Laws of the Insect Hive

Chapter 451 Let friends read books

On February 28, Golden Banana Six Years, the rescue plan ordered by Keno was successfully carried out.

The captured Golden Banana Federation soldiers used the [Data Template] to cooperate with each other and successfully controlled a ship before the coalition forces arrived.

The Golden Banana Coalition not only rescued the federal soldiers, but also wiped out more than 70 warships lingering near the federal waters, and captured more than 2,000 members of the Kauz Empire Navy.

It is worth mentioning that the three newly developed floating ships of the Golden Banana Federation were used in this war.

Relying on steel steamships may not be enough to look at in front of deep-sea monsters, but while developing steel steamers, the Golden Banana Federation is also conducting research on floating ships.

The three floating ships were made with reference to the floating islands of the Golden Banana City, but they were not circular, but more like ships in the sky.

The floating ship is 450 meters long, 100 meters wide, and 70 meters high. The whole body is covered with steel. It is driven by magic energy floating. The hull has hundreds of muzzles and a 30-meter-high magic laser tower Primary weapon.

In the face of the fierce artillery fire in the sky and the bombs that were continuously falling from the sky, the warships of the Kauz Empire, which were still relying on primitive sails, had no chance at all to resist.

Of course, some of the Kauz navy on the ship also raised their magic energy bows, but the number of these special arrows is too small. effective attack.

The same is true for the sea monsters driven by murlocs. These sea monsters, which are 100 meters long and look like giant octopuses, can drag huge steel steamers into the water, but they have no means of attacking the air.

Other than celebrating by spraying some useless water jets into the sky, these sea monsters have no choice but to hide in the water to avoid the fire.


In this way, on March 1st in the sixth year of the Golden Banana, the Golden Banana Federation was humiliated, defeated the navy of the Kauz Empire, and returned victorious.

On the same day, according to Jenny's instructions, Gino also released the corpses of the envoys of the Kauz Empire, along with dozens of prisoners.

And told these prisoners to go back to find out the truth of the sudden death of the messenger group.

Keno wasn't very interested in the cause of death of these messengers, but using such a lame reason to humiliate and intimidate the Kauz Empire was the best.

On the second day after the Federation soldiers returned to the country and the entire Federation was celebrating, Keno and the top officials of the Federation were busy again and held a strategic meeting for the murloc nation.

Compared with the Kauz Empire, which is tens of thousands of kilometers away, the murloc kingdom that is adjacent to the Golden Banana Federation but has never communicated much is more important to the Golden Banana Federation.

The meeting followed the meeting mode of the Golden Banana Chamber of Commerce at the beginning. In addition to the main dozens of members, hundreds of federal officials indirectly participated in the meeting through the Internet.

After more than ten hours of meetings, the Golden Banana Federation's strategy for the murloc nation appeared in two different ways.

The first is to mass-produce the mines that the Federation successfully developed a year ago. As long as a sufficient number of mines are placed underwater, the safety of the Federation Navy can be guaranteed.

After all, the damage caused by the same explosives exploded underwater is higher. As long as those octopus water monsters touch, they will suffer huge damage due to shock waves.

The Golden Banana Federation can also throw mines at cities where the murlocs are underwater, to deter the murlocs who are enemies of the Golden Banana Federation.

However, the disadvantages of this are also obvious. Although the cost of mines is low, the cost of large-scale delivery is not low. In addition, if the murloc kingdom surrenders, it will be very troublesome to clean up the mines in the later stage.

The second method is to use the same method of the Kauz Empire - the wonderful potion.

In fact, as early as a year ago, adventurers from the Kauz Empire came to the Golden Banana Federation and brought several bottles of wonderful potions.

One of the bottles went through several rounds before finally being placed in a delicate glass bottle and becoming a collection in Jay's wine room, known as the wonderful wine.

System had also smelled this drink. Although it was a bit strange, he didn’t think much about it. He had always thought that this kind of thing was a precious drink.

It was not until a few months ago when the Federation and the Kauz Empire fought for the first time that the Federation's alchemists formally conducted research on this potion.

Through these months of research, Kambal's disciple, a female alchemist named Mei, successfully deciphered the ingredients of this potion, and formulated a new potion in the laboratory that was 30% more effective than this potion.

Not only that, but Mei also pointed out that the theoretical effect of this drug can reach five times that of the current one.

However, due to some technical problems, this drug cannot remove impurities that inhibit the efficacy of the drug, and cannot be mass-produced.

But if research continues, mass production of the agent will only be a matter of time.

Yes, the second method of the Golden Banana Federation is to provide the murloc kingdom with new and wonderful potions with better effects, and control the murlocs in their hands like the Kauz Empire.

Then, in his way, he also used his own body to block the waters of the Kauz Empire by using the murlocs.



In the two-story building above the floating sky, it had been two days since System had truly approved the strategic policy that Jino had provided him.

After all, System has a lot of things to do, and he really has no time to deal with such major national affairs.

And this time, when replying to the documents that had been accumulating for several days, one thing aroused System's interest—the wonderful potion.

System looked in front of him and showed a kind smile to his grinning worm demon friend. This potion might have the potential to make the demon succumb.

Shaking his head lightly.

System knew that the mass production of Wonderful Potion might take a while, so he opened the white-covered book he was holding on his tentacles.

The worm demon quickly fell into it and couldn't extricate himself, and began to be submerged in the ocean of knowledge, full of nonsense.

At this time, System was conducting a comparison experiment between the Void Monster and the Book of Truth—these two things would make people crazy.

In addition to the crazy dwarf who has become inhuman, there are four other objects in System's experiment, and the worm demon is one of them.

Just like the old Druid Medland likes to kill insects, System also likes to torture some rat-man friends, so this time, System wants to let rat-man friends read the Book of Truth, more Learn some knowledge, don't be full of bad water.

As for the worm demon, it was System's sincere and sincere friend who wanted to move the other party and make the other party submit. System also wanted these guys to read books and learn the truth, goodness and beauty.

The third is Johnny, a heroic friend who volunteered to ask Ying and read books. Through reading Johnny, he can not only learn the truth, but also get investment.

The fourth type is System's old friend, a legendary high-temperature slime with a trend of wisdom, but System also knows that 99% of his old friends can't read books. Just to make up the numbers.


After two consecutive days of experiments by System, the results showed that the madness generated by the Book of Truth and the madness generated by the void monsters were two types of madness.

To put it simply, the madness caused by the void monsters is more serious, because the crazy dwarf has completely lost the characteristics of the dwarf, and is more like an item; on the other hand, the rat man and the worm demon are more crazy, but he They can make sounds from their mouths and move their limbs.

As for Johnny the Shorty and Hot Slime, they did not respond to the Book of Truth.

Like Johnny and Slime, the mad dwarf did not change anything after watching the Book of Truth.

And through Little M's interpretation, System knew that within five hours, this mad dwarf would be transformed into the most primitive void monster...

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