League of Legends Invades Another World

Chapter 168: Preparation before leaving

In 1459, the glorious memorial day ended in a bustling noise, leaving behind the scene after the carnival! .

Most of the ordinary people in the northern part of the kingdom returned to the busy state of the past, struggling in the hot melting pot of life for the families behind them and for a more decent life.

Compared with the hard life of the people at the bottom, many small and medium-sized nobles began to rush to different elegant mansions in the city of Adalas, praying for some scraps of information from the so-called top aristocratic forces.

Some of them have chosen the affiliated forces early, but most of them are still waiting and watching.

In the surging water of the dark tide, no one can see the specific situation. The most important thing is that the old king is still suffering and has not fallen. This gives uncertainty to the matter.

And now the forces that choose to stand are basically court nobles, and a small number of meritorious nobles who have carved certain noble emblems themselves. Under the pressure of the destruction of dark clouds, they have no alternative.

These changes belonged to the upper-class society, but they also began to affect the people at the bottom subtly. Even the most shining pearl of the Silver Pine Province, the city of Adalas, was deeply affected by the surging undercurrents.

Many well-informed trading merchants began to sell materials on a large scale. Safe economic transactions were their first consideration. The chaotic country is the most unpopular area for merchants. Golden shields and life, smooth merchants have long made a decision.

Of course, some businessmen who want to make war fortune are not in this category. War and wealth, life and interests are their ultimate pursuit.

In addition to these changes, many wandering mercenaries and mercenary groups with sufficient prestige have flooded into the city of Adalas, either because of the visible opportunities to make contributions, or to follow the will of the nobles behind them.

In short, the calm city of Adalas was surging, and the darkness under the light spread across the corners.

Not only the city of Edaras, but also the Kingdom’s war barriers, the Gate of Sorrow, and the city of Lanvasul (the home of the Geoffrey family) standing to the northeast, are more or less chaotic.


Lunwall Mountains, Lakstark Fortress.

The crimson dawn shines among the peaks, and Winter's footsteps have not yet left, setting off the cold places everywhere, rendering light ink watercolor scrolls.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

A low roar of faint coercion echoed in the sky, an elite team composed of silver-gray dragons and birds hovered over the fortress, spreading wings covering the rising red sun, sharp minions ripping away the crimson halo, and slender bodies. In the peaks of the mountains.

[Demacia dragonfowl: Demacia dragonfowl are the top ferocious predators, they mainly live among towering cliffs, and the cold wind is cold. Nevertheless, in extremely rare circumstances, some brave people can become close companions with these creatures and become a dragon and bird rider. 】

[The Demacia Dragonfowl Knights served in the Demacia Empire Legion, playing the role of scouting the enemy's situation and disrupting the enemy's front. They are an extremely elite team. 】

The Demacia dragonfowl rider, wearing armor made of Demacia steel that resembles the wings of a dragon and bird, sits on the back of the dragon bird, staring coldly at the roads in the mountains, and the dark blue cloak pulls out a touch of magnificence. color.

At the same time, the forest of the Renwall Mountains was full of inspection teams composed of the Noxian Expeditionary Cavalry and the Noxian Scarlet Cavalry. They guarded all parts of the mountain strictly to prevent any spies from stepping into the fortress.

"Lord Lord, you all have arrived." Outside the silent study, Kelan knocked on the door lightly and said.


Modrian stood in front of the bronze mirror, staring at himself in the mirror. The broken golden hair was draped over his shoulders when it was deliberately long. It showed wildness like a lion's mane, and the dark red color in the dark pupils flickered. The white face was full of solemnity.

A white shirt with folded edges, a pure black waistcoat, and loose gray trousers, to cover up the muscles that are just right, and a refreshing and good temperament, but it has long been different from the appearance in memory.

Turning his head slightly, Modrian looked at the huge gray building standing in the center of Lakstark Fortress in his field of vision. The red-bottomed double-edged axe and the flag of Noxus were flying high on the left and right sides of the building. Passing through the illusory air, it led to Fort Divu on the other side.

At this moment, there is a team of dragons and lizards, carrying steel carts full of goods walking on the construction road, and the Noxian Empire cavalry escorted them forward.

"Nox Stola!" Modrian muttered the name of the building lightly. The changes brought to Valoran by the portal of the Noxian Empire were visible to the naked eye.

Lakstark Fortress relied on Fort Divau and the development speed of the towns of Irvingdale to be brought to the extreme. Modrian was secretly amazed whether it was the shortening of the distance or the saved material and manpower.

Modrian reformed his clothes, left the study, and headed to the palace hall of Lakstark fortress.


The once dilapidated palace hall reproduces the majestic splendor of the ice and snow dwarf era, the piled corpses are completely emptied, the dark gray floor is paved, more than a dozen thick stone pillars carved with mysterious patterns support the towering dome, and bright magic lights are spilled. .

The trails on the left and right have been completely cleared, and the walls have also been opened up, leading directly to the inner hall at the back.

The high steel throne stands on the steps, and the Noxian scarlet cavalry, wearing crimson armor on both sides, is neatly arranged to guard the throne. The red and black heavy lances lean towards the sky, with heavy faces Under the armour are cold and merciless eyes.

At this moment, many people have been seated on the seats on both sides of the palace. On the left are the heroes of the Noxian Empire headed by Dreyus, including the rage knight Kree, the undead war **** Sion, etc., as well as performances. Very good mid-level generals, Gregory and Worthman.

On the right are the kind and lawful Valoran heroes, with Bobby at the top, Wings of Demacia Quinn, followed by Swift Scout Timo and the drunken Barrel Gula. Gas,

As for the lord of the shadow stream, Jie stood quietly on the left hand side of the Iron Throne, with his hands hanging down, his eyes closed slightly to calm his mind.

Da da! Da da! Da da!

With crisp and powerful footsteps echoing in the palace, Modrian wandered onto the steel throne, watching the heroes in the hall, and a quiet atmosphere descended.

"Lord Lord, these are some recent events and planned tasks for the next two months." Silently following Modrian's Crane, the butler of Fort Digger, took out a notepad full of words from his arms. , Said softly.

Modrian took the notepad and looked through it carefully, knocking on the left armrest of the Iron Kingdom with his left hand, and soon he returned the notepad to Klan.

"The dark tide is about to sweep, so you can reserve some materials in advance, and if the self-cultivation farm can be self-sufficient, try to buy some lacking materials."

"For the guards, how about the completion of the arrangements?" Modrian asked Gregory who was sitting last on his left hand side.

"A group of mercenaries have been recruited, but the effect is not satisfactory. They are not used to Noxian training." Gregory said.

"But rest assured, adults, they will be loyal to Valoran soon!"

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