Laws of the Insect Hive

Chapter 28 Locusts Transit (Part 2)

After more than ten days, the appearance of the grasshopper queen has not changed in any way, it is still the same withered yellow appearance before, and the pair of tentacles are still slender.

Is it... a cricket?

The grasshopper queen stared at the food System was chewing, sending out her unique mental wave.

After more than ten days, System found that the Grasshopper Queen's control of language was much more proficient.

Although he couldn't reach him, System heard a lot of tone changes from the Queen's words.

It seems that the grasshopper queen should have been practicing this kind of spiritual message these days, otherwise such great progress would not have been possible.

Yes, do you want to eat some?

System stopped eating, as if he had been with an old friend who had been with him for many years, he naturally handed the food to the Grasshopper Queen.

No, I don't like, eat... meat, this kind of food.

The Grasshopper Queen conveyed a spiritual message to System and refused. At the same time, she used her claws to bite off a leaf not far away and put it into her mouth to chew.

These days, is that special breath from you?

The communication with the Grasshopper Queen did not require any politeness, and System directly asked his question.

Yes, it is... I sent it. The Grasshopper Queen shook her tentacles and continued to send a message to System: You, as expected, didn't... come.

System stared at the grasshopper queen for a while and said, You know, I won't go.

The Grasshopper Queen touched System's tentacles with the tentacles on her head, and her unique and gentle mental fluctuations said again: I know... you won't come, so, I'm back... looking for you.

I miss you……

The spiritual message of the Grasshopper Queen contained countless thoughts, and System did not know how to respond to this feeling.

There is no alternative but to use human wisdom to change the subject: Are you still going to explore the world? Like those pictures in the bloodline?

Yes, I'm going, with them. The Grasshopper Queen looked at the sky above and replied to System.

They? Are there many grasshoppers going with you?


The Grasshopper Queen continued to look up at the sky above her head. She stared at a cloud in the gap in the jungle and asked System: You know, what is that...?

Insect compound eyes couldn't see too far, but looking at the white mass in the sky, System knew what the grasshopper queen was referring to.

System replied, That's a cloud, a form of water.

The grasshopper queen showed a somewhat regretful expression. She stared at the sky above her head and said, I can't fly... not so high, but I can, fly farther.

The Grasshopper Queen lowered her raised head and continued to say to System: I... have a name, you know, what is the name...?

System showed a puzzled look and said, Name? Did you name yourself? My name should be System.

The Grasshopper Queen replied, Sis... Tum, Kun, my name is... Ying gave me... the name.

System asked, Shadow? Who is that?

A bug.


Not long after the conversation with the Grasshopper Queen, with the unique sound of its wings flapping, a 5cm-sized green grasshopper landed not far from System and the Grasshopper Queen.

Not long after, another grasshopper flew in, then two, three, a dozen, hundreds...

More and more grasshoppers gathered towards him and the Queen of Grasshoppers. After ten minutes, thousands of grasshoppers of all kinds had gathered near him.

And the size of these grasshoppers is still expanding.

The peaceful forest became noisy, the grasshoppers flapped their wings and flew from time to time, some jumped to the nearby grass to eat the plants, and some flew to the treetops to bask in the sun.

Because of the arrival of grasshoppers, a large number of ants poured out of the nearby ant nests. The ants attacked the grasshoppers around them, trying to catch and eat the grasshoppers that disturbed their tranquility.

However, grasshoppers are not food for ants from birth, and even more so for adult grasshoppers. As long as they jump gently, the siege of the ants will fall short.


Countless grasshoppers kept gathering around him and the Queen of Grasshoppers, and System couldn't count how many grasshoppers had arrived, but there were at least tens of thousands of them.

There was an open space of nearly half a meter around the grasshopper queen. Except for System, there were no other grasshoppers parked in the open space.

System speculates that this is very likely the embodiment of the class status of the grasshoppers, and the grasshoppers who have molted for the third time will naturally become the leaders of the clan.

The size of the grasshoppers was still expanding, and the locusts gathered even blocked the sun in the sky, making the forest where System was located a little darker.

Looking at the sight of the grasshoppers covering the sky, System remembered a natural disaster in his previous life—the plague of locusts.

When locusts cross the border, no grass grows.

System did not experience a locust plague in his previous life, but he once watched a locust plague in some documentaries.

Even if it was a documentary, System couldn't help but be shocked when he saw the locust plague for the first time.

The swarming locusts will eat everything green during their flight.

Although the scale of these locusts in front of System was smaller, they were essentially similar to a locust plague. The plants in the forest were constantly being eaten away by the locusts at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The grasshoppers that gathered here were generally small in size, ranging from 3 cm to 8 cm. System also saw many of his cognate green-tailed grasshoppers among the grasshoppers.

The arrival of these dense locusts did not bring any discomfort to System, but made him feel some closeness.

The grasshoppers gathered together happily, exuding a peculiar aura from each other, which made System's body very excited.

He even had the urge to fly in the air with the grasshoppers.

Really... why don't we go together? The Grasshopper Queen seemed to sense System's excitement, and she looked at System and sent out another spiritual message.

After a brief hesitation, System refused again: Well, not going.

There seems to be a long sigh in the spiritual message of the grasshopper queen...


The carnival of the grasshoppers continued, they jumped and gave off a very pleasant breath, and at the same time, many grasshoppers began to find mates and mate.

Because of its sturdy body among grasshoppers, System also attracted quite a few female grasshoppers, but as long as it hid near the grasshopper queen, these female grasshoppers would not entangle him again.

There are still a few grasshoppers who choose to mate. Most grasshoppers just fly around in the air, seemingly playing with their peers.

Several birds flew into the locusts at the right time, and they caught the locusts to eat, but there were too many locusts. After the birds preyed on a certain number of locusts, they disappeared.

By noon, there were already millions of grasshoppers gathered.

There are no more grasshoppers coming together, and the carnival of the grasshoppers has reached a climax at this moment!

With her as the center, the Grasshopper Queen once again emitted a strange aura, and System's blood seemed to be slightly boiling.



Millions of locusts jumped and spread their wings above the dense forest at the same time. In an instant, the bright noon sun was blocked by the torrent of grasshoppers, and the forest became dark below.

Countless grasshoppers started flying in one direction.

The grasshopper queen looked at System for a long time, and after finally touching System's tentacles with her tentacles, she also spread her wings and began to fly with the torrent of grasshoppers.

And System also spread his wings at this time and followed behind the Queen.

Do you want to... come with me?

The grasshopper queen once again sent out a spiritual message, which was full of the emotions she was looking forward to.

No, I just want to see you off. After I leave this time, I don't know if I can see you again...

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