Laws of the Insect Hive

Chapter 31 Ant Rape

Queen ant, egg.

Compared with ordinary insects, the soldier ants are actually very smart, because it is difficult for ordinary insects to use [mental connection] to sort out words.

Dasha was able to send a brief message to System after only one afternoon. Although he was much worse than the Queen, he was still a bug with superior intelligence.

It's not so much that he is stupid, but it is said that he is simple-minded and single-minded, and it is easy to believe in others with confidence.

The Soldier Ant Dasha was convinced of the identity of the Ant Queen fabricated by System.

It thought that it was System's child, so all the instructions given to System would be meticulously fulfilled.

Go get me an ant larva.

Taking an ant egg from Dasha's mouth, System continued to conduct new tests on Dasha.

Rob the food of ordinary worker ants, enter the ant nest to steal food, and bring out the ant eggs and larvae from the ant nest...

System's test against the soldier ants was escalating step by step.

He found that even after letting Dasha commit suicide, or go to the depths of the ant's nest to assassinate the ant pseudo, the soldier ant Dasha would do it without hesitation.

However, the last two Systems just gave orders, and he immediately stopped them.

Suicide is impossible for Dasha to commit suicide, and the assassination of the ant queen in the ant's nest will not be of any benefit to System, let alone whether Dasha will succeed or not.

After choosing a gravel crevice, System ordered Dasha to carry food to the crevice, and he jumped away from the ant nest.


The sky gradually became dark, and System explored the surroundings of the forest in the dark night.

Because of [Dark Vision] and the newly acquired ability [Sharp Vision], System's vision in the dark is now better than his vision in the daytime.

And inheriting the spiritual power of the Grasshopper Queen, System's [Information Reading] can be used continuously for more than ten minutes, which is more than three times higher than the original.

In fact, although System used to go out for food in the dark night, this was the first time he had truly explored.

There were many mosquitoes in the forest at night, and they were flying together in groups, as if they were carrying out a mating ceremony.

Every few meters, there will be spiders waiting on the spider web, and one or two toads with bulging abdomens will appear on the ground from time to time. They swallow their tongues to catch the mosquitoes in the air.

The forest at night looks dangerous and mysterious.

Not long after, a small bat appeared in the sky and shuttled back and forth, and System tightened his nerves, preparing to avoid the bug hunter.

However, before System could act, he realized that the little bat seemed to have sensed him, and avoided him one step ahead.

System was stunned.

This bat, which is similar in size to him, did not regard him as prey at all, but chose to keep a distance from him, obviously jealous of him.

He is no longer the little grasshopper he used to be.

Ignoring the bat, System continued to explore around.

There are many options for System to hunt for food at night, but most of these are not what System wants. If he just hunts these bugs, he will undoubtedly be more efficient to snatch them from the ants.

The target System was looking for was still a magical creature like slime that he could eat.

While inheriting the power of the Grasshopper Queen, System also obtained many memory images of the Grasshopper Queen.

The Grasshopper Queen obtained [Teleportation], and the memory of the sound of the world is vague, but the memory of the plant that made the Grasshopper Queen grow quickly is very clear.

It was only after she ate the pale blue fruit that the grasshopper queen began to take a different path from ordinary grasshoppers.


However, although System had a good idea, searching for magical creatures in the forest was like looking for a needle in a haystack, and System did not get anything for the whole night.

However, when the exploration failed in the early morning, it returned to the ant nest where the soldier ant Dasha was located.

System made an amazing discovery, he found a way to survive the winter with peace of mind.

Fang **** Tum, who has such an easy winter, does not need to look for magical creatures to improve his strength as soon as possible. After all, looking for a blue fruit like the grasshopper queen eats is like buying a lottery ticket.

As long as he prepares with peace of mind, steadily improves his experience bar, and performs the third molting after ten days, he can easily spend the whole winter, even if there will be two or three months of snow in winter, he doesn't have to worry about it.

This amazing discovery came from the soldier ant Dasha. After a whole night, Dasha had filled the rock crevice that System randomly selected yesterday with food.

The rock crevice specified by System was large for the ants, and the capacity was about the size of a can of Coke in a previous life.

Soldier ants, Dasha, fill this gap with food only for one night. It's not how strong Dasha is. In fact, ordinary soldier ants are just bigger, and their ability to carry items is not even comparable to ordinary soldiers. worker ants.

Dasha is similar to ordinary soldier ants, and its ability to carry food is also poor. Even if ten pieces of food are carried overnight, it is impossible to fill the cracks in the rocks.

The reason why Dasha filled the rock crevices with food is because it has activated the vast masses of worker ants!

When System bounced back from a distance, nearly a hundred worker ants came and went near the crevice in the rock he designated.

Under Dasha's command, these worker ants put the food in their mouths into the crevices of the rocks in an orderly manner.

The gap has been filled, and these worker ants continue to pile on the food in the gap, while the big idiot on the side is wandering among the worker ants, dredging the moving worker ants from time to time.

Dasha's performance far exceeded System's expectations.

Let the soldier ants instruct the worker ants to carry the food, this is something that System has never thought of with human wisdom. I didn't expect the soldier ants to think of it by himself.

Knowing that Dasha could mobilize ordinary worker ants, System immediately thought of countless possibilities, one of which was a plan to use these worker ants to build overwintering nests.

With these ants who are good at digging, he can not only easily build an underground nest, but also build a very luxurious underground nest.

He originally planned to dig a simple cave two meters deep underground, so that he could shelter from the cold of winter.

Now he can rely on these industrious worker ants to dig a five-meter-deep cave, and then dig rooms in the cave as granaries.

System only needs to use the soldier ants Dasha to instruct these worker ants to dig the cave to be more spacious and allow him to come and go freely.

As for filling the granary, these industrious worker ants can also collect it. If the food collection is too slow, these ants can also be transported directly from the warehouse of their own ant colony.

When winter entered, not only did he not need to be motionless like hibernating, he could also eat underground to further enhance his strength.

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