Law of the Devil

Chapter 61 Semel's Premonition

This kid named Bayer died very quickly. His body was completely black. When he died, his eyes were wide open, his eyes were empty, and his fingers were still in the posture of grabbing upwards...

He died terribly. There was a big hole on his forehead. From Du Wei's point of view, that hole seemed to be corroded by the strongest sulfuric acid! The piece of flesh on his forehead and the skull inside were melted with a hole! The brains inside have all flowed out...

The ground in this place is too hard to dig a pit for burial. As a last resort, everyone can only throw the boy's body into the lake.

This reckless boy... Beinrich broke a branch fiercely and threw it into the fire with regret on his face: He is the guy I recruited in Fick City. He originally He is an excellent hunter. His arrow skills are very good, and I have taught him martial arts...he just wants to catch a few fish for everyone...

Du Wei didn't speak.

Beinrich shook his head: He forgot, this is a damned frozen forest! There are no ordinary beasts here! They are all monsters! Even the fish in the lake are dangerous! This stupid guy! Bastard! Idiot! Idiot It's... It's my fault! I should have reminded him earlier, it's his first time here!

Du Wei didn't know how to comfort the leader who blamed himself. He thought for a while, patted the shoulder of the leader, and then said what the leader said during the day:

This is the adventure life! Some people come, some people go! Some people die, some people live!

Beinrich quickly returned to normal. He is the head of the regiment, and a whole hundred people are watching him!

He threw away the branch in his hand, then stood up, viciously went to patrol, and at the same time shouted loudly: Get away from the lake! Bastards! Anyone who dares to approach the lake again, I will break his leg! !

This episode didn't add much burden to everyone... Those old mercenaries are used to seeing life and death. For them, the most they can say is: Oh, that kid is too unfortunate.

During dinner, the eight-fingered Sterrier came back with the patrol. His face was a little gloomy, as if he had discovered something. However, this cautious guy did not alarm everyone, but quietly walked to Beinrich's side.

Captain, I found something.

The archer took out a charred branch from his arms and handed it to the head.

It was obviously a branch that had been split into a piece of firewood and burned, but it was not completely burned, and there were obvious signs of splitting on a section of the cut.

It seems that there are our colleagues nearby. Sterrier whispered: I found a place where there were buried fire ashes in the snow, but they were not buried deep. I took a look, about There are four or five piles, and according to this judgment, there are probably more than 30 people on the other side.

A gleam flashed in Beinrich's eyes: More than thirty? Are you sure?

At most thirty, not more than forty. I'm sure! Sterrier replied with certainty: From the color of the ashes of the fire, it seems that they left not long ago, so they shouldn't be too far away from us. And... ...

Strill paused for a moment, grinned, and said in a low voice: Based on the traces they left behind in their camp, these guys have 'a lot of luggage' and brought a lot of things!

Beinrich trusted this subordinate very much. Although he only had eight fingers, his archery skills were first-rate, he was cautious, had careful observation, and rarely made mistakes.

A strange smile appeared on Beinrich's face... a little gloomy: Oh, since this is the case, shall we 'contact' these colleagues?

Du Wei didn't quite understand what the leader said, but Dardanelle's face next to him was a little unnatural.

In the tent at night, Dardanelle explained to Du Wei.

In the adventurer's world, to put it simply, the weak prey on the strong! Especially in this kind of place, if you meet your peers, there are usually only three situations. Dardanelle said slowly: The first one is that one side is strong, and one side is strong. Weak, but the weaker side does not have any good things to make people envious. Then the two sides will live in peace.

The second is that the two sides are of equal strength, so they will live in peace.

The third type is that one side is strong and the other side is weak. If the weak side still has a lot of trophies in their hands...then there will be a consequence out of ten...

Dardanelle smiled and said in a low voice, Black people eat black people.

Du Wei didn't say anything, he knew that every player has his own rules of the game.


In the early morning of the next day, Du Wei found that the eight-fingered Sterrier and several other old mercenaries were missing from the team.

He didn't ask Beinrich where these people went, and Beinrich didn't say either.

The mercenaries rested all night, recovered enough energy, and started to work. They brought out a great net with many sharp barbs, and some iron traps for trapping animals, and some pitchy torches for burning. Several teams were sent out to search for traces of Warcraft.

In the morning, when Sterrier and the others came back, Sterrier looked a little disappointed. He walked up to the head of the regiment and shook his head: I can't find them, they may have gone far.

The leader shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: It's their luck, and it's also ours. Friends, well, since we can't find a colleague, then we will do our own work and take your people to rest for a while.

If nothing else happened, Du Wei and Dardanelle planned to help these mercenaries for another day, helping them catch two more monsters, and then they were ready to bid farewell to them and continue northward.

Du Wei sat under a big tree, watching Dardanelle helping the mercenaries to set up the iron traps for trapping animals. He watched Sterrier come back, talked with the regiment leader for a while, and then went to rest.

Du Wei heaved a sigh of relief. He didn't intend to interfere with the rules of the game of the mercenaries, but he was willing to help the mercenaries catch monsters, but he didn't want to watch them do black-and-white business, let alone participate in it. It seems that Sterrier did not find the target, Du Wei is very satisfied with this result.

Sighing lightly, he looked at the beautiful lake in front of him, like a large mirror... Who would have thought that there was a murderous crisis hidden in the lake?

It's beautiful, but full of danger. Du Wei said to himself.

You're right.

