League of Legends Invades Another World

Chapter 136: Don't know what to start

The rolling hills are inlaid on the blue sky, and dense forests are dotted with the Renwall Mountains. In the past two years, this area once trapped in the shadow world seems to be reborn as vigorously.

The bleak autumn mood has long since faded, the cold of winter struck step by step, the setting sun was shining, and the warm golden brilliance of Valoran spilled over each piece of Valoran territory, which looked extraordinarily magnificent, like a picture of beautiful scenery.

Valoran collar, a new territory emerging from the northern part of the Kingdom of Stoke, encompassing the prosperous territories including the towns of Irvingdale, Fort Divr, and Fortress of Lakstark, but also attracting the attention of many noble powers.

In addition to the Renwal Mountains, which contain fine iron veins, there is also the emerging nobleman known for his iron and blood: Baron Modrian.

In less than two years from the pioneering knight, he was formally promoted to the kingdom aristocrat, and he was the most powerful domain aristocrat among them.

Its most powerful and influential period was the period after the end of the Battle of Irvingdale, which was dubbed the ‘miracle’, when chaos arose and the situation became unbalanced.

Then Baron Modrian's black heavy cavalry, which symbolizes death, criss-crossed with iron hooves, using blood and slaughter to carve out a brilliant road to frighten the aristocratic forces in the northern part of the kingdom.

Da da! Da da!

The crisp sound of horse hooves echoed in the mountains, and a group of cavalrymen rode on the hard road against the winter wind. The horses stepped past and the dust rose.

Modrian lifted his jet-black faceplate, and his brown eyes looked around with interest in the surrounding scenery. This is a rare opportunity to leave Lakstark fortress in recent times.

The pace of the winter season has quietly entered the Lunwall Mountains. The faint white frost is decorated with tall trees, giving it a cool color.

Along the way, except for the Noxian cavalry patrolling along the way, Modrian hardly saw any abnormalities.

Calculating the time, from the battle of the abyss to now, in the past two years, his forces have ushered in a blowout development, which was finally restrained and stagnated six months ago.

However, the Valoran collar has long been blocked by the water he manages. At the beginning, many detectives sneaking in in the dense mountains were caught every day, just to explore the hidden strength of the Valoran collar, and Unknown circumstances in the depths of the Renwall Mountains.

(Due to the fighting storm at Lakstark Fortress and the final hurricane sweeping situation at that time, it attracted the attention of many wandering mercenaries who had penetrated into the Renwall Mountains, and they leaked out as they left, thus attracting the attention of the nobles in the dark. )

Now, the mountain defense line erected with Fort Divu as an external barrier is extremely strong.

Modrian's expression moved slightly, his left hand rein clenched tightly, and the red horse that was stepping down stopped in good time, and the white mist filled with breath.

A shadow emerged, and the Shadow Streamer fell to the ground from mid-air, half-kneeling on the ground, and handed the sealed black and red letter with both hands.

"My lord, news is coming from the town of Irvingdale."

Irvingdale town? Did something happen to Gregory?

With his thoughts together, Modrian stretched out his right hand, the light life energy extended, and the black and red letters rose in the sky and flew to the palm of his hand.

Tear open the letter, a piece of delicate white paper fell down, Modrian looked carefully, his solemn brows loosened, and a slight smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

"This guy Gregory is really dishonest. He provoked a dispute in Irvingdale town last night and killed a group of missionaries. Um... it seems that they are the missionaries of the God of Strength that have been very active recently?"

He handed the letter to Bobby behind him. Modrian's face was smiling, but there was a little dignity in his eyes. The situation in the kingdom began to become unstable, and even the temple that was once suppressed by the king's power was unable to breathe. Get active.

"Hey, Lord Lord, Gugallas is also involved in it, and he is still destroying many buildings in Irvingdale." Bobby frowned cutely, his gray-white ponytails swayed slightly, and he experienced the legendary demon. After the battle, she seemed to grow up overnight and began to learn to deal with some Valoran collar affairs.

In this regard, Modrian was extremely satisfied. After all, some people began to share some incomplete chores for him, so that he could take a proper rest.

"We should punish Gugallas, or deduct his drink money next month." Bobby looked at Modrian and suggested.

"Even if I did such a fun thing when I was away, I also sponsored him a lot of golden shields, although the ale is delicious..."

The soft grumbling dissipated, but he still couldn't escape Modrian's ears. I don't know if it was an illusion. He always felt that the heroes under his command were a bit warlike, except for Gana and that existence.

As for deducting the money for Gugallas, he just thought about it. With the habit of noisy alcoholics, once there is not enough ale, the entire town of Irvingdale may be ruined by Gugallas' moody temper.

"Well, Bobby, when you see Gugallas, settle accounts with him. I remember he still owes you a lot of golden shields?"

When Modrian heard that Gujaras began to borrow money to make wine~www.NovelMTL.com~, it was a little unbelievable. You must know that there are a lot of golden shields given to Gujaras every month, and the raw materials for winemaking are within his ability. The guy even borrowed money everywhere, even Dreyus had been harassed by him.

"Yes, Gugallas said he wants to brew the best ale in Valoran. I...grateful, trust him..." Bobby rubbed embarrassedly. Head, said shyly.

Another alcoholic of the future! Modrian sighed helplessly in his heart.

Now Bobby’s personality, after experiencing a lot of things, seems to deviate from the impression of his previous life. Apart from his perseverance, he has begun to develop in the direction of alcoholics and food lovers.

"Let's go, let's continue, and arrive at Fort Duval earlier, and we can catch up with lunch..."

Before the words fell, Modrian felt a little bit, turned his head to look at the path behind him, and a short green figure moved around among the mountains, quickly approaching the team.

The Noxus Scarlet Cavalry who followed behind was very familiar with the figure, and skillfully gave way to a path for passage.

The emerald green straw hat is worn on the top of the head, and the red goggles are lifted up like a trend. With the rapid running, the telescope hanging from the waist will sway from time to time. There was a dark green package on his back. I didn't know what was in it. It was swaying and heavy, but these didn't affect the speed of the short figure.

Pushing on the ground, leaping up, and then flipping into the air, the movements are extremely familiar. The most amazing thing is that the package is not affected at all, and it hangs firmly on the body.


The short figure fell to the ground, squatting halfway in front of Modrian, and then raised a beige face with a little fluff, with a cool expression that looked like a raccoon in the previous life.

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