League of Legends Invades Another World

Chapter 147: The last struggle

Wag Sky!

The name of the sky of the power **** realm, the place where the palace of the power **** lives.

Among the many myths and heroic deeds circulating in the mainland, there are often miracles born in the **** sky, and occasionally you can even see the palace of the **** of power.

Of course, Modrian usually treats the written heroic stories as wild history, but it does not prevent him from acquiring some knowledge and information about the gods.

Looking up at the almost golden sky, Modrian's face was solemn. This should be the second time he saw the terrifying effects of super-order spells. The first time was released by a legendary demon from the abyss in Raxtalk Fortress. Soul spells.

And now, he saw the so-called super-order spells again.

"Legend!" Modrian muttered to himself. He looked at Nancy, who was suspended in the air and buried by golden light. A breath of vast and majestic shore was looming, oppressing the people who had not left.

The birth of every super-order spell is inseparable from the legendary law professional, but it does not mean that the release of super-order spells must be the road to legend.

Some powerhouses standing at the peak of the Magister (Bishop/Knight Commander) can use super-order spells across tiers at some cost, such as lifespan, such as some rare things. (This is the case with Nancy.)

Modrian is very unfortunate. In just two years, he has experienced the baptism of two super-order spells.

"Is there a real power gap? There is indeed a gap."

He looked at the figures of Bobby and Gulagas not far away, his cold expression dissipated on his face, a bright smile blooming, what about the Temple of Power? To become a well-known hero in Valoran Continent, no one is mediocre, they are all talented.


"Hiccup........ At the time of carnival, crush the enemy!" Gulagas gently tossed the ale barrel, and the overflowing wine stained his fat body, making him look a little crazy at this moment. .

As a guy who can walk out of the Howling Abyss and cause a tribal fight that only appears in the legend of Freljord, how can he retreat in fear?

[Drunk and raging]!

A manic look appeared on Gulagas' fat face, his sturdy arm muscles were raised, and the deep purple life energy was permeated. He held the barrel of ale, and once again launched a charge towards Nancy.

A legend who can be called a fight provoked, Gulagas is unleashing his desire to fight to his heart's content.

[Meat Bomb Impact]!

The heavy footsteps shattered the road, and the fine dust rose up, faintly covering the wide and fat body of Gulagas, but the momentum had risen at the moment, and the smell of wine filled the air.

"This cup will definitely make you feel better!"


The golden brilliance pervading the sky is like falling rain, and a mysterious scene appears. Drops of golden drizzle seem to be drawn by unknown forces, slowly forming a golden crown in front of Nancy.

"Crown of Strength Varg Sky!"

Nancy gazed at the golden crown piously. This was the first time he had used a super-order spell, and it was also the first time he felt the vast and mighty power so clearly.

The shape of the golden crown is very similar to the crown on the head of the **** of power that appears in the murals of the Temple of Power.

"I have to pay for what I have given!" There was anger in the low voice, and Nancy stretched out her hands to touch the crown in front of her, and put it solemnly on the top of her head.

Chi Chi!

The dazzling golden light burned like a flame on Nancy's old body, and the twisted and transparent halo reflected the sunlight in the sky, colorful.

"Power, the power to pry into the legendary road! I traded it for ten years of life!"

Nancy looked enthusiastic. He didn't believe that there were still people in Valoran's collar that could stop him. The light of faith from the Temple of Power would eventually spread to every corner of the domain.

And he won not only rewards from within the temple, but even rewards from the vagrant firmament.

The gain is proportional to what he has paid. This hole card that he has hidden for many years will allow him to go to a higher level on the original basis, not only the temple status, but also the strength he wants-into the legend the road.


Unparalleled power came in an instant, the fat belly hit Nancy's body, and the Holy Light Qin Shield was full of cracks.


The ale barrel and the holy light shield shattered at the same time, and the majestic energy fluctuations lifted Nancy, the pious and fanatical expression has not dissipated, and the expression of the wrong forehead will appear again, a very strange expression combination.

"Hiccup!" Gulagas stood swayingly, took out a barrel of ale from the space ring again, uncorked the cork, and the rich aroma of ale once again overflowed.

Gulagas touched the top of his head, and a trace of rune fluctuations flashed through the silver mark obscurely.

"Happy hour, officially begins!"

[Blast the wine barrel]!

【Blasting Keg: Gulagas threw his keg, causing huge magical damage to all enemies in the range, and blasting them back from the center of the range. 】

Under the golden sky, a barrel of brown wooden barrel overflowing with wine moved around in the air, and finally stopped in front of Nancy, who had just taken control of her body. The somewhat distorted face had an indescribable weirdness.


The terrifying explosion sounded through the town of Irvingdale, and a large number of building stones and dirt were cracked and annihilated by invisible shocks. Waves of energy rushed through Nancy, and the crown of Wag sky radiated golden light, blocking it. With spattered wooden barrel fragments.

"Damn~www.NovelMTL.com~Why is this? How can that guy be so powerful?"

Golden blood dripped from the corner of Nancy's mouth, eroding the damaged ground, and high-intensity energy was contained in the blood, corroding the slate as easily as sulfuric acid.

He looked at the obnoxious obese figure, his old face puzzled.

"No, I haven't lost yet, the power of the Valg Sky Crown is still there, and I still have a chance!"

The substantial golden scepter is condensed in the right hand, the legendary name is added to my body, and Nancy walks out of the overflowing energy waves.

"I, Nancy Peters, Temple of Power..."

Before Nancy spoke, a small figure and a golden warhammer with her two heights were reflected in the shrinking old pupils.

[Heroic Charge]!

【Heroic Charge: Poppy charges towards the hostile target and can cause a certain small range of damage after collision. When the force is formed, the target will be hit by a powerful force, and it will have a knockback effect. 】

Bobby stomped through the floor with his right foot and sank into the blue street. Oren's hammer slammed and slammed it viciously at Nancy, tearing a clear trace of air.

Subconsciously, Nancy raised the golden scepter and pointed it at Bobby, erecting him with a thin and hard light shield that was almost transparent, and then shattering and annihilating each other, it was impossible to limit Bobby's figure holding Oren's hammer.

[High-level Spell: Thunder of Confession]!

[Thunder of Confession: Lightning falls in front, causing continuous light magic damage to the enemy. The enemy struck by the last lightning has a certain chance to enter the state of repentance. 】

The golden lightning came suddenly, and danced straight down towards Bobby, tearing out a forked road of lightning along the way.

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