Laws of the Insect Hive

Chapter 38 The King and the Knight (2)

System didn't expect that he used lies and suspicion, but what he exchanged for loyalty in this idiot soldier.

Even after hearing System say that he is not an ant queen, Dasha still attacked like a mouse without hesitation.

Looking at Soldier Ant Dasha's mutilated body, the broken head and the blood still flowing from the broken legs, System's heart was touched repeatedly.

You, why are you doing this?

System did not know why, but once again sent a spiritual message to the soldier ant Dasha: I am not the queen of ants, but a grasshopper.


The Soldier Ant Dasha did not respond, but remained silent. It opened its fangs and still guarded System, but the remaining tentacle on its head shook slightly, apparently accepting He arrived at the spiritual message that System delivered to him.

I'm really a grasshopper, not an ant queen.

System continued to deliver spiritual messages.

No, you are, the queen of ants.

The Soldier Ant Dasha finally responded to System. Its spiritual message was very firm, and it seemed that he was unwilling to admit that System was not the Queen Ant.

……I'm not.

After a long sigh, System explained again, he didn't know why he insisted on explaining this to Dasha.

Even if he knew this explanation, Dasha would probably rebel against him immediately after he understood, and System did it anyway.

You are...the Queen of Ants.

Soldier Ant Dasha didn't seem to be willing to admit that System was not the Queen Ant.

However, in the next moment, Dasha Soldier Ant suddenly delivered an answer that exceeded System's expectations.

The soldier ant Dasha seemed to want to understand something, and it sent a message to System: You are, the queen of ants, no, you are the queen of queens.

System was stunned for a moment. He remembered that when he first met Dasha, he said a lot to himself because of loneliness, regardless of whether Dasha understood or not.

Dasha may have learned the word queen at that time.

...Why do you think I'm the queen?

System continued to ask Dasha.

This time, the Soldier Ant Dasha did not send him a spiritual message, but sent him several images using [Spiritual Connection].

There is a video of System giving Dasha the transparent stone; there is a video of System chatting with Dasha with [Spiritual Connection]; System ordered Dasha to eat a lot of food and let Dasha say goodbye The image of hunger; there is also the image of System gently stroking Dasha's head with his feet...

Many images that were insignificant to System were connected, but he felt Dasha's extraordinary gratitude and excitement from these images.

That's why you think of me as a queen? System sent a spiritual message again.


Soldier Ant Dasha gave a positive response, and System knew that if his body could move, his worm head would definitely show a smile.

Nonsense, I'm obviously a male, how can I be called a queen? System sent out a very relaxed spiritual message.

The Soldier Ant Dasha didn't seem to understand, and it used the only remaining limbs to slowly turn its body, showing a puzzled expression to System.

System looked at Dasha Soldier Ant, and at the same time, at the dozen or so larvae ants snuggling next to him, he suddenly figured out—

To Dasha and to these ignorant ant larvae, even if he stopped lying about himself as an ant queen, he could still gain their trust.

He didn't have to lie about being an ant queen at all.

System said foolishly to the soldier ants: Don't call me queen, that's a female name, call me king, as long as I'm still here, I'll be your king.


The Soldier Ant Dasha sent a confused message, and it obviously couldn't fully understand what System meant by what he said.

A king refers to a person who is elected as the top manager by some people in the world because of his high self-cultivation, wisdom and ability. They are called kings.

System remembered the explanation of the concept of king in his previous life. He didn't care whether the soldier ant Dasha could understand it or not, and he passed the spiritual message to Dasha.

Soldier Ant Dasha obviously didn't understand very well. After thinking for a long time, he suddenly sent out a spiritual message again: You are the king, so what am I?

You, you're a soldier ant... No, I'm already a king. It's obviously not appropriate to call you a soldier ant, then you...

System fell into deep thought, and he suddenly remembered a profession—knight.

There are eight rules for knights in the previous life, and Dasha seems to have most of them directly.


The soldier ant Dasha is not born arrogant. Although it has the power to command ordinary worker ants, it will never hostile to the worker ants.


Do you have the courage to sacrifice when you need to pay the price to serve the interests of the majority?

