Laws of the Insect Hive

Chapter 73 The Demon Insect from the Abyss (Part 2)

The bizarre and strange life manipulates the ants that grow out of its body to perform simple activities.

The manipulating ant's fangs gnawed at the half butterfly larvae on the side for a while, and it opened its huge circular mouth again, and ate the gray-white ants that grew out of its body and the remaining half butterfly larvae.

The surface of the meat ball continued to wriggle, and this time the wriggling became more intense.

It didn't take long for its body to grow eight thick black exoskeleton legs, the entire meat ball was covered with a layer of hard black exoskeleton, and the meat ball was constantly changing.

The whole meat ball eventually turned into a black spider nearly half a meter in size, but unlike ordinary spiders, this spider had a pair of translucent wings in the shape of cicada wings growing on its body.

The black spider opened its legs and moved a bit. It shook its head and looked at itself. It observed the surrounding snow for a while, and seemed to be thinking about something.

It didn't take long for the exoskeleton on the black spider to vibrate slightly, the black gradually faded, the black spider slowly turned gray, and then changed from gray to white like snow.

It spread its wings and began to fly in the forest, and stretched out tentacles that ordinary spiders do not have, and began to search...

The white spider has no name.

It may once have had a name, a name given to it by Yingying, but because Yingying had been away for a while, it had forgotten.

It even forgot whether it had ever had a name.

It has taken over Shadow's job since Shadow went missing a few months ago and was searched a few times by the angry owner but couldn't find it.

Let it go to the main world, find and catch the bugs that exceed the limit of the species, and pay attention to whether there are any traces of shadows, and kill them if they are found.

From its third pupation, it has acquired a certain wisdom

The white spider couldn't understand why its owner had to work so hard to send it to the overworld to find those weak bugs.

Insects that can be easily crushed to death have no value at all.

But as long as the master orders him to do it, he will do it to the best of his ability.

The few ants just now are very close to the species limit, and the white spider feels a pity, just a little bit, he can complete the task given to it by the master.

There are still seven days left, and the white spider knows that after the glowing thing in the sky rises and falls seven times, it will return to the abyss due to the [Insect Swarm Teleportation] cast by its master.



System took Shava back to the wintering lair, and along the way, he never found the aura of the abyss, nor did he feel uneasy.

After planting a few Frost Flowers in the snow near the nest, System finally made up his mind and decided to rest this night, and when he had enough energy tomorrow, he began to transform his talent [Melting Growth] into [Pupation]. ].

After entering the nest, System went to the huge empty room where Queen Linda was, as usual, to check the state of Queen Linda.

In the past six months, System has not found a matching male ant for the female ant Linda. Although there are still sporadic ants living in the adjacent ant nests, there are no male ants among the surviving ants.

Five months ago, the ant nest completely lost its movement, and I don't know if all the ants died, or the ants living in it went dormant.

It was not until his ant people explored the ant nest in the past two months that System did not know that the ants in the ant nest had basically been wiped out, and only a dozen worker ant pupae remained in a dormant state underground. on one's last legs.

Although there was no movement in the ant nest, after more than a month of continuous strengthening at that time, the female ant Linda began to lay eggs inexplicably.

Just as a hen can lay eggs without the presence of a rooster, only those eggs cannot hatch into chicks.

The same is true for the female ant Linda. Since that day, she will produce ant eggs from time to time, but the eggs that are produced can only hatch worker ants and soldier ants that are not capable of reproduction.

System speculates that this is a way for the ants to preserve the continuation of the race when they lose both the queen and the male at the same time.

After System's continuous strengthening over the past few months, and asking Queen Linda to control the number of eggs she lays, the quality of her offspring has gradually improved.

Between expanding the scale of ants and producing elite ants, System finally chose the latter.

System knew that the icy weather and the lack of food, rashly expanding the scale of the ants would undoubtedly cause his ant people to self-destruct.

Wait two months later, the size of those butterflies will become larger, and then expand the size of the ant colony...

System pulled back the tentacles wrapped around the queen ant. Through exploration, System knew that Queen Linda was very close to the second pupation day.

It is estimated that in about ten days, Queen Linda will enter the second pupation just like Shava and the dozen or so ants.

However, it is still unknown how long it will take for the second pupation to break out. It took nearly four months for Shava to break out of the pupae successfully.

As for the dozen or so ants that have pupated for the second time, two are soldier ants and the remaining thirteen are worker ants. They have all entered the second pupation one after another in the last month. How long will it last? System couldn’t speculate either.

You may not be able to emerge from the chrysalis in two months, so wait until you emerge from the chrysalis to expand the size of the ants... System conveyed a spiritual message to the ant queen Linda.

Wang, you said, I don't understand...

Just like the ant queen Linda has always responded, although she is a little more intelligent than ordinary ants, she is obviously not as good as Shava and the grasshopper queen Kun.

Maybe after she pupates for the second time, her intelligence will become higher.

System shook his head and left the empty room where Queen Ant Linda was.

Speaking of the wisdom of ants, a special ant appeared in System's mind, the worker ant Blake, who was relatively thinner.

Every time System returned to the lair, he would see Black coming to greet him, but he didn’t expect to see him this time.

Black was also called Blackie by System, with a small black spot on its head. He was an accidental product after System failed to strengthen the worker ant eggs.

At that time, he tried to give the worker ant egg the butterfly larva the ability to spin silk, but he failed, and then inexplicably made the worker ant acquire a very high intelligence.

Even if Xiao Hei is just an ordinary worker ant, her intelligence is higher than that of Shava.

In terms of computing power alone, the current Xiao Hei has even surpassed him.

A dozen days ago, System taught Xiao Hei a small game of Gobang because he was bored.

Draw a grid on a piece of ice he made, then use dead leaves and ice crystals as chess pieces.

It turned out that the first few rounds were fine, he could basically win easily. After a while, he and Xiao Hei had a tough game, and after a few rounds, System would never play this kind of game with Xiao Hei again. Game over.

But in addition to intelligence, Xiao Hei's level is improved, or the blood in his body is very bad.

But Xiao Hei had an unimaginable spirit of unyielding, System could feel Xiao Hei's desire to become stronger and help him.

For this reason, System, who had already decided not to lie to the Ant People, lied again.

In fact, Xiao Hei does not have the conditions to activate [spiritual connection] at all, because the level is difficult to rise, and there is little hope for Xiao Hei to perform a second pupation.


System briefly patrolled the lair, and it didn't take long for him to see Black who was shuttled between the lair chambers.

Black apparently spotted him and moved quickly to him.

Wang, I just checked it a few times. I removed the worker ants that were out foraging before. There are 117 worker ants in the nest, and 5 are missing.


System showed a puzzled look. Although the ant colony has occasionally lost one or two ants in the past six months, it is very rare that five ants are missing at one time.

And at this moment, System's body trembled slightly, and his [intuition] brought him a feeling that the five ants were most likely dead...

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