League of Legends Invades Another World

Chapter 138: Invitation of Count Raphael

The cold winter wind concealed the warmth of the winter sun. Under the cold sky, the Noxians living in Fort Duval seemed to ignore the arrival of the winter season. Linen clothes wrapped their sturdy bodies. Let the cold breeze blow, unconsciously.

Modrian has become accustomed to this. This is the way of life of the Noxians. He smiled and greeted every Noxian who passed by, and then walked along the wide central avenue.

The worn-out stone slab has faded away from the blue color, but it is still indestructible, which also shows that the long-term vision of the war masons and the choice of stone are very good.

Standing on both sides of the road is a complex of solemn and heavy buildings. That is where the Noxian people live. The isolated streets are narrow and claustrophobic, but they do not hinder the smooth flow of the road. The wall stacks on the eaves have experienced ups and downs, but they have not ushered in the baptism of war. Maybe there will be opportunities in the future.

The walking pace is not fast, Modrian counts the time, probably has not come to dig Fort Worth for half a year.

During this period of time, he has been practicing in Lakstark Fortress, hoping to break through his current strength, but unfortunately, his mediocre talent has wiped out his efforts, at least for now he is still in the strength of a great knight.

At the end of the road, there is the main fort of Fort Divau, which stands on the hillside. Its architectural style is more refined, and it welcomes its owner again today.

In the discussion hall, Modrian was sitting at the center of the conference table. His white face was no longer melancholy and immature. The lord's power grew stronger and everyone else began to take their seats separately.

"Kelan, what's going on these days?" Modrian asked, turning his head to look at the butler who dug Fort War on his right hand side.

Crane flipped through the notebook in which the information was recorded in an orderly manner, and said softly, "With Lord Dreyus and Lord of the Shadow Stream, generally nothing happened."

"But..." Crane looked up at Modrian and continued: "Viscount Brooke sent a letter, hoping that you can rush back to Perris Castle before the Glory Day to join the family gathering."

"This is the fourth letter sent this month!"

Hearing this, Modrian's expression was slightly stunned, and then he said: "Reject the invitation, saying that I don't have time to go back."

"Yes, Lord Lord, I will arrange it." Crane responded, and then continued to flip through the notebook. "Earl Raphael sent an invitation letter two days ago, inviting you to attend the noble party three days later, and the invitation letter has been placed in your room."

"Baron Benny, the garrison officer of the city of Adaras, also sent an invitation. I hope you will have time to visit the garrison official's mansion before the Glory Day."

"Promise Raphael's invitation." Modrian said in a deep thought, after all, in the past, the Harriman family took care of them very well, and some commercial channels were also matched by each other.

"As for Uncle Benny's side, I'm just about to go to the city of Adalas, so let's stop by."

"Okay." Crane took a pen to record Modrian's arrangement, and immediately took out a pure golden letter from his notebook.

The surface of the letter is engraved with a clenched fist, and the gold thread outlines the complicated symbols, and the sacred feeling spreads out from the eyes.

"The Bishop of the Temple of Power, Nancy Peters, sent an announcement letter in the early hours of this morning, allowing us to explain the incident that happened yesterday in the town of Irvingdale to suppress the missionary of the Temple of Stress."

"Temple of Power? Explain!?" Modrian half-squinted his eyes, his face calmly staring at the pure golden letter on the desktop.

It seems that the news from the royal capital this time is likely to be true. This group of religious people who have been suppressed by the royal power for decades can't wait to jump out and show their power.

Is this trying to win me over? Still fell in love with Valoran collar! ? Modrian touched his chin, his eyes a little cold.

Or put me under the kingship.

You know, his baronship is a reward from King Stoke, and the reason is very simple, to open up territory for the kingdom of Stoke.

After the battle in Lakstark Fortress, Modrian began to arrange the [Main Task: Establishing Territory], not only for the main reward, but also to have a place to stand.

In the next six months, he reorganized the strength of every hero and middle-level officer, mainly with the Noxian Scarlet Cavalry, and the Noxian Empire Cavalry as a supplement, and began to clean up the Renwall Mountains.

In the end, with the help of Jana, Fury of the Storm, Modrian successfully opened up his own territory and named it [Valoran Collar].

It is a pity that the blessing of Goddess of Luck also left with the completion of the territory. He spent nearly two years in this area, spending a lot of resources, and only summoned a few heroes.

This may also be related to the development plan he made. Without the interruption of those pesky nobles, the fine iron ore veins of the Renwall Mountains provide a huge amount of gold shield support for the towns of Irvingdale, Fort Worth and Lakstark Fortress. , The three cities have entered a stage of rapid development.

Previously, the cargo carried by the dragon lizards was refined iron. After the subdivision planning of Fort Worth, part of it will be transported to the town of Irvingdale for trading, and part of it will be exchanged with some forces.

It can be seen that the town of Irvingdale is now an important part of the Valoran collar. Modrian arranged for Gregory to be the garrison officer, Cooper Adolf was responsible for daily assistance, and a resident hero: Keg Guja Russ.

"Something interesting." Modrian knocked on the conference table with his right hand, his white face smiling. "Arrange for someone, I want to know what happened last night."

"Yes, Lord Lord." A hoarse voice came from the shadow of the corner, and then the shadow disappeared.

Seeing that the affairs of Butler Crane had been dealt with, Worsman stood up from his seat and said respectfully: "My lord, according to the plan made, the Noxian Scarlet Cavalry and Trevary Legionnaires have gone deep into the Renwall Mountains and fumbled out Some conditions deep in the mountains."

"Based on the information now available, it is impossible for the Ailan Faro Empire to arrange a large-scale invasion of the mountains by the Legion."

"However, it cannot be ruled out that they, like us, arranged special forces to disperse and break through the geographical restrictions of the Renwall Mountains."

Worsman said his inner considerations~www.NovelMTL.com~ During this time, he almost focused on the Noxian soldiers who went deep into the Renwall Mountains, exploring unknown areas, and sacrifice was inevitable. Being an extraordinary knight is no exception.

Regarding the vastness and depth of the Renwall Mountains, Modrian has a deep understanding, especially when he saw the many knights of the Ice Temple last time, he considered whether there would be enemies behind and the possibility of breaking through the blockade.

"Well, I see." Modrian nodded and said. "You don't need to pay too much attention to the Lakstark Fortress, Jana and Captain Timo will assist you."

In the following time, Modrian discussed with Dreyus, Sion and others about the military distribution of Valoran, and listened to and adjusted some places.

He didn't want to expose the situation in the depths of the Renwall Mountains, where there was the existence of Lakstark Fortress and some hidden things. For this reason, he would publicly execute some spies and intruders in Irvingdale every month. (The visibility benefits of a fortress are extremely terrifying. At that time, the forces that will be attracted will no longer be the ‘little nobles’ in the northern part of the Stoke Kingdom.)

But the killings didn't seem to stop the curiosity of some secret forces. On the contrary, they would send out a large number of desperadoes every month to enter the Renwall Mountains through various channels.

Modrian also knew that after all, he couldn't cover up everything, but he still needed this time difference to at least enable Valoran to develop faster, more prosperous, and have the power to face everything in the future.

It is impossible to give up!

From the time he saw Lakstark Fortress, he knew that Valoran’s future would be there, and the towns of Fort Worth and Irvingdale would serve it.

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