Lawyer: The bully is not guilty? I will send him to death!

Chapter 30 Lawyer Lin Mo, we men also need your protection!

"I don't agree with Teacher Luo's remarks. In the previous school bullying case, Lin Mo won the case because he shocked everyone with his unique angle. But the marriage lawsuit is different. Lin Mo can't find another person who shocked everyone. Let’s defend it from a human perspective.”

The user name who sent this comment is "Jun Yong Lawyer Wang Tao"

This comment is very popular, and all the people below replied to him.

"Shit! It's lawyer Wang Tao! When did you call Lin Mo daddy?"

"Trash lawyer, are you still commenting on your father?"

"Yeah, don't put aside this rational analysis, call daddy first!"

In Junyong Law Firm, Wang Tao's face turned red and he was about to explode with anger!

He never expected that the video he had recorded before would have been uploaded before Lin Mo was involved in the school bullying case, and then saved by someone with care.

As soon as the results came out, Lin Mo won a great victory and Tian Yingguang was sentenced to death, so he was pulled out and whipped to death.

It caused a small wave of public opinion.

"Hey, Wang Tao, don't be annoying. Lin Mo has given you a wave of enthusiasm." His colleague suppressed a smile and patted Wang Tao on the shoulder.

"Get out of here!"

Wang Tao gritted his teeth and had to regain his position, so he started frantically analyzing on the Internet whether Lin Mo would lose.

As long as Lin Mo loses, he can still regain some face.

Not only him, but also Huang Xuan, who was defeated last time, also expressed his opinions, and the words were very fierce!

"The fault of the last fiasco was not mine, but the lawyer Lin Mo who acted out of common sense! He was on the verge of breaking the law and committing crimes. He is a morally corrupt person!" Huang Xuan in the video almost slapped the table and scolded Lin. After falling silent, he slowly continued:

"But this time it is a divorce lawsuit, and he has no room for maneuver! He can only use his legal literacy to fight head-on, and we know that his legal literacy is just a piece of cake! So I think he will definitely lose!"

At the end of the video, Huang Xuan's face turned red. He calmed down and pointed at Tiannu and said: "If he can win, I will eat daddy! I will eat daddy while wearing a Stanford University uniform!"

Overtly and covertly, he was saying that Lin Mo only played crooked ideas and could not fight normal lawsuits.

He is not the one who loses.

Of course, the people all hated him and sprayed him with blood!

The majority of male compatriots continued to support Lin Mo. Even after understanding the nature of Wang Xue's fraudulent marriage, they directly dubbed Lin Mo the "Pioneer Fighter for Men's Rights."

That’s all money! It's all the money that men have earned through hard work, how can they just be deceived by prostitutes?

Every man has a great sense of crisis!

"Woooo! Lawyer Lin, you have saved the majority of oppressed students, can you save us men who have been kidnapped by marriage?"

"Yes! After seeing their deeds, my wife also plans to divorce and pursue freedom!"

"Lawyer Lin, use your strength again to save the children!"


At this moment, Yongyuan Law Firm.

Many people have seen Huang Xuan's video.

Huang Jiancheng's eyes darkened. If he had known the result earlier, he would never have allowed Huang Xuan to participate in this case.

Look at what the child was forced into! This is such a huge blow to the children!

Huang Jian couldn't stand the comments from those people, so he shouted and sent a lawyer's letter!

At this time, he received an invitation from his former apprentice Zhang Yan to watch the trial together.

"What's Zhang Yan going to do again?"

I was already angry, but I became even more angry when I saw Zhang Yan.

Zhang Yan is now different from what he used to be. He is several ranks higher than him. He is still his master, but he is not as good as him!

Therefore, Huang Jiancheng's face was very ugly, and he knew that Ning Hong was from their law firm and had a high chance of winning against Lin Mo. There was also news that Ning Hong was Zhang Yan's apprentice.

Your own son lost the lawsuit, so you dragged me along to watch the trial where your apprentice won?

This is where you come to show off!

But if you don’t go, you will look stingy.

Helpless, Huang Jiancheng could only accept Zhang Yan's invitation.

Jinhan Law Firm.

At this moment, all the idle lawyers were very excited and discussed Brother Blind's divorce case.

Zhang Yan also put down his cell phone with satisfaction and invited Huang Jiancheng to watch the trial together. Of course it was a way of showing off.

After all, his apprentice, Ning Hong, is an expert in marriage!

And now that the Internet is so popular, it can greatly increase the reputation of their Jinhan Law Firm.

Your reputation will also increase accordingly, it is simply a win within a win!

Zhang Yan's smile was so happy.

same moment.

Shunhe Law Firm.

Lin Mo and Xia Ling have rushed back, and the formal trial will begin tomorrow.

At this time, Xia Ling's face was already red with anger: "Lawyer Lin, look at the remarks of these legal celebrities, why do they insist that we can't win!"

Lin Mo smiled. He had also read these remarks, and they were reasonable. So Lin Mo asked, "So you think we can win?"

"Uh..." Xia Ling was stunned for a moment, her eyes evasive. In fact, she didn't think Lin Mo could win. The crime of fraud was too outrageous, but she definitely couldn't say it clearly.

"Um...I'm definitely not happy when people say we lose!" Xia Ling waved her fist.

Lin Mo sat down and took a sip of water: "Okay, don't look at the comments of legal celebrities, look at the voices of the people."

Xia Ling immediately changed the channel, and her frown finally relaxed. "Fortunately, most people support us. We are on the side of justice."

The only thing that Lin Mo didn't expect was that Ning Hong actually applied for a live broadcast of the trial.

She didn't learn the lesson from Huang Xuan at all.

But thinking that she needed traffic, this kind of stupid behavior is understandable.

The next day.

A large number of reporters gathered at the gate of Jianghai Primary Court.

Ning Hong, Wang Xue and their group knew that they were in the whirlpool of public opinion, so they entered the court from the side door early.

Lin Mo, Xia Ling and Xia Ge got off the car in front of the court and were surrounded by reporters.

Before they could speak, Lin Mo said in a serious tone: "This time, I am speaking for the majority of male friends. I can't let these marriage fraud women become more and more arrogant!"

After that, he led a few people to walk towards the court with big strides, looking solemn.

For a moment, some male reporters were stunned, showing excited expressions and clenching their fists:

"Lawyer Lin! So handsome! I support you!"

"Woo woo woo, we boys need protection too!"


At the same time, Wang Zhenghua, the vice president of Jianghai High Court, raised his head from the heavy documents.

He breathed a sigh of relief: "Finally finished overtime."

Then he took out his mobile phone: "Check out the latest news."

As a result, his eyes widened and he stood up directly: "What's going on! I just didn't watch the news for a day, how come Jianghai's legal issues are hot again!?"

Take a closer look: "Oh my god! It's Lin Mo again! I asked you to file a divorce lawsuit, but I didn't ask you to stir up a storm on the entire Internet!"

Recalling what the first-level judge said to him before in the Central Court.

Wang Zhenghua had a headache.

He rubbed his temples: "I hope Lin Mo doesn't do anything big, just finish the lawsuit honestly..."

The heat will pass, as long as it doesn't set off a nationwide wave of resistance like school bullying.

What Wang Zhenghua didn't know was that at the same time, the three first-level justices of the Central Supreme Court were also paying attention to this lawsuit, including the one who criticized Wang Zhenghua before.

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