Laws of the Insect Hive

Chapter 40 The Third Degeneration (Part 2)

It's just a pity, because in the process of degeneration, the perception of the outside world is lost.

The Sith couldn't use [Power Enhancement] to test other targets, otherwise System wouldn't mind using this ability to try to strengthen the soldier ant Shava.

I don't know if Shava will have the ability to [regenerate severed limbs].

If Shava has [Severed Limb Regeneration] like a grasshopper, and can be strengthened by his [Power Enhancement], the disabled Shava will grow new legs more quickly.


System's degeneration took much longer than he imagined, and after a few random thoughts, he continued to tinker with his newly invented ability [tool menu].

This ability generated by [Data Compilation], the more System uses it, the more functions he feels he can discover.

He can add various functions similar to the game in the [Tools menu].


Ding! Your level increases.

Ding! Your [Tools Menu] ability level increases.

Ding! You gain 58 units of experience.


He can add voice reminders to his body just like a virtual game.

When he levels up, his skill level increases, or he gains experience by eating, it will automatically make a sound to remind him.

This kind of voice prompt can also be replaced by a text message, which appears in his sight, and he can also add a time module and a direction module in his sight to display the time and direction.

This simple function can be activated continuously, and it will only consume a tiny amount of his mental power. System feels that he can never close it and keep it open, and it will basically not affect his spirit.

System found that he was increasingly transforming himself into an online game.

As long as you add the health bar, the amount of blue, and the small map near the corner, it is basically the same as the ordinary online game.

If System had the current [Tools Menu] when he woke up, there was a 90% chance that he would think he was reborn into a game world.


System continued to control the [Tools Menu].

After the [Tools menu] was integrated, it was divided into several functional modules and renamed by System.

They are: my information, database, read analysis, and practical gadgets.

My information corresponds to [Self-Information Generation Technique], the database is the same as the [Information Entry] function between the two, reading analysis is the ability like [Information Reading], and practical gadgets are some created by System Miscellaneous little abilities.

System found that the ability to read and analyze the contours of surrounding objects could be modified to become more practical.

After System had a simple idea, he took action immediately. He experimented with the images stored in the database, and began to transform the ability to read and analyze.

System's ability to analyze things couldn't be strengthened, but the function of making the outlines of surrounding things glow faintly was quickly upgraded and optimized by System.

According to the different types of objects he observes, System distinguishes the colors of the shimmers generated by the reading analysis. The things that are not dangerous are set as green shimmers, and the things that are not dangerous are set as green shimmers. Yellow, and things that are dangerous or unseen are set as red shimmers by him.

In this way, after activating the [Reading Analysis] function, the dangers and things in the external environment will be more clear in his eyes.


System was constantly studying the various uses of [Tools Menu], and he even forgot that his body was degenerating.

And in the process of System researching the [Tools Menu].

System suddenly heard a buzzing roar, this sound was like a mosquito flying back and forth beside your ear while sleeping, making you restless.

While System was searching for the source of the sound, he suddenly found himself in a strange place.

The surrounding area was white, as if nothing was there.

Not even himself, he felt as if he had become a cloud of air, or a speck of dust that the naked eye couldn't see.

System found that he seemed to have heard a voice, which was actually more like the spiritual message of his [Teleportation] than a voice, but it was completely different from [Teleportation].

It seemed that this voice was acting directly on his soul.

Is this the voice of the world that appeared in the third degeneration in the inheritance of [Degeneration and Growth]?

But I don't understand it at all?

Suddenly, System felt an inexplicable power coming from the void, and this power merged into his soul.

System felt that his vision gradually darkened, and then he fell into a deep sleep...



As he stretched his body, System's body made a crackling sound.

After System woke up, his third metamorphosis had been successfully completed.

After the third molting, System's body grew to about 25 centimeters, possessing slender antennae like a grasshopper queen, and an unknown complex pattern appeared on his green outer skin.

I don't know what kind of plant this pattern is from. It's very strange. It's very similar to the pattern on the queen's body, but it's completely different.

System moved his body to clean up the dross remaining on the epidermis.

System suddenly discovered that his two front legs had undergone a special change. Near the barbs of the first two legs, there were a very conspicuous circular gap, and there seemed to be some brown spots in the gap. things vibrate from time to time.

System exerted a little force, and a few dark brown granulation sprouts suddenly sprang up near the circular gap. These granulation sprouts continued to grow and stretch like tentacles until they reached their limit at about 10 centimeters.

Three tentacles like this emerged from each circular gap. The tentacles were about two millimeters in thickness. They were very flexible and could be freely controlled by System, just like a human being manipulating fingers.

System easily grabbed a nearby ant larva with this tentacle, then tore off a nearby shimmer mushroom with the tentacle and put it into the ant larva's mouth.


After being reborn as a grasshopper, System missed the flexible fingers of humans.

It is only after the loss of the fingers that the benefits of the fingers can be realized.

There are many things that he can easily accomplish as long as he has fingers, but it is difficult to do with the legs of a grasshopper.

Perhaps it was because of his obsession with fingers that System evolved such specious fingers during his third molting.

However, although these tentacles were as useful as fingers, they were ugly. System felt that such tentacles couldn’t be more awkward when they appeared on a grasshopper.

System randomly controlled the small tentacles on his feet, and suddenly, he seemed to sense something——

System shook his body and moved half a centimeter to the left in the cave. A second later, a fragment of soil fell from above and fell close to System's head.

System suddenly remembered the voice of that mysterious world, the power that the voice of the world gave him, and some information that suddenly appeared in his mind...

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