The misty and dense spring rain gently knocked on the flat bluestone pavement, splashing some transparent raindrops. The road from Fort Worth to the town of Irvingdale was completely covered by layers of rain and mist like gauze. The forests near and far were baptized by rain. , Revealing the greenery of spring, the pace of the prosperous spring season seems to come early.

Da da! Da da! Da da!

A black heavy cavalry team of more than 20 people rode on a scarlet war horse and ran like thunder in the rain. The majestic aura permeated, tearing open the dense drizzle.

The thick mask concealed Modrian's face, and the scarlet color in his pupils kept flowing. He had just been promoted to the knight commander. He had too many details about his own strength to explore, and because of the choice of the war knight path, Many heroes under his command provide limited help.

More is to rely on his own exploration, including the understanding and use of [Knight's Aura: Bloody Radiance], each time there will be a different harvest, like an endless treasure that can be slowly digging.


The sky-blue blue bird soars in the rainy night and early in the morning, and the spreading slender wings leave clear marks on the rain curtain. The subtle cyan energy surges, as if it melts into the sky and the earth. The dense and blurred drizzle ignores her existence, and there has never been a drop of rain falling on the body. .

The cold wind blows, the blue bird soars and circulates, making a full moon-like mark in the air, and then it falls like a sharp arrow, suspended on Modrian's shoulder, the bird's beak moves slightly, as if it is whispering.

"Gregory is waiting on the side of the road?" Modrian frowned slightly. This time he did not choose to pass through the town of Irvingdale, but set off directly from Fort Divaux, wanting to save some trouble.

But now it seems that there should be something important, otherwise Gregory will not come here without authorization. The laws of the Noxian Empire are harsh beyond imagination.

Modrian waved his right hand and signaled the soldiers of Dreyus and Trefaly Legionnaires behind him to slow down. This time he went to Limuntanlu. There were not many entourages. After all, it was the capital of a country. Too many people would cause unnecessary disputes. Especially when the storm is about to rise, the eye-catching person will always be remembered.

Headed by Dreyus, Worthman as his deputy, and 20 soldiers from the Trefary Legion, are the entourages of this long journey.

In addition, considering the strength of the legend and the intelligence, the fellow Jana and Jie are in the dark of the team to prevent unexpected changes.


The breeze is carrying the lush spring rain dripping on the lush green grass on the roadside, watering the dense trees on both sides of the road, and the occasional sound of horse snoring will blow a vacancy on the dense rain curtain.

Looking closer, a silent array of black cavalry stood in the continuous drizzle, allowing the cold raindrops to disperse on the surface of the armor, turning into transparent water droplets.

"Hey, Horace, are we just waiting like this?" In front of the black array, at the right edge of the black array, Congreve, wearing armor, moved his stiff body slightly and whispered softly.

"Why not greet you in the town of Irvingdale? But in this **** rain curtain, baptized by the rain!"

The young man called Horace kept a straight posture. Hearing the words of his companions, he explained softly without looking back: "Because Lord Lord has his own considerations, perhaps he didn't want to enter Irvingdale. The idea of ​​the town."

Recalling the experience of joining the town guards of Irvingdale these days, Horace's heart is full of surprise and curiosity. The strict upper and lower levels, strong combat ability, and perfect tacit cooperation are given to him by the Noxus Empire Cavalry. The shock, compared with his knowledge, is no less than the elite cavalry army guarding the capital.

The scenes of training and combat that he saw also forced him to firm up some of his inner thoughts, which is why he is standing here today.

"Okay, okay, I don't want to know what other noble lords have other thoughts." Congreve glanced at the figure at the front of the array from the corner of his eye, and continued to whisper.

"I just want to know how long we have to wait? I miss the warm bath water at home a little bit."

"According to the distance, it should be..." Horace stopped his voice abruptly and raised his constricted eyes, his deep gaze seemed to penetrate the rain curtain and went straight into the distance.

At the same time, Gregory, at the forefront of the black cavalry array, pulled the reins, gently clamped the horse's belly, and slowly stepped forward, and Horace followed him in a tacit understanding.

"Hey, Horace, you..." Congreve who was beside him said in surprise, looking uncertainly at Zongma's partner who left the queue, feeling a little bewildered.

The laziness and freedom that once belonged to mercenaries were almost wiped out under the Noxian military training. What is left is the unreserved execution of orders, such as the prohibition of orders.

A cavalry team of more than 20 people broke through the rain curtain, and the roaring horses' hooves crushed the dense rain water, splashing a little muddy water. After seeing the situation here, the leader gently pulled the reins and stepped on the horse. Leaping high, the thick horseshoe kicked the falling rain.

"My lord, well!" Gregory said when he saw this, he went forward and saluted respectfully.

Modrian lifted his visor, with no expression on his calm face, glanced at the cavalry beside Gregory and asked.

"What's the important thing?"

"It's Horace who wants to see you, some news about Limon Tanlu." Gregory pointed to Horace, who was calm on his side, and said. The recruited mercenary found himself late last night and talked about Some important things.

"Horace Lindbergh Dahler, I have seen Baron Modrian!" Horace took off his helmet, placed his right hand on his chest, and held the sharp sword with his left hand. Standard aristocratic etiquette.

Modrian squinted his eyes and looked at Horace, who was saluting in front of look of surprise disappeared in a flash.

"Lindberg, Dahler? I seem to have heard of it somewhere... Perris Castle... About Limousin... I remembered it."

"Ha, I didn't expect that the barren Northland would attract a nobleman of the Dal family. It seems that the royal capital is indeed a lot of lively. Is it looking for a helper?" Modrian said calmly, staring at Horace.

There is only one noble in the Stoke Kingdom with Dalla as the surname, the hereditary marquis of the kingdom, the Dal family, and the current Marquis of Dal is the kingdom’s finance minister, the real top family.

"It seems that the previous rumors are not wrong. Baron Modrian is really not very popular in the Perris family, and I have never heard of my name." Horace said with a wry smile. From what he said, it seems that he is Very famous in the circle of nobility.

Hearing that, Modrian was not disrupted by Horace's words. He once again looked at Horace's expression and was also looking for related memories in his mind.

"Horace... Lindbergh... The Daller family... Wait, is it you?" Modrian Huo Ran recalled listening to it at the family banquet a long time ago The anecdote I have visited, my face is a little weird, that is the rumor that has been circulating from the ancient times in the royal capital.

"Aren't you being sent out of the Kingdom of Stoke and will not be able to come back forever?"

"Yes, it's me." Horace pointed to his face and nodded in confession. "Lifetime!? Ha ha, I still have a lot of things to put down, how can I escape in embarrassment?"

"Presumably Baron Modrian still has some doubts, why would I look for you at this time?"

"It's very simple, I want to make a deal with you!"

"With Limon Tanlu's news..."

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