Laws of the Insect Hive

Chapter 82 Temporary pupation (1)

After some deliberation, System decided to convert his talent [Metamorphosis Growth] into [Pupation] first. After all, the conversion of this talent had been in preparation for several months, and System did not want to produce more. Ups and downs.

As long as he waits for Shava to wake up from the coma, and with Shava as his guard, he can activate the [Pupation] talent with peace of mind.

After examining the pieces of meat for a while, System recalled the inexplicable behavior of the Glacier Lord before, as if his eyes contained an ability that even the Glacier Lord did not possess.

Clicking on the self-information in the [Tools Menu] to read, System did not find anything remarkable about the derivative ability [Eye of System].

Could it be that, as the Glacier Lord said, after strengthening [Eye of System], can you find anything?

In the end, System didn't think about anything, and didn't plan to immediately strengthen the [Eye of System].

Compared with the inexplicable words of the Glacier Lord, he finally decided to strengthen himself according to his original pace and let himself grow into a magical life as soon as possible.


System, who was studying the meat in the empty room, soon found a familiar figure, it was the worker ant Black.

Wang, have those five ants been found? Shava seems to be injured, is she okay? Blake seemed to have found the injured Shava, looking worried.

Compared to Shava, Black's intelligence is higher, and he usually notices some things that System hadn't thought of.

They died, but the matter has been resolved, Shava will recover in two days. System stretched out his tentacles and touched Blake's head lightly.

All the ant people are his children, but even if they are children, there is a difference between closeness and estrangement. Blake is his favorite little worker ant.

Wang, do you need me to tell the other ants that they can continue to go out to find food? Black continued to ask.

Well, then you tell them to go out to collect food as usual, no, I'll do it myself.

System put the meat aside and moved out of the empty room.

Five ant people were killed by an attack by an unknown creature. Although the threat has now been lifted, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no next time.

System decided to send a spiritual message to these ant people, so that these ants should not launch attacks on unknown creatures at every turn, so as to avoid unnecessary casualties again.

Although his spiritual message may not completely control the ant's long-standing habits, it is better than if he does nothing.


After finishing the matter of the people of the ants in the nest, System continued to study the core of flesh and blood, and ate the pieces of minced flesh that contained demon blood.

These foods containing demon bloodline taste strange, and the experience provided is dozens of times that of the same weight of worm pupae.

The first few pieces System ate still produced some violent and chaotic emotions, but after eating a few more pieces, this abnormal mood was much reduced, and it only made him feel a little dizzy, but The more you eat, the more dizzy you feel.

After continuing to eat for a while, observing that his experience bar was about to reach the threshold of level 14 to 15, System stopped eating so as not to increase his level, causing the experience bar he had saved for nearly a month to disappear.

And through constant observation and comparison, System found the primitive race of the insect, Meatball, by comparing the information records in the [Tools menu]. It was similar to a small aquatic insect with a size of less than one centimeter when it became an adult.

What exactly this insect was, System couldn’t even name it. He found it twice in a puddle half a year ago, and he did a simple study with his tentacles.

The body is translucent in color, the body is soft, and even the exoskeleton can change shape. It is estimated that the deformation ability of the meat ball is inherited from the body of this insect.

Because of the comparison of the information left before, System felt a little clearer about the [Transformation] ability possessed by the fleshball bloodline. It seemed that this ability had something in common with the changes in the shape of insects in [Pupation].

However, what exactly this [transformation] ability is, System will need to study for a longer time to determine.

Through further observation, System found that although the core of the meat ball lost consciousness, its activity showed no signs of decreasing over time.

When he put some moss and mushrooms in the forest on top of this piece of meat, after a few minutes, the piece of meat would slowly wriggle to swallow the moss and mushrooms, and start to absorb slowly...



Two days have passed, and System's research on that core has not made much progress.

On this day, Shava successfully woke up.

After ordering Shava to be vigilant in his empty room, System began to transform his [Metamorphosis Growth] into [Pupation].

He tightly wrapped a ten-centimeter-sized butterfly pupa that had already been prepared with his tentacles. System, who had made the final preparations, began to transform his [molting growth] with reference to the life in the butterfly pupa. .

Nearly half a year of preparation made System's talent transformation process extremely smooth.

It took half a day less than he expected. In just 4 hours, System had converted his bloodline talent, and 30% of his experience bar had not been used.


[Pupation] (13/19): System's unique talent formed by transforming [Multion and Growth]. The insect body undergoes dramatic changes through pupation. The unique talent of insects.


After the transformation, System has been upgraded to level 15 [Metamorphosis Growth] and turned into [Pupation] at level 13, but compared to [Metamorphosis Growth], System’s transformation has the upper limit of the talent level of [Pupation]. Higher, also let him feel more information in the blood.

As long as the [Pupation] talent level is raised to level 17, and the Green-tailed Grasshopper's level is raised to the upper limit of level 15, he can pupate for the third time.

When he emerges from the chrysalis, the level cap of the once-green-tailed grasshopper will be broken, making him a magical being and gaining a new level cap.

Just like that ball of meat, the level is around 25, and the upper limit of the level is around 60, which has become a brand new life.

In the information of the bloodline, System also felt what he would look like when he emerged from the chrysalis in the future.

He will no longer change back to the shape of a grasshopper, but like his current body, forming a brand new insect covered with tentacles.

Unlike his current grasshopper's weird body covered with tentacles, at that time its body shape will become very natural, even if the whole body is covered with tentacles, it won't feel weird.

Is my future going to be like this?

System felt what his future looked like, and at the same time continued to check other information in the [Tools Menu] to observe whether other abilities of his body had changed.

But while System was checking the information, System suddenly felt that his body became itchy, and a strange feeling came from his blood.

System immediately sensed the reason for this strange feeling. After all, there were some differences between [Melting Growth] and [Pupation].

Although he had molted three times, he had never pupated, so he had to complete this process and make up for the first pupation and the second pupation...

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