Laws of the Insect Hive

Chapter 7 Chrysalis and Fire

After upgrading and molting, System's claws had become much harder, and he could easily chop up the mature leaves of plants.

The 78g chosen by System would make his upgraded leaves taste quite good. The taste was similar to the watermelon in the previous life, only slightly harder and less flavorful.

With eating this kind of leaf, the information of 78g in [Information Reading] has become 93g. It seems that different individuals of the same plant also have some differences, and the effect on his growth is different.

And the [information reading] ability needs to be improved, and more data needs to be collected.

In order to make [Information Reading] more useful, System decided to eat a little of each plant as much as possible in order to complete his information base.


However, after continuing to eat four or five leaves to relieve his hunger, System suddenly felt a little unwilling.

Very unhappy.

Compared with these leaves, the taste of insect eggs is obviously much better.

After alleviating his hunger, these delicious leaves suddenly made it difficult for System to swallow.

If he is an ordinary grasshopper, he may eat the leaves with peace of mind according to his own instinct, and then gradually grow and degenerate into an adult grasshopper.

But he is fundamentally different from an ordinary grasshopper.

It's not a talent [numerical code] that makes his body grow rapidly.

Compared with ordinary bugs, his biggest difference is his intelligence, otherwise, no matter how strong his [Numerical Code] is, he will die in the face of that toad and cannot die any longer.

Wisdom not only brought him careful thinking, but also endowed him with greed and ambition.

System, who was eating the leaves, looked around from time to time. This time, he was not only looking at the hidden dangers around him, but looking for and thinking about the meat that might exist around him.

He wants to eat meat...


System was thinking about ways to find meat.

The human beings in the previous life can become the overlord of the earth, relying on wisdom, and the initial application of wisdom by human beings is to use tools to create fire.

System looked at his feet, his worm head showed a complicated look, his feet did not have fingers, it was very difficult to make tools, and even if he had fingers, he had no useful materials.

Do you want to learn from the Paleolithic humans to smash rocks and smash sharp stone blades as weapons?

Or learn Neolithic grinding stones and grinding stone-blade weapons?


With the time to use the stone blade, his claws had already bitten the opponent ten or eight times.

The only material System could think of to be useful was spider silk, which could be used to make many traps or weapons.

But after thinking about it, System gave up, not to mention how he used his foot to cut off a piece of spider silk without being stuck by the spider silk, and how long it would take to cut dozens of spider silks to make a trap.

In the process of obtaining the silk, will the spider consent?

Maybe he will continue to grow in the future. After his strength improves, he can force the spider to agree to hand over the spider web, but at that time the spider is no longer his opponent. What is the use of the spider silk? ?


In the end, System didn’t think of any way to create a tool trap, at least not with his current body.

If he still wants to eat meat, the most effective way is to use his [information reading] ability to search for hidden insect eggs in the forest.

The second is to prey on herbivorous insects that are weaker than him, just like the few bugs he encountered last time that absorbed the sap of the plant wall.

It's just that [Information Reading] is a bit heavy on his mind and cannot be used for a long time.

After making up his mind, System continued to eat a few leaves before jumping to find meat.

After possessing the activatable ability [Information Reading], System's actions were much bolder and more decisive.

Although the distant scene is still blurred even if it is outlined with [information read], but within a meter or two everything is clearly visible in his eyes.

As long as [information read] is activated for a few seconds occasionally, all the camouflaged insect killers around will be invisible in his eyes.

In just a few minutes, System found a mantis disguised as a dead branch, and a piebald spider disguised as a flower.

During the search, System found three of his own kind. They were slightly different in size and color from him. They should be different species of grasshoppers, which belonged to his distant relatives. System also found several insects like flies and bees resting on the leaves, and also saw dozens of ants eating the body of a dead dragonfly.

There were many kinds of bugs hidden in the jungle, but System did not find the eggs and weak insects he needed in a short time.

It was obviously difficult to hunt down a similar body type, and it was unrealistic to prey on flexible flies. As for rushing to the ant colony to snatch the dragonfly corpse, it was like a zebra charging the hyena swarm. He didn't want to die.

System can only keep jumping, and try his best to use [information reading] to discover more things before his mental power is overdrawn.

Ten minutes later, when System was about to give up, he finally found a safe food, and there was still a lot of it, enough for him to eat for more than ten days.

On the trunk of a taupe-brown tree with a very wrinkled skin and a strange shape, System found dozens of butterfly or moth pupae. fetch], he is hard to find.

Each pupa is 6 centimeters in size, which is equivalent to three times the size of System. There are some silk threads attached to the whole body of the pupa, so that the pupa is firmly attached to the bark.

Pupation in the same place, and then cocooning into butterflies at the same place is a common method for butterflies to continue the group. After all, these butterflies or moths are very fragile in the first few minutes of breaking cocoons and becoming butterflies Butterflies breaking out together greatly increases their chances of surviving.

System's claws drooled involuntarily, these protein-rich foods must be delicious.

If he can eat all these pupae, it will undoubtedly greatly improve and accelerate his growth, so that he can become an adult as soon as possible.

System immediately used his fangs to bite at a chrysalis!

The oval black-brown pupae made his fangs unable to exert force at all, and even if they succeeded in exerting force, his fangs would not be able to act on these hard pupae shells.

After trying to bite for a few minutes, System's worm head showed a humanized look of annoyance. He clearly found a large number of delicious and nutritious foods, but he was helpless, which made System feel very uncomfortable.

It seems that we can only find a sharp stone blade to knock open the shell, but it is difficult for this body to grasp the stone.

Are we going to wait until these worms break out of their cocoons and turn into butterflies before attacking?

But how long it will take for these pupae to turn into butterflies is not known at all. Do I have to wait a month for them to turn into butterflies after a month?


boom! !

A loud sound in the distance interrupted System's thinking. The moment the sound came out, System saw the dazzling fire in the dense forest dozens of meters away.

Strong vibrations and sounds gradually approached him from the distance where the flames erupted. Along with the continuous violent crash, System found that several trees in the distance seemed to have collapsed.

After a few breaths, a creature with flames all over its body whizzed past several meters from System along with a rolling heat wave...

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