wicker, connecting the trees and grasses.

A touch of rich brilliance of life extends, dispelling black and white, covering every tree, every bush, and every bunch of flowers with emerald green robes.

They become part of Ivern's body, the vessels through which blood flows.

"Life is so much better than death!"

With old eyes, Ivern looked at Jacarrag, Lord of the Bone Abyss, who was caught in the wicker ocean and was losing the last bit of resistance, and murmured softly.

Roots of emerald green that seem to be fragile, ignoring the fiery flames on the surface of Jacarage's body, ignoring the sturdy skeleton body, firmly bound the notorious abyss evil **** to the earth.

"Now, you will be completely plunged into eternal death!"

Compared to Fiddlesticks' madness and fear, compared to Volibear's wildness and fury, compared to Anivia's grace and coldness.

Ivern is more like a human, an ordinary old man, amiable and gentle.

Although he sometimes nags and does things a little unreliably, this does not mean that Ivern's strength is very weak.

Just this time, it almost crushed the lord of the bone abyss, Jacarragh.


Not oppression!

Overlooking this virgin jungle that blooms with the radiance of life, strands of emerald green life force are quickly extinguishing the blazing white flames and wrapping the mountain-like skeleton body.

This is the abyss evil **** who wants to completely perish and fall!

Perhaps it was at the last moment that he realized that he could no longer bear the feeling of waiting to die, the Lord of the Bone Abyss, and the surging evil power in his body turned into pale flames, burning his body.

Layers of white bones came from invisible, like gathering sand into a tower, piling up into a mountain, constantly blessing the body, and growing in size.

Three hundred meters, five hundred meters, one thousand meters, one thousand five hundred meters...

This gray-white skeletal body that even the gods could not break seemed to want to break through the primitive jungle, but in the next instant, endless weakness climbed up to the soul, destroying the last hope of Jacarage.

Life can give birth, and it can give death.

Ivern opened his arms, and green roots followed his gaze, easily piercing Jacarragh's skeletal body.

Gurgling came.

The entangled emerald green roots are sucking the huge power surging in the skeleton body, and the aura of life covering the surface is becoming more and more clear.

I could faintly see countless strands of white bone fireworks, which were transformed into majestic life force as the emerald green roots deepened.

Through the green roots, through the body of Ivern, repairing this primitive jungle devastated by the aftermath.

The grass swayed, the moss glowed, the lush trees waved their branches, and the crystal clear stream ran along the river into the distance.

It seems that everything goes back to the beginning.


The bones were shattered, and the crimson soul fire was silently extinguished.

The lord of the bone abyss, Jacarag, the terrifying evil **** active in the bottomless abyss, suddenly fell into this primitive jungle.

in between at the same time.

A dark blood-colored tide emerged quietly, ignoring the realm of shadows, soaking in the lush virgin jungle.

Vaguely, Ivern heard a mournful roar echoing in his ears ~www.NovelMTL.com~ shaking his soul.

With the sound of the roar, he also saw endless waves of blood, rushing towards him, trying to pollute his will and his soul.

"The will of the abyss?"

Ivern's expression was solemn, and the dazzling brilliance of life flashed in his old eyes, resisting and eliminating the invisible pollution brought by the will of the abyss.


The sound of bones breaking? Ivern looked surprised and blinked, the abyss evil **** who trampled on nature has fallen...

The next moment!

Ivern resolutely gave up the emerald green roots extending from his body, and through this burst out the radiance of life that was as bright as a star.

【Grow beans and get melons】!

The broken green roots, like flowers in full bloom, turned into towering trees in an instant, firmly guarding Ivern's side, trying to resist something...

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