League of Legends Invades Another World

Vol 4 Chapter 703: Disorder of fate and chaos is approaching

The Grand Duchy of Tambefasa, the royal capital, Ducatilla.

When the first ray of morning light soaked the darkness, this prosperous city known for trade in the mainland of Kalademos ushered in a warm dawn, and the breeze blew across every street and corner of the city.

Click! Click! Click!

Suddenly, the sound of hurried footsteps broke the tranquil atmosphere of the city.

Listen carefully, the footsteps are a bit chaotic, but they maintain a certain order.

Looking along the source of the sound, I saw a criss-crossed street, walking out of a white robe, a pious look of believers, they walked along the marble floor, slowly rushing to the center of the city.

They lowered their eyes and sang hymns in their mouths, like a trend, step by step toward the place of inner guidance.

If not for every street intersection, there are temple knights in armor and sharp to maintain order, all this is like returning to the free and prosperous trading capital a few years ago.

The sun penetrated the shadows, and the gray morning mist slowly dissipated.

Every believer who passed through the array of temple knights would subconsciously look at the gold coin pattern engraved on the chest of the armor, with an unusually enthusiastic expression.

In Ducatilla, only the Temple of Wealth can engrave the holy emblem for the temple knights of its subordinates, which means that the supreme goddess of wealth is always guarded by his side.

Trends are surging, and the noisy atmosphere gradually awakens the sleeping city.

The believers walked together to the sacred place in their hearts, located in the center of the city, the majestic temple of wealth.


The darkness passed, and the dawn fell on the world.

The faint golden morning light sheds light from the sky, covering the majestic temple of wealth with a dense layer of golden gauze.

When it comes to the height of the building, the Temple of Wealth is not the tallest building in the city center. At least the palace of the Grand Duchy of Tambefasa is slightly higher than the Temple of Wealth.

However, comparing the two with each other, the Temple of Wealth is a more eye-catching and majestic building.

From a distance, the golden temple of wealth looks like a work of art meticulously carved by an art master. The transparent domes alternately upward, like golden stairs, and finally extend to the central main hall.

As the morning light fell, the layers of golden domes rendered a sacred halo.

In an instant!

The believers gathered in front of the Temple of Wealth are like being in the golden kingdom of gods in myths and legends. The surrounding light soaks through the skin, bringing a warm feeling and dispelling the coldness of the morning.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

In front of the empty temple square, a long bell suddenly rang, breaking the atmosphere of peace and tranquility, and then the giant gate of the temple suddenly opened, and a line of priests in golden robes stepped out.


The moment they saw the priest of the temple, the devout believers squatted on their knees, with their foreheads against the cold ground, chanting hymns loudly in their mouths.

And from the perspective that mortals can't see, countless tiny golden rays of light hovered over the temple square, like moths, flocking to the main hall at the center of the temple.

Mottled light and shadow.

The golden glow penetrates the glass dome and refracts in the magnificent main hall, like a spotlight, putting a golden gauze on a statue of the goddess of wealth cast from gold.

Looking closely, the gathered golden glow rippled with waves, and then merged into the statue of the goddess of wealth like a stream.

Buzzing! Buzzing! Buzzing!

The space trembles, and when the golden glow dissolves, there are layers of faint air ripples, and then a stalwart will descend, directly absorbing the power of pure faith that has gathered.


As if capturing an inexplicable breath, the will of the goddess of wealth Gladys was quickly condensed, and the golden statue revived in an instant, looking at the corner of the temple with eyes that looked like two melted golden balls.


"You actually left the Kingdom of Fadierha? A rare case."

"Gratis, long time no see."

The rich golden divine power emerged, and the figure of the **** of strength Dunn appeared in the main hall of the temple of wealth. His strong body was full of a sense of deterrence like a liger.

Compared with Gladys's light golden divine power, Dun En's divine power is much more solid, and it has a more sense of strength and oppression.

"Although I abandoned the previous alliance, it was also because of the threat posed by the bottomless abyss." Dunn raised his head to look at the will of Gladys, with a calm expression.

"Who would have thought that the great goddess of forest life, Eluna, would be unprepared and be hit hard by the bottomless abyss, and now he does not know his whereabouts and has no information."

The battle of Eluna Forest has long been spread among the gods of order.

The temple of life collapsed, the faith of countless believers in life was shattered, and some desperate people sacrificed their lives in order to call the attention of the goddess of life in the forest, but in vain in the end.

The Kingdom of Life, once full of life breath, is being drawn by the bottomless abyss, falling into the bottomless abyss.

All this is happening, faintly said that although Elune has not completely fallen, she has also suffered unimaginable injuries.

Longyou shallow water, tiger falls to Pingyang.

As the forest goddess Eluna lost all traces, the temple of life once distributed in the mainland of Karadimos collapsed.

The saddest thing is that around the devastating forest of Eluna, many ‘bloodthirsty wolves’ popped up overnight. They braved a terrifying energy storm to sack everything belonging to the life **** system.

News will come from time to time, and some lucky ones have found scattered divinities, even broken gods and artifacts, in the ruins full of abyssal aura.

For the gods, the above can only be said to be small scenes, and even more **** events happened in the dark.

Captures and killings are being staged all over the mainland of Kalademos, and the objects of capture and killing are the many high elves who collapsed and escaped.

