Demon possession usually appears in the darkest legends or heroic deeds, which means that evil comes to the world and will cause the souls of a country to become charcoal.

The most notable introduction text in the story is: No matter how strong the magic circle that seals the abyss of the abyss, the powerful demon will always find a way to break free of its entrapment.

When the demon essence escapes from its seal formation, it will quickly become attached to its mortal host. At this time, the abyss will occasionally conceal the fact of its possession and pretend to be an ordinary person, and sometimes show its evil nature with the body of its host without fear.

Coincidentally, when Fielding showed his evil essence, he encountered Agnes, a passing power temple, and was severely injured by a random blow. If it weren't for the demon's tyrannical defensive power, he would almost annihilate death.

He was rescued by Kadir while he was seriously injured and was imprisoned in a secret room. He was fed with blood and given the power of the devil in exchange for Kadir.

In a very helpless but realistic situation, that accident caused a dark life in captivity for the next few years.

"The power of the devil is not so easy to obtain. People who have stolen the fish will keep stealing it. Even if the gambling person chops their hands, they can't solve the gambling addiction. Therefore, with his help, Kadir officially meets the shadow side. Scripps signed a devil contract." Fielding still couldn't believe that the Lord of Shadows would choose Kadir to become the devil blood, but since it was the Lord's will, he could not object.

Therefore, it is time to get rid of the nobles in front of me, to comfort my soul who desires blood. Fielding stepped forward, tearing the cardigan with overflowing black energy, revealing a hard and rough dark gray skin, and an increasingly weird appearance.

This is the demon transformation! ?

Modrian's expression changed slightly, and a helpless expression appeared on his face. He didn't expect to guess that the devil's breath would really be a demon-possessed guy. Judging from its appearance, it seemed to be a high-level demon from the bottomless abyss.

The pale hair dragged down and turned into a dark gray bald head. The dark gray skin was exposed to the world of shadows, absorbing the floating particle energy. The sharp claws extending on the arm looked like the claws of some kind of bird, and a cold light shined. A black and white courtyard.


The huge black wings that resemble bats suddenly spread out, and the faintly faint energy stirred the black and white environment to change, like active, wild, like congratulating the coming of the devil, but a wave Dirty smell spilled into the air.

"High-level Demon: Flo Demon!!!" Modrian muttered to himself as he watched the scene in front of him. The demon that had been transformed before him was almost the image of Flo demon kept in ancient books.

As a high-level demon with slightly lower intelligence and capricious personality, the Flo Demon usually creates

Pain and killing are the goals of survival. Their appearance is a mixture of the characteristics of vultures and humanoids, and they have a twisted beast body and a pair of wide wings that constantly exudes foul smell.

Flo demons like to gnaw humanoids with big mouths. They first stun the target with deafening screams, and then dive down from the air to attack with peck and claws. Flo demon can also flap its wings to release a cloud of poisonous spores to attack the target.

In addition, it is additionally recorded in the books that the Flo demons have a strong desire for beautiful things, and they even fight for cheap jewellery or stone ornaments among the same species. However, the Flo demons, who are eager for treasures, never accept bribes, because in their eyes, it is not as easy to grab them directly from the corpses of potential bargainers rather than bargaining with each other. (This is very devil!)

"Perhaps it should be more than the Flo demon now. The demon behind him will blend with the host's memory. Judging from the current situation, it is obvious that human wisdom has the upper hand." Modrian thought intently.

However, the devil is always a demon, and will not give up his desire because of human memory. The Flo demon in front of him is eager to kill, eager to cause pain, and eager for the blood of the strong man.

[Shock and scream]!

【Shocking Scream: Flo Demon uttered a terrifying scream. Every creature within its vicinity that can hear its scream must make a Constitution saving throw. If the saving throw fails, it will fall into a state of fear and shock. 】

In the next instant, horrible screams sounded in the shadow world, setting off waves of transparent ripples, and then turning into a storm to spread forward, scouring a clean road.

Seeing this, Modrian looked at Kadir aloft, showing a faint smile, his figure standing still, seemingly unable to see the terrifying power of the Demon Flo.


The transparent storm turned into fragments in the rough palm of his hand. Dreyus took his steps and walked towards Fielding (Flo Demon) step by step. No emotion could be seen on his firm face, but the black cutter was behind him. , Did not remove it.

"Human strong man, do you look down on me so much?" Fielding stretched out his smelly tongue and licked the corner of his mouth. The biting chill filled his eyes. The knight commander, he hadn't killed him before. In the abyss blood battle, He has slaughtered a lot of Calademos But in a flash, Fielding's face suddenly changed, and the huge black wings behind him vibrated wildly, and the stench was overflowing. He wanted to take his figure. Lift off.


The fist wrapped in scarlet energy attacked outrageously, as if a tiger came out of its cage, the wild and restless aura directly dispelled the abyssal demon aura overflowing in the air, and immediately bombarded that ugly face.


The dark gray figure turned into a cannonball to penetrate the walls in the courtyard, the collapsed stones buried Fielding's body, and the remaining pitch-black wings twitched constantly, raising waves of dust.

"Damn, damn, human strong, I want to kill you and extract your soul for a hundred years!"

Incited by the pitch-black wings, Fielding rushed out of the collapsed wall, suspended in the air, his ugly face was slightly swollen, and a little sticky blood stained the corners of his mouth.

The cold light flickered, and Fielding waved his claws and circled the sky above Dreyus at extreme speed. The anger made the already sane human memory completely out of control. All he wanted now was to solve the human powerhouse in front of him, and then Divide and eat.


On the other side, the aura of rivalry became more intense, and the black and white mist covered most of the area.

"Now, it's time for a contest between us!" After taking a look at the battle on Fielding's side, Kadir said gloomily. He believes in the combat power of high-level demons, which is not what a knight commander can do. The resistance is at least not what the knight commander from the bitter cold north can resist.

"No, no, it's not us!" Modrian shook his head gently and said, through the connection of the system, he felt that Jie's figure was approaching Kadir, the range of dense shadows.

The assassin lurking in the shadows will cut off the last breath of the enemy!

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