Perhaps for ordinary intelligent races, this is very difficult, but for the soldier ant Dasha, the sacrifice is really a trivial matter.


There is no doubt that the cowardly does not deserve the honorable title of knight. A man without courage simply cannot pass the test of the knight.

Soldier Ant Dasha is inherently brave and good at fighting.


If human knights believed in the religion and king, the ants believed in their queen, and Dasha believed in him—System.


Honesty is a laudable virtue everywhere.

Soldier ants don't lie at all.


Fair and impartial, strictly abide by the law.

Ants are born with their own set of rules, and so does the soldier ant.


Soldier Ant Dasha directly possessed the six rules of the Knight Code.

System said: Since I am the king, then you are the knight who protects the king!


Hmm. Knight.

System answered in the affirmative to Dasha Soldier Ant, and at the same time relayed the image in his mind to Dasha Soldier.

The knights in the video hone their swordsmanship and martial arts diligently every day, slashing against the stakes.

The knight in armor held a large sword and half-kneeled to the king to swear allegiance, saying the oath of the knight.

As soon as the screen turned, the knight mounted a war horse and charged towards the enemy, fighting with the enemy; then System’s delusion turned to a magical world, where the knight rode a fiery red dragon soaring in the sky, heading towards the densely packed undead. The Legion attacks...

Is this... a knight?


Knight, better than, mouse.

Yeah, stronger than a mouse... System echoed Dasha, the soldier ant. He thought of something and continued, Dasha, let me give you a name.


Like I called you Dasha, let me give you a new name, how about Sava? No, soldier ants are female, or a feminine name is more appropriate, then your name should be Sava.

I, Sha...Wa.

You, Shava.

System sent a message to Shava, confirming her name.

And at this moment, the boiling blood of System's body suddenly cooled down—his third metamorphosis finally began...



Shava, who only had her left forelimb left, stared at System for a long time. She found that her king had not responded for a long time, as if she had fallen into a deep sleep.

She couldn't fully digest and understand the various spiritual messages that System passed on to her, but she was deeply impressed by the video memory that System passed on to her.

Especially the image of the knight half-kneeling swearing allegiance to the king, Shava liked it very much, and she would also swear to System like that.

Shava tried her best to make her body look like a human being half-kneeling, but her legs were almost gone, so she couldn't do such a difficult movement at all.

Using the only left forelimb, Shava tried to stick the stinger on her tail into the dirt so that she could assume a human-like half-kneeling position.

But after hundreds of consecutive attempts and dozens of falls, she still failed.

In the end, Shava could only lie on the ground and make a plausible pledge of allegiance to System, and she hilariously pressed her only remaining foot on her chest exoskeleton.

I, Shava, take an oath, swear the king, to be loyal...sincerely, and stay by my side.

After Shava took the oath, she used her only left forelimb and movable abdominal joint to twist her body to move out of the cave.

The exoskeleton on Shava's head was somewhat shattered, and several legs were broken one after another because of the rat's relationship. A lot of blood flowed out of many wounds, making her body very weak.

But Shava felt that her body was full of power.

She is the king's knight, and she wants to protect the king's safety.

After three hours.

Using her mutilated body, Shava finally climbed to the exit of the cave after falling and rolling countless times in the cave.

Ten minutes later, a few black-brown worker ants gathered towards Shawa.

In the ant society, disabled ants like Shava who have basically lost their ability to move have only one fate.

She will be killed by the ants, and the body will be recovered.

Shava dragged her disabled body and started her first battle since officially becoming a Knight of System!


After a few hours.

Near the temporary nest of System, dozens of worker ants appeared busy patrolling, and they guarded the temporary nest where System was located.

Among these worker ants, there is a very strange soldier ant. The soldier ant lost five of its six legs and was carried by four worker ants for movement.

This soldier ant had many small new scars on its body, and it seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep because of its weakness.

But even if he fell into a deep sleep, the soldier ant raised his head high and looked very proud...


The sleeping Shava had a dream, which was her first dream.

In the dream, she rode a lizard and easily defeated the rat who offended the king.

With her complete body, she swore an oath of knighthood to the king, and the king gave her a red stone as a reward.

She was also rubbed on the head by Wang's feet...

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