Dim and dim magical lights hung down in the exquisite room, shining on the surface of the blue and white bottle, reflecting a picture of mountains, birds and streams, with a rich and elegant artistic atmosphere.

At this moment, Modrian was sitting on the edge of the bed with finely carved patterns, closed his eyes, and the scarlet breathing method was running, his body undulating with the rhythm of an inexplicable rhythm.

The muscles under the white casual clothes expand and contract between breathing, and the red life energy permeates the room through the clothes, fickle, and finally condenses into a substantive scarlet brilliance, which is stagnant behind Modrian.


A slight air trembling sounded, and at the same time, the bed curtains, vases, tables and chairs, and magic lights hanging on the ceiling in the room were trembling slightly, as if they would burst at any time, wailing constantly.

Suddenly, Modrian's face flushed, and the densely packed blood penetrated the facial pores, mixed with substantial life energy, which was a bit shocking.


He spit out a mouthful of blood, his breathing rhythm was disorderly, his undulating body shook violently like a twitch, and the stagnant scarlet radiance slowly dissipated.

Until a quarter of an hour later, all the visions disappeared, only the blood on the floor exuded a faint fishy smell.

Modrian opened his eyes, and his brown pupils seemed to split into small slits, and a light blood spread to the corners of his eyes.

"Failed again... It seems that this layer of shackles can only be broken through through the system." He wiped off the blood from the corners of his mouth, put on a set of casual clothes, and looked down at his callous hands.

"It's really unwilling to be reconciled. The limitations of talent make people desperate. No matter how hard it is, it is just futile."

"Fair, maybe." Modrian thought of his own system. This is the way this world is. Fairness will always be relative fairness.

Boom! Boom!

"Lord Lord." Gregory stood outside the room, knocking gently on the door.

Modrian waved casually to deal with the faint blood on the floor, his face calmly sat behind the desk, as if nothing had happened, browsing the secret message that Cooper handed over.

"come in."

The door opened lightly, and Gregory walked in slowly in pitch black armor, his nostrils tumbling, as if he could smell something, but his expression remained as usual, standing in front of Modrian.

"This is a cleansed list. Many of them are our fine iron trading partners, and some are suppliers of weapons and equipment." Gregory handed a blood-stained letter with both hands, densely filled with names.

After receiving the scarlet letter paper, Modrian placed it on the right hand side without watching it carefully.

"I don't worry about buyers for refined iron ore. I warn that any merchants who have something to do with the Temple of Power are not allowed to buy refined iron ore and finished refined iron." After thinking for a while, he continued.

"As for the weapons and equipment suppliers, choose another batch."

The system provides the first batch of equipment for the summoned soldiers free of charge, but as battles and wars progress, no matter how good the quality is, there will be wear and tear.

The weapons and equipment that Fort Diwar can produce today are not enough to fully supply the attrition of the soldiers of the Noxian Empire.

As it should be, Modrian will also look for some weapons and equipment merchants to provide certain equipment requirements for the different arms under his command.

"In addition, pay more attention to the flow of people in the town of Irvingdale. There will be no less infiltration of forces like the Temple of Power."

"Sorry, Lord Lord, we are negligent this time." Gregory bowed slightly and said.

"No, don't blame yourself." Modrian said in a deep voice, with an inexplicable look in his eyes. "This is a lesson and a growth."

"Recently, the days that have been too easy have made some hidden enemies start to stretch out their temptation minions. It is just this opportunity to clean the town of Irvingdale."

"I am going to the city of Edalas tomorrow. There may be accidents, and the journey may go smoothly, but in the rear... I will let Shadow Stream cooperate with you."

"The dark tide of the kingdom has surged, and the red-bottomed double-edged axe flag will once again fly above the sky."

A year ago, the inexplicable baron from the royal capital gave Modrian a hunch, this time...maybe... it will be a real dark tide, and he will inevitably be involved! .


When the early morning sun shattered again, Modrian changed his normal, already wearing armor, and the broad courtyard was lined up with Noxian scarlet cavalry, and the atmosphere of silence was enveloped in the mansion of the defense official.

"Is the message confirmed?"

"It has been confirmed that the Lord of the Shadow Stream is already waiting at the destination." Cooper Adolf, the first knight to follow Modrian, said solemnly.

The town of Irvingdale was a trade center he built with all his energy, and now, in this town, there will be an assassination against the lord.

If it hadn't been intercepted by the Shadow Streamers late last night, they would have not received any news.

I have to say that the believers in the Temple of Power are really a bunch of crazy guys!

In the realm of a nobleman, he dared to plan an assassination against the nobleman of the realm, and it was so decisive and so fast.

"Let's start then." Modrian said with a cold face.

Temple of Power, Nancy Peters, huh, don’t you take Valoran so much?

Or you are pretty sure that I can't get out of Irvingdale town! ?

Knight commander, or legend?

Guru! Guru!

Gulagas, drinking a drink, walked in through the gate on the left side of the yard. The barrel in his hand was overflowing with a strong aroma of ale.

"Hiccup... Lord Lord, what is this going to do?"

"A ‘show’ is about to begin~www.NovelMTL.com~ welcome us to re-enter the vision of the northern part of the kingdom." Modrian put on his black visor, and his calm eyes showed cold killing intent.


Renwall Street, the most prosperous trading street in Irvingdale town, is named after the Renwall Mountains, meaning that the prosperity and rise of the streets cannot be separated from the contributions made by the Renwall Mountains.

At the same time, it is also away from the main road of Irvingdale town, and the buildings on both sides are mostly a dazzling array of shops and a dense flow of people.

Yesterday’s cleanup action slightly affected the business of Renwall Street, but the wandering businessmen who came and went to fill up the bleak trade, which also shows that the economic and trade of Irvingdale town is now on the right track, and some unrelated things will not have much impact. .

"Under the bishop's crown, there is news from the sentry that Baron Modrian has left the garrison mansion and is marching here." The temple warrior in off-white armor knelt in front of Nancy, and the well-crafted pattern was engraved on the surface of the armor, surrounding it. In between, it seemed to clenched a fist in the sky.

Hearing this, Nancy Peters moved away from the gaze of Renwall's street, and looked down at the temple warrior slightly.

"Valoran will become the blessed land of the gods, and the temple will remember the names of everyone! Arrange it and prepare to start this operation!"

"Yes!" said the temple warrior with a feverish expression on his face, and then left with firm steps.

"The Father God is watching us, and the blasphemer will usher in destruction." Nancy Peters calmly watched the warrior leave, with golden light surging in the depths of his eyes.

"Even the nobles are no exception!"

"The Council of Nobles is just an alliance of a group of hypocrites, and will remain silent under the brilliance of the Father God!"

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