Law of the Devil

Chapter 1 The Idiot

devil's law

Chapter 1 [Idiot]

In fact, when Du Wei Luo Lin was just born, no one dared to call him an idiot, and he was even once thought to be a genius of the Luo Lin family.

Three years ago, after Du Wei came out of the Countess's belly and came into this world, the maids who were in charge of delivering the baby were shocked severely.

Because he neither cried nor shouted, and never even needed adults to coax him. His life pattern is more normal than that of an adult, waking up at the same time every day, opening his mouth to eat at the same time, and going to bed at the same time. But every day except for opening his mouth, the child hardly makes any sound. The only thing he does every day is to be in a daze... staring at a pair of eyeballs in a daze.

He doesn't even have a record of bedwetting. Because he learned to gently shake the bell next to the cradle, after a long time, whenever the bell rang in Master Du Wei's cradle, the maid would immediately run to carry the urinal for him. Such a move made the whole family unanimously praise this young master for being so smart since he was a child, and he must be a genius of the Luo Lin family in the future.

It's a pity that the word genius lost its luster after hanging on his head for less than half a year... because he couldn't speak.

Children of his age, at his age, can already babble, or make simple pronunciations out of their mouths, such as Dad, Mom, pee and so on. But Master Du Wei's mouth seemed to have been sealed by a super magician. No matter how dry the countess taught him to speak, he couldn't get a single note out of his mouth.

Even if he was born dumb, he could at least hum a few times, but this young master was as silent as a stone. When it's cold, hot, hungry, or convenient, all you can do is ring the bell.

When he was three years old, the young master’s mouth hadn’t been opened yet, so the countess invited countless skilled doctors, and even invited several famous magicians to see if her son had been cursed by magic. , but all to no avail. In the end, even the most optimistic countess could not help but sigh sadly, it seemed that her son was an idiot.

Fortunately, the three-year-old little master Du Wei still learned to walk. Although he is still staggering, there is no difference in this point compared with children of the same age.

It's just that such a child can't cry, laugh, or talk, and just stays in a daze all day long. There really isn't much to explain other than idiocy.

More than a month ago, there was a sudden storm, the sky was thundering and lightning, and the rain was pouring. Even the Grand Canal outside the imperial capital was said to have almost burst, but a big event happened in the Earl's Mansion.

The young master Du Wei crawled out of the room alone while the maid who took care of him didn't pay attention, and stood in the courtyard in the rain, looking up at the sky. There were lightning bolts in the sky, and under the roar of thunder, this child didn't seem to have the slightest fear—maybe an idiot who didn't know what fear was at all.

Instead, he clenched his two small fists, and suddenly yelled at the sky!

The young master, who hadn't spoken for three years, just stood in the rain, yelling like crazy at the thunderbolts, and let the rain wash over his small body. His feet seemed to be fished out of the water, his whole body was shivering with cold, his face was pale, and his lips were purple from biting.

The Countess who heard the news saw this scene, and immediately fainted. The servants in the mansion quickly carried the young master and his wife into the room, but the lady woke up quickly, and passed out while holding her. The son cried bitterly, and the doctor who was called was exhausted for a long time in a panic, and fed various medicines, and invited two magicians to guard the son with light healing spells for a long time.

But seeing that the child's body was still a little bit cold. Immediately, the Countess ran to the Temple of the Goddess of Light in the imperial capital as if crazy, invited a teacher in black, and personally cast the spell of Goddess Blessing on the child, while the Countess held the statue of the Goddess in the Temple of the Goddess of Light. Kneeling in front of him all night, he kept praying for his son.

It wasn't until the next day that the child's body finally warmed up, and his life was saved. Just another day and night in a coma. When she was in a coma, the countess hugged her son almost without food or sleep. Two days later, the countess's delicate face was already haggard. Suddenly, the young master Du Wei who was in his sleep spoke. He closed his eyes, but as if he was dreaming, he uttered a few byte notes from his mouth, but everyone didn't know what the sound meant after listening to it for a long time. This idiot young master has not yet learned to speak, and what he talks about is the meaningless ravings of babies. …

But the Countess wept with joy, and after listening to the child for a while, she finally got a clue. Looking back at the silent group of servants, he asked in a low voice, Among the servants who usually take care of the young master, is there one named Ma De?

Everyone looked at each other for a long time, and finally there was a bold one who bowed his head and said, Ma'am, it seems that among the people who are in charge of the young master's daily life, there is no one named Ma De...

Afterwards, he searched all over the Earl's Mansion, but found a horse-feeding servant named Made in the stable, who was immediately brought to him by his wife.

My son is calling your name in his sleep...Made...Although I don't know why he called your name, but I think it's an oracle given by the Goddess of Light. Goddess bless you, from today onwards, you don't need to feed the horses. Already transferred to the young master's side.

Ma De was overjoyed immediately, he suddenly jumped from a low-level groom to the young master's side in the Earl's Mansion, he seemed to see a bright future beckoning to him!

However, Du Wei himself didn't know it in his sleep. He just ran outside and yelled at God a few times in a moment of anger. After a rain, he almost let go of his own life. I don't even know, just because I cursed Damn when I was unconscious, I benefited greatly from having someone.

Young Master Du Wei has been ill for a long time, and he has been ill for a full month, but his body, which was originally a young child, became weaker and weaker. After a full month, a little blood appeared on that little face again.

However, as always, the young master still didn't speak. Since he woke up, he hasn't spit out half a note from his mouth. Even the servant named Ma De whom he handpicked in his sleep, the young master didn't give him any good looks, and he was in a daze every day. The only difference is that when the maid beside her occasionally mentioned her serious illness, the countess hugged herself for two days and two nights without sleep, and even knelt in front of the goddess statue for a whole night...

Afterwards, when the countess came to visit her son every day, she found that the child's originally dull eyes turned to her with a little more warmth.



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