Particularly popular among the ‘Jackals’ is a high elf with the blood of a god.

The purpose is self-evident, some people want to find the lost forest life goddess Eluna with the thin blood in the high elves.

"Okay, Dunen, just tell me something." Gladys looked down on Dunen in front of him, her heart full of vigilance.

Abandon the previous alliance relationship and leave it alone.

The spy that was installed in the Kingdom of Fadierha sent back a lot of disgusting information. This guy secretly manipulated the Temple of Power and caused countless murders in the kingdom. The remaining traces all point to them. They are looking for the high elves hidden in the kingdom. .

"Don't be so indifferent, Gladys!" The **** of strength Dunn said softly, "Well, we were once allies too."

As early as when the Kingdom of Stoke existed, in order to face the offensive of the Elan Faro Empire, the Kingdom of Fadierha and the Grand Duchy of Tambefasa signed a number of allies to fight against the Ice Temple and the Elan Faro Empire.

However, with the invasion of the Bottomless Abyss and the rise of Valoran collar, the relationship between the two of them is almost in vain.

Looking at Gladys's emotionless eyes, Dunn shrugged his shoulders and said: "I heard that you have a good relationship with the mysterious guys from Valoran. I have been very happy to cooperate recently."

"Then Valoran leader made a choice?"

"Isn't this something you should care about?" Gladys raised her brows lightly, the invisible field pressure was like a mountain, pressing down on Dun'en's shoulders.

This is the temple of wealth and her home ground. Here, she will not be afraid of any gods below the powerful divine power.

"Gratis, this is of course not something I care about." Dunn took a few steps forward, rippling in his indifferent eyes, and the long golden hair draped over his shoulders was windless.

"But you are very clear in your heart that the war of order and chaos does not allow the existence of neutrals!"

Huhu! Huhu! Huhu!

A silent atmosphere descended on the golden main hall, and the gentle breeze blew the ribbon of the robe, making a faint sound.

"I have informed Modrian that he will make the right choice!" The crisp voice sounded, and Gladys's expression returned to calm. Compared with the **** of power in front of her and the forces behind him, she was more willing to share with Modrian. cooperate.

However, as the gods of order, she has too many things to worry about, and this world, after all, is the supremacy of strength, and Modrian's strength is still too weak.

"Also, pay attention to your attitude, Dunn." Gladys said in a slightly warning tone.

Since Dun En appeared in the Temple of Wealth, this guy has seemed a bit aggressive, regardless of his voice or his attitude, ignoring the majesty of the Temple of Wealth.

"I admit that the war **** system is powerful, but the order **** system is not only the war **** system."

Hearing this, Dun'en raised his brows lightly, his expression was still, but there was a slight astonishment in his heart.

It seemed that it was a step too late after all, and Gladys had made her choice again and joined a powerful **** system no less than the war **** system.

This is not good news for Dunn.

At least he rushed into the Temple of Wealth this time, because he wanted to win Gladys for the Favkad Empire and the God of War behind him.

They highly value Gladys' own network of relationships.

The goddess of wealth, mastering the three priesthoods of money, trade and wealth, naturally has trade relations with many forces.

Once you get to Gladys, you can draw closer the relationship with many gods by the way.

"Since you have made your choice, I would like to express my apology this time and I will send you two pieces of information." Dunn took two steps back, restraining his momentum.

"The first one is about Modrian, your ally."

"I heard that there has been a lot of movement within the Valoran collar recently. The strong guards from all over the place went to the immortal fortress one after another, as if they were planning something. Many people have noticed that they hope not to cause unfriendly things." Dunn said softly, always maintaining a vigilant and disgusting attitude towards Valoran.

Thinking of Swain's interception and the fall of the lizardman **** Samuel, these facts silently told him that the power of Valoran collar was beyond his ability to resist.

Coupled with the invasion of the bottomless abyss, the chaos became more and more obvious, and the gods could not stay out of the matter. In the end, he made his own choice, relying on the Favkad Empire and the war **** system.

"The second article is about the kingdom of life."

"There has been no news under the crown of the goddess of forest life, Eluna, and the life **** system has also completely fallen, then...the kingdom of life will become an unowned thing." The words pause, the **** of power Dun'en Looking at the goddess of wealth in the center of the main hall, she looked inexplicable.

"Glass, you and I understand very well that the kingdom of life represents not only a kingdom of gods owned by the lord of the gods, but also a plane space that incorporates a lot of life divinities and functions of gods."

"So.... There are quite a few medium-powered gods who are eyeing this delicious cake!"

Without waiting for Gladys' response, Dun En leaned and bowed, his hazy figure turned into golden dust, UU reading www.uukanshu.com vanished in a flash.


The breeze blew across the glass dome, and a few faint golden rays disappeared, leaving only the empty main hall.

The goddess of wealth Gladys retracted her thoughts and digested the cruel news that Dunn had brought. It was not so much news as it was more like a notice from the war gods and the Falkard Empire.

The war of order and chaos will use the kingdom of life as a test point to kick off a grand performance.

But the truth behind it made Gladys feel helpless.

Under order, it may be far darker than chaos. This is ironic and ridiculous.

Taking a deep breath, Gladys looked intently at the square outside the temple. A pious lamb offered her the power of faith like a sea, and she must start to think about her future.

"Fate is disorderly, and death is approaching."

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