League of Legends Invades Another World

Chapter 190: The Realm of Shadows (1)

On the top floor of the mage tower engraved with purple patterns, an old mage with a white beard mopping the floor watched with interest the young man saluting in front of the door, and the starting point ripples in his turbid eyes.

"Huh? Interesting use of spells........Wood spells? Paired with real objects... to form specific spell effects.... Well, it's more than that, it seems more complicated than alchemy?"

The old voice echoed in the top room, and the faint energy fluctuations dragged some precious and extraordinary materials. In a specific space, they collided, annihilated, and blended, and merged into a strange picture.

"Sure enough, is it a new spell research?"

Unexpectedly, the old Mage Whitebeard shook his head slightly, stretched out his right finger to the scroll on the wooden table, the thin line spread out, the scroll opened, and he carefully scanned the magic image stored on it.

"Modrian Perris, Baron of the Kingdom, Lord Valoran, well, it was him, a very interesting little guy."

"Unfortunately, I was stared at by those distorted shadows! I am still very interested in those spell studies!"

Interest and help are two different things. With his current status, when the storm gathers here, the impact is unpredictable.

And according to his previous promise, he couldn't intervene in the struggle of each of the Valente family.


The magical image dissipated, and the scroll fell to the ground. I don't know when, the old white-bearded mage was already asleep, and a slight grunt sounded slowly.


The red sun of Chiyan hangs in the blue sky, and the vertical and falling sunlight penetrates the clouds like cicada wings, enveloping Limontanlu, bringing the warmth of the spring sun.

The power temple located in the southeast area was plunged into a solemn atmosphere, and a little bit of sunlight shone on the building complex, reflecting a misty golden glow.

In the main temple, the statue of the **** of power stands in the center, with his right hand on his chest and his left hand holding the long sword at his waist. A golden armor covers the whole body, reflecting the spring sunshine, which looks luxurious and unusual.

Under the golden glow, the head of the idol was slightly tilted to the left, as if facing the world with his left face, vaguely blurred. In fact, the face of a **** is never something mortal can detect.

From the sound of prayer, there is a divine light escaping from the idol, gentle but not dazzling, with a touch of comfort, which can heal all pains.

The red archbishop Agnes knelt on the ground, his golden red cloak dragged to the ground, his hands clasped together, touching his forehead, he was praying with words in his mouth, his expression focused and pious.


The door of the temple was pushed open, and a knight in silver-gray armor strode forward, and after hearing the sound of prayer, he stopped silently, half-kneeling on the ground with an expression of reverence.

"What's the matter? Polite." Agnes said without turning her head back as she listened to the prayer.

"The group of shadow demons are crazy, they want to sacrifice directly in broad daylight, and summon the realm of shadows to come." Pollet first saluted the image of the **** of power, and then said in a low voice.

"Sacrifice? What's going on, this is Limon Tanlu, is there no one to stop them?" Agnes stood up from the ground, her calm eyes like a sea of ​​clouds.

"This is also my strange place. The place of worship is near the Cecil Arena, and the Cecil family allows the group of lunatics to enter the area under their control." Pollet lowered his head and said respectfully.

The faint divine power fluctuations drove the energy fluctuations, and Agnes closed her eyes and focused, watching Cecil's arena silently by the power of the idol. (In the shrouded area of ​​the Violet Mage Tower, the legendary Agnes is closely monitored.)

"It turns out that it is His Royal Highness Saroyan, who has given up monitoring, don't let people misunderstand that the Temple of Power also wants to participate." Agnes opened her eyes, and the golden sacred light flashed in her pupils.

"Yes, under the crown of Agnes."

Polite bowed in response, and then turned away quite simply. In the power temple of the Kingdom of Stoke, the order under the crown of Agnes was equivalent to a divine order, and no one would choose to disobey.

"The battle for the seat of the king has not yet begun. Is this the pre-dinner dish served in advance?"

Agnes’s prayer sounded again, still a prayer to praise the **** of strength, but it echoed in the main hall of the main temple like Hong Zhong Dalu, layers of sacred light slowly emerged, and the standing figure turned white and blue. The whale, absorbing the materialized sacred light as much as possible.

Gradually, in the dim light, as if it were an illusion, a tall armored figure with majestic eyes stood in the position where Agnes was.


Cecil Arena, secret room on the third floor.

Saroyan looked down at the noisy and **** arena, her feminine face with a little inexplicable madness. "Bessemer, are you ready over there?"

"Of course, the Cecil family is here for you!" Bessimo stood quietly behind her, her calm face without emotion, guarding Saroyan like a machine.

"Then you? Priest Okas!" Saroyan turned his head and stared at the shadow standing in the shadow on the left, as if he wanted to see through the dark cloak.

"Already ready, the shadow is bound to fall." The low voice whispered like a viper neighing, piercing and restless, with a hint of blood.


The blazing white flames filled the arena with unparalleled scorching heat. It was the fire of victory that represented the victor, and the surging heat wave nearly overturned the roof of the arena.

Beside the **** gladiatorial cage, thousands of crazy people were shouting loudly, venting the fullness of reality, venting the accumulated but unreleased desires.

Life is varied. At this moment, the Cecil Arena staged scenes of sinking into decline. A faint invisible black mist filled the air, and was immediately attracted to somewhere~www.NovelMTL.com~ Let’s start, this time I A well-prepared feast, it's time for those who underestimated me to face my existence! "

The dark lines engraved in the corners of his eyes made Saroyan look a little weird at this moment. In a vague way, deep blue scales emerged on the surface of the skin, and the hideous aura slowly rose.


Da da! Da da!

Modrian walked in the alley with heavy steps, and he remained in this state ever since he left the Violet Mage Tower.

What is his true desire in his heart during this trip to Limon Tanlu? For Your Highness Guy? Shit, being forced to join, even if the reward is compensated, it can't stop his disgust.

The seat of the king? Sorry, for him, he would rather be an obscure lord, living in the mountains covered in ice and snow.

"Actually, my wish is very simple. I just want to live safely and securely and take a look at the mountain scenery of the mainland of Karademos!"

"Unfortunately, there are always people who want to fight against me, and there are always people who want me to be a dog and bite people like crazy!" Modrian half-squinted, and a bloodthirsty mania appeared in his pupils. He didn't want to be patient, he didn't want to. Be peeped at all times.

Especially now, he felt a strange breath in the quiet alley. He should have been aware of it earlier, but inexplicable thoughts were bothering him.

Tilted his head to look at Delius, and after seeing a casual nod, Modrian continued to walk towards where he lived.

With the sound of the door opening, Modrian had just stepped into the courtyard, an unexpected color appeared on his face.

The scenery in the courtyard remains the same, the ground is still the ground, the flowers and plants are still flowers, and the corridors are still corridors, but there are no other colors, only black and white are intertwined.

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