Lawyer: The bully is not guilty? I will send him to death!

Chapter 78 There are ways to deal with schizophrenia.

Hearing that the evidence of the reasoning was on the way, the police turned their attention to the victim's family again.

They began to patiently ask about relevant matters.

However, the victim's family members all showed terrified eyes. They didn't know whether they were afraid or afraid of implicating others, so they dared not speak.

"Don't force them to speak. It's normal to be afraid. Wait for my assistant to come." Lin Mo persuaded.

Everyone nodded, and the conference room fell into silence.

Hongyun frowned and thought, looking at Lin Mo. If what Lin Mo said was the truth, then the incident was not simple!

At this time, Yang Jian walked to Hongyun and said, "There is a girl outside the procuratorate. She said she is Lin's assistant."

"Well, let her in."

After a while, Xia Ling came to the conference room panting.

Everyone's attention was on Xia Ling. Xia Ling held a stack of heavy papers in her hands. All the evidence had been paperized by her.

"Boss! I brought it!"

Xia Ling saw Lin Mo and immediately reported.

The two policemen were more surprised, and they were even more surprised when they saw Xia Ling's face: "It's you!"

Xia Ling saw the two policemen and widened her eyes: "You two?"

"Do you know each other?" Lin Mo raised his eyebrows.

"Oh, I've noticed it secretly. When I was investigating, I often saw you two. So you are policemen. I thought you were bodyguards protecting them secretly." Xia Ling laughed.

When this was said, the four people at the scene gasped.

The two policemen were particularly shocked: " found us and kept staring at us for a long time?"

"Yes." Xia Ling nodded.

The corners of their mouths twitched.

Hong Yun was also very shocked. He knew the identities of the two policemen. They were from the criminal investigation team, but they were discovered and stared at by Lin Mo, an assistant?

Are you lawyers or private detectives! ?

You even sent people to investigate and collect intelligence in advance!

"Since you are here, I believe you all want to verify it, so let's take a look at the evidence."

Lin Mo didn't want to waste time, so Lin Mo and Xia Ling put all the collected evidence on the table, and several people came forward in an instant.

Begin to check the collected evidence.

And Lin Mo explained: "According to the intelligence we have at present, this mentally ill murder case is actually a deterrent murder. Jiang Wu and his father's family serve the demolition engineering team, and the demolition engineering team was invited by Xingfu Real Estate.

Based on the current situation, Xingfu Real Estate may think that the compensation of Shunfeng Vegetable Market is too high, so it uses Jiang Wu, a mentally ill thug, to threaten everyone to sign the demolition agreement...

And from the information, we can see that the three victims were the main force in the resistance to demolition at that time, and Brother Zheng Jiang was even one of the organizers. Jiang Wu killed people in a targeted manner!"

With Lin Mo's explanation and evidence, everyone understood.

"So all this makes sense?!"

"Such a big news, why didn't we receive any news?"

"Yes, there should be some news about resisting demolition."

Several people discussed.

Lin Mo: "It's very simple. The media is controlled by Xingfu Real Estate. He will not broadcast anything that is unfavorable to him."

Everyone nodded, and the criminal police quickly found something wrong: "Lawyer Lin, this evidence is indeed very detailed, proving the relationship between Jiang Wu's family and the demolition team, but why is there no conclusive evidence to prove that their activities were directed by Xingfu Real Estate?"

Although everyone knows that the boss behind the scenes may have bought the land for development, the evidence on the table cannot show that Xingfu Real Estate is behind it.

"If the boss behind the scenes can be sentenced so easily, then this case will not be so complicated."

Hongyun nodded, and he found a new point: "Since their purpose is to use a very small amount of compensation to completely take over the right to use this land, why do they still threaten the victim's family to forgive the murderer?"

In Hongyun's view, the demolition has been carried out smoothly, and it is completely unnecessary to threaten the victim's family now.

No need to forgive, the court can sentence Jiang Wu to be free of mental illness.

At this time, Xia Ling said confidently: "Of course they are afraid of the boss, because our boss can really send this mental patient in!"

"That's why they need the forgiveness of the victim's family, trying to fight against my boss in this way."

"This..." Hongyun was a little stunned. Can he really be sent in?

Others were also confused, because everyone had seen how difficult it was to judge Jiang Wu. It was extremely difficult to defeat him from a legal perspective!

Everyone has not forgotten the previous two experiences!

How could they be afraid of a lawyer like Lin Mo, so they used the method of threatening forgiveness?

This is a lot of trouble.

At this time, Lin Mo didn't say much, but explained: "It's easy to send Jiang Wu in. He has two personalities, one is a normal and cowardly personality, and the other is a tyrannical personality. As long as it is proved that he can freely switch between the two mental states, and it is he who guides the state transition to enter the tyrannical mode, he is breaking the law."

After listening to this, Hongyun showed an expression of sudden enlightenment again: "Cause free behavior! If he knows that his violent personality will kill people, and then he can actively transform into this state, then it proves that he has intentional crimes and murderous tendencies!

It's like a transformation!"

Lin Mo nodded: "That's what I mean. As long as it is proved that Jiang Wu actively enters the split personality to carry out violent activities, then Jiang Wu has violated the law, because he knows that the split personality will hurt people, but he insists on entering, which means that his original intention has an aggressive tendency.

And the people Jiang Wu killed have very strong directions, which is definitely a planned killing. Combined with the background of resisting demolition, this can be the basis for the trial."

After Lin Mo finished speaking, several people looked at each other, their eyes full of surprise.

Even Hongyun patted his head: "That's right! As long as it can be proved that he can control his personality transformation, and then get evidence that he actively enters the split personality, then he can be sentenced!"

"I... Why haven't I thought of it before?!"

The previous two times, Hongyun never thought about this aspect!

He looked at Lin Mo, his eyes full of admiration. He immediately raised the key points that no one had thought of before, and made the complex and helpless situation a lawyer introduced by Mr. Luo? !

It seems that the criminals know Lin Mo better than he does!

Before Lin Mo arrived, the criminals behind him had already started to lay out.

They were even afraid that Jiang Wu would be sentenced, and threatened the victim's family to forgive.

Lin Mo's deterrence was so terrifying!

"Well, this is only one aspect. Maybe the person who opened Jiang Wu's split state was not himself, but his family, his father."

"I checked that after he killed someone for the first time, when he was admitted to the mental hospital for compulsory treatment, Jiang's father visited him. Not long after, Jiang Wu escaped from the mental hospital."

"It is possible that Jiang's father knew how Jiang Wu changed his personality. If he put Jiang Wu into a split state, then he would have violated the crime of incitement and was an indirect principal offender of the murder law."

Hongyun and others nodded, and Lin Mo said it was absolutely correct.

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