League of Legends Invades Another World

Chapter 197: Confrontation of shadows and shadows

Within the bounds of black and white shadows.

Modrian raised his head to look at Kadir not far away, and shook his head slightly and said, "No, no, it's not us, it's a contest between my followers and you."

It wasn't Modrian who flinched, but he felt Jie's inner desire, the thirst for the shadow, and seemed to be seeking his own change, making his own power more suitable for this world.

"Do you mean him?" Kadir turned to look at Dreyus who was fighting with Fielding, and said with a hint of sarcasm. "It's just a knight commander. Do you think he will be the opponent of Flo Demon?"

The demon strong who can escape from the abyss of the seal are far more powerful than the transcendent professionals. They have stronger physique, tougher defense, and the power of the abyss that can be manipulated.

And from the mouth of the subordinate who signed the contract, he knew that the Flo demon possessing Fielding was a strong man who survived the **** battle of the abyss.

So, everything will eventually end...

Um? Kadir looked at the battle area in amazement, and the scene reflected in his eyes made him feel inexplicably chill.


Slightly moving his wrists, Delius looked at the Flo demon flying in front of him indifferently, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, like a mockery.


As if perceiving the emotions of the strong human in front of him, Fielding let out a harsh scream, and his anger completely ignited his reason. He waved his sharp black claws and rushed towards the enemy at extreme speed, with a diffuse black mist surrounding him. , Forming a dark sky.

Scarlet energy radiated all over his body, burning the immersive black mist, and then Dreyus moved lightly, dodge Fielding's pounce on his side.

In the next instant, the bitter intention of killing was reflected in Dreyus' pupils like a substantive brilliance, and his right foot slammed on the ground, and the cobweb-like cracks tore the ground in the world of shadows.


The fist struck out like an erupting volcano, bombarding Fielding's face, and it was clear that transparent ripples appeared on his cheeks, and a little bit of black blood was broken and spread to the dark gray skin along the corners of his mouth.

"How is it possible, how is it possible, I am a high-level demon!"

An emotion called trembling fear appeared in Fielding's mind. He wanted to deny the current situation, but he clearly felt that the footsteps of death came from the human strong.

The dull voice completely shattered his beliefs, and the character of the Flo demon occupied his heart. He wanted to escape death, wanted to see the bright and beautiful world outside again, and wanted fresh human meat.

Betrayal and leave will be punished by the Lord! ?

Stick to the contract and welcome the arrival of death! ?

Still use selection?

No, no, I choose to survive!

Fielding suddenly inflamed the huge wings behind him and fluttered with the power of a heavy fist to escape, but a rough arm suddenly appeared in his field of vision, covering the sky and the ground, completely covering all his escape space.


Dreyus lowered his head and looked at Fielding's head, which was tightly held in his palm, a cold smile filled the corners of his mouth, pulling on the bloodthirsty and crazy temperament.

"The weak, your head is mine!"

Before the words fell, Delius shook his arm abruptly, and the sinuous muscles like dragons and snakes rose up under the armor, the scarlet energy burst, and a terrifying force burst out in an instant!


The deafening sound blasted loudly in the shadow world, countless rocks spattered from the ground with broken faces, and the dust raised veiled Dreyus' burly figure.

Then came a dozen or so clear bone cracks. Judging from the intensive time of the explosion, Fielding was almost half-worn after this fall. The high-level demon had lost his combat effectiveness before he made an effective attack. .

The dust dissipated slightly, and when he looked into his eyes, Fielding's huge black wings fell off his back, and the snow-white bones pierced directly from the end of the wings to his shoulders, and thick black blood stained his body.

"Cough cough, cough cough!" Fielding murmured while looking viciously at the burly figure above his head. "How can I lose? I have experienced **** battles in the abyss and survived..."

[Poisonous Spores]!

【Poisonous Spores: Flo Demon releases a cloud of poisonous spores, which fills a spherical area centered on itself, and fills all terrain corners. Creatures within the range of the spore cloud will suffer continuous poisonous damage. 】

Dark green energy brewed in Fielding's slightly cracked mouth, but how could such an obvious movement escape Dreyus's perception.

Flo Demon, who shook his wrist, was expecting a counterattack, and tasted the sensation of being kissed softly on the ground again. The pain penetrated his bones, and the trembling fear of death swept through his body.


"So you can see the situation clearly now?" Modrian smiled slightly, took out the gray spear from the space ring, and pointed it at Kadir casually, very provocatively.

"Yes, you can see clearly, and as you wish, my brother!" Kadir slowly lowered his head, his sullen and hoarse voice echoed all over his body, causing black and white distortions to surround him.

"I understand some of those people's choices now. Indeed, when you show off your edge, you look like our father!"

"Unfortunately, tonight is my stage!"

Kadir raised his head suddenly, his handsome face was covered with weird scales, scarlet color appeared in his light blue eyes, and a faint and transparent black mist permeated from the skin pores, forming a faintly devilish appearance. .

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, in order to completely extinguish the hope of those people, in order to be able to kill you in a fair manner, I betrayed everything I have!"

"So I am not an ordinary believer in the devil, but a genuine blood of the devil with the blood of the lord!"

A frantic and disorderly look appeared on Kadir's face~www.NovelMTL.com~ but Modrian's expression was a little unpredictable. Was it horrified by the news he said, or did he have something to rely on?

Compared with inferior goods such as devils believers, the devil bloodline is completely another concept.

They are appreciated by the devil either because of their own talents or other reasons; they will obtain the evil blood essence of the devil, and then through rituals or sacrifices, they will integrate the devil's blood into themselves, thereby throwing away the mortal body. Transformed into a semi-demonic existence.

Although this process is not easy, and as the demonization deepens, the price to be paid is also increasing, and the resources required are also increasing, but the final result is to be able to become a real devil walking on the world. In order to obtain the power and life span of the devil.

The blood of the devil, as the name suggests, is the direct blood descendant of the devil, and its strength and strength are far from comparable to those of dead devils.

The so-called blood of the lord even more represents the blood essence of an abyss lord, the power sustenance of a legendary crown, that Kadir has integrated.

Above, Modrian searched for information about the devils and devil bloodlines in his memory. Then he looked at Kadir indifferently, raised his left hand, and placed his throat to make a throat cut, which was full of provocation.

"Do you want to die so much? Modrian, then I..." The scarlet brilliance burned like a raging fire in Kadir's eyes, and the anger eroded the only light of reason in his mind. .

The accident happened in an instant, and the black mist that filled Kadir's body seemed to be a stern devil roaring inexplicably, piercing and disturbing.

A black blade appeared behind Kadir and stabbed to the neck silently, like a deadly poisonous snake, and a faint breath of death descended.

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