Laws of the Insect Hive

Chapter 46 Spider Venom Glands and Rats

As night fell, System tried a new attack method after his third molting while searching for the mouse.

System chose to attack the spiders that were common in the forest and liked to hover in the middle of the spider web at night.

After the third molting, System acquired a brand new organ, which was his tentacles.

The tentacles are extremely flexible and strong, each tentacle can wrap around and lift a weight equal to his body weight, and the extension distance is very long, about ten centimeters.

This tentacle has System's [Severed Limb Regeneration] property, which can regrow even if it is broken, and it is much easier than him to grow a foot with an exoskeleton.

Because of the properties of tentacles, System tried to hunt spiders with tentacles.

Even if his tentacles are bitten by the fangs of the spider, he can take the initiative to bite off his tentacles to avoid poisoning himself.

Fluttering his wings, System hovered right in front of a cobweb, and looked at the spider on the cobweb quietly.

This is a black-gray spider with five centimeters in size with its legs spread out. Judging from the color of the spider, the venom of this spider should not be strong.

System slowly stretched out the tentacles on his feet and wrapped the tentacles around the spider.

The spider didn’t move, and didn’t know if it didn’t see System’s movements, or if it saw System’s movements but didn’t choose to pay attention.

System looked at the appearance of the spider and recalled the memories of catching dragonflies in his previous life.

The dragonfly rests on the leaves of the horsetail grass—

He walked carefully towards the dragonfly, trying not to make a sound, and then slowly extended his hand.

His hand gradually moved closer to the dragonfly, and then closer...

Suddenly shot!

His hand pinched the dragonfly's wings, and the dragonfly was completely unable to break free.

The picture of catching the dragonfly in his memories coincides with the action of wrapping the spider with his tentacles now...

When System's six tentacles were still half a centimeter away from the spider's body, they suddenly exerted force!

Several legs of the spider were entangled by System's tentacles at the same time, and in an instant, the spider was pulled from the spider web by System's tentacles.

The eight limbs of the spider's body were tightly bound by System's tentacles, and it couldn't even make a struggle, and could only use the fangs on its head to keep biting at the air.

System flew to the ground with the spider, he pulled out a tentacle wrapped around the spider's body, and used the tentacle to pick up the thorn on the stem of a rose plant that he had prepared earlier.

Using his flexible and powerful tentacles, System easily pierced the weak part of the spider's skull with a hard thorn.

With the outflow of white sap, the spider was completely motionless and died not long after.


System ripped off the spider's legs with his tentacles and chewed it in his mouth.

After the third molting, the hunger in his body has weakened a lot, and he will not feel hungry even after a long time.

I don't know if it's because of [starvation resistance constitution], or because of his body's reduced demand for food.

System found that many of the delicious food that had been originally tasted a little less delicious to him now, and the experience provided was also reduced by nearly a third.

Using his tentacles to tear at the spider's organs, System casually threw away some of the unpalatable flesh and the gray fluff on the spider's body.

System used his tentacles to remove the venom gland connected to the spider's fangs, and he prepared to throw away the spider's venom gland as usual.

However, at this moment, System’s body reacted in a special way.

It was his strange ability [intuition] that he acquired by listening to the voice of the world!

His [intuition] told him that the venom glands of this spider were delicious and would not cause too much harm to his body, which was very beneficial to his body.

System wiggled the spider's venom gland with his tentacle, lightly dipped a little of the juice from the spider's venom gland, and put the tentacle into his mouth...

But just as the tentacle was about to enter his mouth, System stopped.

To eat, or not to eat, also needs to be carefully considered.

Regarding eating the spider's venom gland, System felt like someone was holding a bag of rat poison, poured the rat poison into a water glass and mixed it with water in front of him, and then told him, dry this potion, it's good for your Great for the body!

[Instinct] is System's newly acquired wonderful ability, which is much stronger than his previous [Insect Intuition].

But is this ability really worthy of full trust?

System recalled the scene when he just woke up, he accidentally jumped in front of a toad, if he hadn't actively suppressed the [insect intuition] in his body, he might have died long ago.

Just eating like this is undoubtedly using his life to experiment for the special ability of [intuition].

But what about not eating?

System is also very unwilling. If his body that has undergone three molting can really resist this poison, and this poison does have a growth effect on his body, he will definitely regret it.

System fiddled with the spider's venom gland with his tentacles and thought.

After a few minutes, the wisdom from humans allowed System to finally come up with a solution.

Putting the spider venom directly into the mouth to taste is naturally very risky, but he can completely dilute the venom and then taste it.

If a small drop of spider venom is diluted thousands of times, and he still dies suddenly after tasting it, then he will die if he dies.


System was holding the spider venom gland repeatedly with his tentacles to think, when his tentacles suddenly heard a special movement, the sound of a mouse.

Throwing away the spider's body and spreading his wings, System flew in the direction of the sound.

Behind a tree a dozen meters away, System found the rat that made the sound.

The rat digs the rhizome of a vine plant with its claws and crunches at it.

The mouse had a dark gray body, the right eye was tightly closed, and there were blood scabs on the hair at the corner of the eye.

Unsurprisingly, the mouse was the culprit that nearly killed him and made Shava crippled.

A flash of blue light appeared in System's compound eyes, and he glanced around.

Fluttering his wings, System flew to a vine of the same species three meters away.

[Discoloration Camouflage] Activate!

After the third molting, System's [Green Camouflage] becomes [Color-changing Camouflage], and his outer skin can imitate any plant color pattern like a chameleon.

Adjusting his body slightly, System's body was slightly twisted, and it didn't take long for him to disguise himself as the stem of a vine plant.

Against the nimble rodents, System still chose the ambush that insects were best at.

It wasn't that System was not sure of defeating the mouse, but he was worried that he would attack and let the mouse escape and burrow into the mouse hole, adding unnecessary trouble.

Five minutes later, after the rat continued to eat an unknown fruit that had fallen from a tree, the rat finally found the vine where System was located.

Just like before, the mouse began to dig the roots of the vine, and obviously did not find him.

System observed the mouse's movements, seized the opportunity, and rushed towards the mouse!

His tentacles stretched out in an instant, aiming directly at the mouse's limbs and wrapping them.

As System's body came into contact with the rat, the rat seemed to be frightened, rolled on the ground responsively and started to jump.

But System's ambush was well prepared. Before the mouse found him and was frightened, its limbs were firmly entangled with the tentacles at the same time, and the rolling and jumping it performed did not affect the tentacles at all, but almost knocked Sister. Mu's body fluttered.

System quickly adjusted to execute the plan he envisioned, flapping his wings with maximum force!

When the rat found that its limbs were entangled with tentacles and began to bite the tentacles, System had already pulled the rat and flew off the ground.

And when the mouse bit off System's first tentacle, System had already taken it to the top of the tree.

When the mouse was struggling to bite off System’s three tentacles, System had already used his tired wings to take the mouse to a height of 100 meters——

Without waiting for the rat to continue biting and struggling, System released his remaining three tentacles, and his body became more relaxed.

For his body, flying with this struggling mouse was still quite strenuous.

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