League of Legends Invades Another World

Chapter 119: Legendary transaction request

Hundreds of years ago..... To be precise, it should be the 971 year of the Starfall Calendar, shortly after the arrival of the winter season.

The icy dwarf clan living in the Renwall Mountains accidentally found the demon followers (the fallen ones seduced by the devil) in Lakstark Fortress. After a close investigation, they finally discovered a deep channel that was forming somewhere.

However, what really frightened the senior leaders of the ice and snow dwarves was that a considerable part of them had fallen into the arms of the abyss and became evil demon believers.

Killings, blood, sacrifices, and murders took place one after another in Lakstark Fortress, and many of them were women, children and children, and the moral constraints began to get out of control.

In order to save the inheritance of the Ice Dwarf clan and destroy the hidden demon believers in the clan, the Ice Dwarf clan at that time decided to completely close the entrance and exit of the Lakstark Fortress.

This is also the reason for the sudden disappearance of the ice dwarves recorded in historical materials. They enclosed themselves in the fortress, just to prevent the devils from escaping from the Renwall Mountains.

The tragic extermination battle took place in Lakstark fortress, including merchants and mercenaries of other races who had no time to leave when the fashion was in the future, and they had no choice but to join the terrible battle.

Blood and glory bloomed in Lakstark Fortress. For the continuation of the inheritance, the Ice Dwarf clan could not back down and fight to the death.


"I don't know the end of the war, because I was pierced here by the guy Stephen before the decisive battle! Haha, it's really ridiculous! As a strong man on the road to legend, I was absent from the clan The most important decisive battle."

Noel Giles looked down at Modrian, his tone was full of bitterness, his arms hanging on both sides of his body couldn't help trembling slightly, every time he recalled the memory fragments in his mind, he couldn't stop it. Inner sadness.

In the most glorious era, the ice dwarf clan ushered in destruction!



Modrian lowered his head and said nothing, just because the casting master of the ice and snow dwarf clan in front of him, no, it should be said that the story of the legendary powerhouse was too horrified.

Many ancient books have recorded information about the abyss. It is the source of all evil and a symbol of destruction. It is impossible to describe how wide the abyss is. Even the gods once did not dare to go deep into the abyss.

The countless myths told by the bard also describe it as a place of fear, where there are countless horrible demons and demon princes. They can seduce many races on the Kaladimos continent through certain dark contracts and become demons. believer.

The devil believers sacrifice souls and flesh and blood to please certain powerful existences in the abyss (including the devil and demons). If they can sacrifice enough souls and flesh and blood, or if they are appreciated by the devil (devil) for other reasons .

They will obtain the evil blood essence of the devil (devil) themselves, and then incorporate the blood of the devil (devil) into themselves through rituals or sacrifices, so as to abandon the mortal body and transform into a semi-demonic existence.

Among them, it is most in line with the interests of the devil (devil) to open up the abyss channel, because in this way, the devil (devil) can come to Kaladimos in real form and enjoy the most delicious soul and fresh flesh and blood, instead of offering Sacrifice the way to get the taste of meat paste.

"Abyss Pass!?"

The corners of Modrian's mouth were filled with suffering. Delius and the others had just won the war, but he found more difficult things in the territory. If you are not careful, there will even be a situation of demons looting in the myth. (Modrian has already acquiesced that the Renwall Mountains have become part of the domain.)

"Human, this is all I know and the truth you want to explore."

Noel awakens the human being in horror. He feels that his body is gradually decayed. This is the magic of time. Since he woke up, his body and soul have been disintegrated.

Hearing this, Modrian looked at the old dwarf nailed to the wall, his slightly struggling body was shaking the Dark Flame Warscar Sword, dropping some dust.


He once browsed through [Legend] related information in the library of Harriman Castle, and his inner curiosity drove him to explore the secrets behind it. Unfortunately, he browsed through various ancient books and travel notes, but did not find a specific introduction, only a few words of mention. The pen has been taken.

Legend is another realm after the knight commander breaks through, and among them is the so-called road of legend.

"Master Noel, I want to know what Stephen is..." Modrian suppressed his inner emotions, and then forced himself to calm down. He needs to find a way out of the whirlpool he is currently involved in, and Stephen The name reminded him of some records of the Ice Dwarf clan.

"As you think!" Noel nodded slightly, his rich experience let him know who the mankind wanted to ask at the moment, and let him know the mankind's plan.

Stephen St. Rupert Garcia!

The youngest and most powerful legend in the history of the ice dwarves!

A great existence named "Holy"!

"In fact, we should have won, but fate made a joke on the Ice and Snow Dwarf clan." Noel silently endured the pain of the collapse of time, and continued to explain to the humanity in front of him.

"When that guy Stephen was rushing in, he was accidentally possessed by the demon soul that suddenly appeared in the abyss tunnel, and finally forcibly changed the course of that war."

"Now, can I know what's going on outside? Human nobles!"

Time seemed to stagnate in that moment, and then what broke out was the out-of-control emotion that had been suppressed for hundreds of years~www.NovelMTL.com~hahahahahahahahaha! "

Noel looked at Modrian who was silent and laughed wildly. A little bit of red blood and tears flowed down the gray face and dripped on the black ground.

"Sure enough, the miracle I was expecting did not appear!"

The crazy laughter stopped. Noel, the legendary strongman of the ice dwarf clan, panting like a normal old man, looked tiredly at the human noble in front of him and the two young knight commanders who surprised him. .

"Human nobleman, can I know your name?"

Modrian's brown eyes reflected that the old dwarf was gradually becoming transparent, as if he had a foreboding that something would happen, and finally he took a few steps forward, bowed and said.

"Modrian Perris, it's an honor to meet Master Noel!"

Noel looked at the human nobleman in front of him, and there were memories in his red eyes.

It's very similar, much like the appearance when Stephen saw me when he was young, restrained and humble, but unfortunately, I am no longer the legendary me. Now I can only rely on the remaining soul to survive, but the Ice Dwarf clan doesn't know. What is the situation.

Annihilation, or surviving?

"Mordrian, I don't know if the Abyss Channel is completely opened, but since you can appear, it means that there must be a problem with the Abyss Channel." Noel looked at Modrian heavily and said in a deep voice.

"In the name of a legend, I want to make a deal with you, how about?"


[Ding....... Temporary task released! 】

The icy system prompt sounded in Modrian's ears, and the long-awaited temporary mission was released again!

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