Laws of the Insect Hive

Chapter 23 Dangerous Magical Creatures

It was not the Nepenthes-like plant in front of System that exuded a special aura, but an unknown tree more than ten meters away from him.

The tree looks very ordinary, similar to an ordinary poplar, about the thickness of a human thigh.

The leaves of this tree were eaten by System, and there happened to be data on this plant in his [Information Entry].

The taste is slightly sweet, and the experience value of this leaf of the same weight is about one-twentieth of the pupa.

As System got closer, he felt the tree's peculiar aura even more, obviously in the humid forest, System felt a touch of heat.

This kind of dry and hot breath is not strong, if it weren't for the innate perception of insect antennae, System would probably be hard to detect.

System jumped on the branches of this tree and ate the leaves.

The taste of the leaves, as described in [Information Read] is only slightly sweet, but provides five times the experience of the original leaves.

This was what System ate after waking up. Apart from the lizard corpse, the second type of food that had increased experience points did not match his sense of taste.

System jumped and moved on the branches of this tree, carefully observing what was different about the tree, but except for the hot breath, System couldn’t find anything.

Plants in the magical world?

Reminiscent of the wild boar covered in flames, the old Druid exuding a natural aura.

System speculated that both this tree and the previous lizard should belong to a magical species with supernatural powers.

The reason for the abnormal experience should be that when he ate this kind of food, he absorbed the special energy attached to the plant by the way, and obtained the experience that allowed him to level up.

But in fact, his body can't digest and absorb this special energy, so his taste can't distinguish this special plant taste.

It is very likely that with the absorption of this energy, when the special energy accumulated in his body exceeds a certain amount, the quantitative change causes qualitative change, and his body will undergo special changes.

However, these were all inferences drawn by System based on the subtle feelings of his own body, and might be very different from the actual situation.

Whether it is his derivative ability [self-information generation technique], or the inheritance in his bloodline, there is no information about this magical power.

System estimated that he should find some clues after his third molting, because the ability of the grasshopper queen to communicate mentally was acquired during the third molting.

Since he didn't know what effect this leaf had, System chose to leave after taking only a few mouthfuls of this leaf, so as to avoid unknown changes in his body that would hinder the improvement of his talent [Metamorphosis Growth].

After all, System still knew too little about this world.

After coming to this world, apart from the grasshopper queen he met, he had nothing to communicate with, and he had to explore everything by himself.


Continuing to move and explore, it didn't take long for System to encounter another magical life again.

It is not a plant that exudes a special scent.

Instead, it was a ball of light brown gum the size of a basketball, exuding a faint sour smell.

This mass of glue slowly wriggled on the ground, melting some rotten branches and broken leaves on the ground into the body, as if it was eating.

Slime looks like a slime.

Slimes have appeared in many fantasy-themed games in System's previous life. They are weak in combat and feed on grass or rotting impurities, usually the monsters the protagonist faces at the beginning of the game.

Slime's gum is full of corrosive mucus, which can digest many rotten impurities in the forest, and belongs to the scavenger in the forest.

In addition to the sour aura corresponding to the hot and dry scent of the magic tree, this slime also exudes a unique aroma of grass and trees, which makes System greatly moved.

Seeing the slime moving slowly among the dead leaves, System decided to taste this gum.

Not to mention the delicious herbal aroma, the digestive juice in the slime's body will definitely have a certain promotion effect on his [corroding mucus], and it is worth trying it out.

System jumped and moved over.

But just as he moved to a position one meter away from the slime, the blood in System's body suddenly trembled.

His [insect intuition] issued an early warning!


System stopped, and his mind immediately cleared up.

Something was wrong with him just now. He has always been cautious, so why would he rush to the slime without any warning, and even go to suck the slime's gelatin?

System turned the tentacles on his head, and the bizarre herbal scent emanating from the slime entered System's mind again.

His spirit seemed to enter a strange state of relaxation.

This time System was already alert.

Shaking his head to wake himself up, after System thought for a while, he grabbed a five-centimeter-sized dead branch and jumped continuously to a branch above the slime.

Throwing the dead branches from above—

Following the impact of the wooden stick, the football-sized glue suddenly shrank, the whole glue suddenly vibrated violently and jumped up, and the stick was engulfed by the slime in an instant.

The grassy aroma emitted by the slime does not mean how delicious its gelatin is, but means that it is a trap to kill insects!

Slimes can be easily killed by humans, but are deadly killers of insects.

Watching the end of the dead branches, System's body trembled slightly unconsciously. If it wasn't for the reminder of the derivative ability [Insect Intuition], he might have been swallowed by the slime just now.

Although possessing [Corrosive Slime] makes his body resistant to corrosive liquids, he will not be easily digested, but being engulfed by slime's gelatin will undoubtedly cause him to suffocate to death.

Species from the magical world may not be as simple as depicted in the game. They also have various habits and are likely to eat insects.

After this lesson, System decided that when encountering other unknown creatures in the future, he must be more careful not to make this mistake.


Jumping away, System found some red-brown ants not long after, and following the trail of these ants, he quickly found the red-brown ant's nest.

Unlike the dark-brown ant's nest, this one is built in a decaying tree.

The reddish-brown ants are about 0.8 cm in size, and the size of the ant colony is smaller than that of the black-brown ant colony, but there are also many ants coming and going.

System watched thousands of ants wandering around the ant nest, and suddenly had an idea——

What if the slime was brought near the ant nest?

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