Du Wei was taken aback by the voice behind him! Then he realized that it was Semel's voice! This damn woman, who has not shown her face for so many days, suddenly jumped out at this time!

Looking back, Semel was still wearing a bright red robe, just standing lightly behind Du Wei, her snow-white bare feet were stepping on the soft snow... Fortunately, she was just a shadow, and shadows are not afraid of the cold . .

Du Wei shrugged: Oh, are you finally willing to show your face?

The magician next to you a few days ago is very powerful. Semel shook his head: I can sense the horror of his spiritual power, and I even feel dangerous! That magician has the ability to search for other people's spiritual power. With his strength, and can even see my existence, that's why I hid.

Oh. Du Wei frowned: Isn't it only I who can see you?

It's like this for ordinary people. Semel whispered: I am connected with your spiritual power, but if the other party can explore your spiritual power, then they can see me... only Very few strong people can do this. And in the next few lived in the same tent with that Dardanelle, although that guy couldn't see me, but if he always sees you alone Talking through the air will take you for a lunatic.

Oh? So, I have to thank you for your understanding? Du Wei snorted.

Semel smiled, and then sat down beside Du Wei. She didn't seem to care about the unhappiness in Du Wei's tone, so she sat quietly for a while, looking at the beautiful Dayuan Lake in the distance.

Du Wei turned his head to look at Semel, but found that this woman had a strange expression...

There was a strange expression on her face, her eyes flickered, her eyebrows were slightly twitched, as if she was thinking about something.

I... I feel very strange. Semel looked into the distance, her eyes swept across the beautiful lake, and then the forests in the distance on both sides... This place is very beautiful...but, why...


Semel took a deep breath, his face blank: I don't know... But I always feel that I seem to have been to this place... I have a very familiar feeling to this place. At least the scenery in front of me, I Seems like I've seen it somewhere.

You? Been here? Du Wei wanted to laugh, but couldn't.

Don't be kidding... She, Semel, the memory copy of the real Semel, has been sealed in an oil painting since she came to this world. For two hundred years, she hasn't stepped out of the castle! How is it possible to come here?

If the real Semel had been here, Du Wei wouldn't be surprised...but the woman in front of him.

Semel stared at the distance obsessively. After a long time, she shook her head vigorously, and suddenly smiled, her voice was a little low: You must think I'm talking nonsense, right? It's impossible for me to come to I've been here, but... I don't know how to describe my feeling... Anyway, it's weird.

She lowered her head and thought for a while, then raised her head, changed the subject, and said with a smile: By the way, your magic has made good progress in the past few days. I saw the few slow spells you used. It seems that the actual combat It really enhances your abilities.

Dardanelle came here in the distance, and Semel sighed: Okay, I'm leaving, you be careful... I, I think this lake is very weird.

After speaking, her body disappeared before Du Wei's eyes.

Hey, Harry. There was sweat on Dardanelle's forehead, and he looked very happy: You know? Beinrich knew that we were leaving tomorrow and said that he would see us off tonight. The old one-eyed man said that he would meet in the evening. Get some special treats... what are you thinking, my friend?

Du Wei stood up, patted the snow on the bed, and said with a smile: It's nothing...well, we'll start working, we're leaving tomorrow, and we have to help our mercenary friends well today. .”


At night, the old Cyclops actually made a big pot of mushroom soup! These mushrooms were collected all the way by the old Cyclops.

In such cold weather, the mercenaries almost bit off their tongues after a few days of eating the unappetizing magic wolf meat. Such a big pot of delicious mushroom soup!

Beinrich warmly treated Du Wei and Dardanelle, and took out his last wine to see them off. In the end, Du Wei even drank two more glasses and fell asleep in a daze.

In the morning, Du Wei was woken up by being pushed hard by Dardanelle! Dardanelle's face was ugly, and his expression was solemn: Harry! Something happened! Get up!!


Commander Beinrich's eyes are red! He gritted his teeth, just like a beast ready to eat people! All mercenaries are as if they are facing an enemy! Everyone didn't do any work, they all held their weapons silently...

Du Wei looked at the crowd and found that some people were missing!

Eleven! A whole eleven people! gone!

The eleven mercenaries who were in charge of the night watch patrol last night! The collective disappeared!

What's incomprehensible is that they didn't seem to be attacked by some monsters... Even if there were monsters, it would be impossible for eleven people to disappear silently! Not even a tiny bit of movement was made!

There are no traces of monsters around the camp, not even human footprints! They didn't leave, there were no dead bodies around, no footprints in the snow!

Eleven people, as if last night... all of a sudden they all evaporated!

Beinrich sent half of the people out to search for a long time, but there was still no news! Those who sent out came back empty-handed!

Even if they are attacked, at least they can make a sound! Beinrich growled angrily: They are all experienced old mercenaries! It is impossible to be killed silently! Not to mention quietly Go away!! Damn it! We didn’t lose so many people along the way! But in one night, I lost eleven brothers!!”

The angry leader gave an order: We'll stay here for another day! Damn it! I'll keep watch tonight, and everyone should be vigilant at night, don't sleep to death! I'd like to see what can make my eleventh The brothers evaporate collectively!


Du Wei went back to the tent to pack his things. He was going to stay for another day. No matter what, now that the Snow Wolf Mercenary Group was in trouble, he didn't want to leave just like that.

As I said, this lake is a bit weird. Samel didn't know when he quietly stood behind Du Wei.


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