Law of the Devil

Chapter Eighteen: A Different Way

Chapter Eighteen [Different Road]

Outside the dungeon of the castle, Du Wei saw Ruolin, the first female knight he had recruited. Ever since she came to this castle, Ruolin had taken the initiative to take care of the magician's captives.

If Ruolin did this, after all, that magician was once her companion. Although she had pledged her allegiance to Du Wei, she still had to remember some old friendships. Although this magician was also attracted by his lust at the beginning, and everyone's official business was only for a few days. Although Ruolin didn't dare to go against Du Wei's will and secretly let this guy go, she took care of him personally—so at least she could take care of this former companion as much as she could, and it was considered a little bit of affection.

At least after arriving here last night, the magician was able to eat a full meal under Ruolin's care. Although he is not allowed to sleep, and meditation is absolutely not allowed. Ruolin's two followers, the bull warrior and the archer, took turns guarding the magician, preventing him from recovering his magic power.

When Du Wei came to the dungeon, he was a little uncomfortable with the damp and gloomy smell in the dungeon.

On the contrary, Ruo Lin, who had changed into a knight costume, made Du Wei's eyes shine! This long-legged chick originally had a charming face, but now she probably made some changes in her outfit, cut her hair a little shorter, tied a ribbon on her forehead, and modified her eyebrows to make it less feminine , but three points more heroic.

Especially after wearing the knight attire, the whole person looked a lot more solemn - although the original short skirt was not worn, and the pair of plump and beautiful long legs were not exposed anymore. However, with a slender sword and a light knight's breastplate on his upper body, he has the posture of a knight.

Respected master. Seeing Du Wei walked into the dungeon, Ruolin immediately greeted her: You are...

I'll take a look at my captive. Du Wei's face was very cold, he was in a bad mood, and he glanced at Ruolin: Are you guarding here all night?

A look of embarrassment appeared on Ruo Lin's face: Master, this guy inside is my former companion after all, I think...

Are you begging? Du Wei shook his head: No need, I didn't want to embarrass him. As long as he answers my questions obediently, I will let him go immediately.

After finishing speaking, Du Wei walked past Ruo Lin, and at the same time left a sentence: I am alone with him, all of you are waiting outside, don't come in casually.

The room of the magician was originally the largest room in the dungeon in the castle. When Du Wei came in, the magician was already pale and could barely open his eyes.

Although the magician's mental power is strong, after all, he had a fight with everyone in the tavern during the previous trip, and also cast magic, which consumed a lot of mental power, and he was caught afterwards, and he never had a chance to meditate And the mental power consumed by recovery, on the contrary, I have not been able to sleep for the past two days, and I can't support it at this moment.

After being locked in this dungeon, after one night, every time I closed my eyes, a bucket of cold water was immediately poured down. Although Ruolin was more polite to him, but Ruolin's two subordinates were not polite at all.

Originally in that small adventure team, the bull warrior and the archer disliked this magician very much, because this magician was attracted by Ruolin's sex, so he was often despised by the bull warrior and the archer . The relationship with each other has always been bad.

At this moment, seeing this little nobleman walk into the dungeon room, the magician already felt that he was about to collapse. He didn't have any chains on him. Anyway, a magician who has lost his magic power is not as strong as an ordinary person. It's just that the dungeon was gloomy and damp, and he didn't know how many buckets of water had been poured on him, his lips turned white from the cold. When Du Wei walked in, the magician was sitting on a stone bed with his knees hugged, and the bull warrior next to him He also shouted to himself: Hey, don't close your eyes! Otherwise, I will pour water on you again! How many times have I run just to carry water this night!

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned his head and saw Du Wei coming in, and immediately closed his mouth. Du Wei waved his hand, motioned him to go out, and then walked up to the magician: How is it? Dear Mr. Mage, is everything okay here? ?”

good? Do I look like I'm okay? The mage sneered in his stomach, but there was a pleading expression on his face: Sir, you are such a nobleman, why do you have to embarrass me so much? As the eldest son of the Earl of the Luo Lin family, if it is rumored that you have treated me so badly A magician, then in the future, I am afraid that it will be difficult for your family to make friends with magicians!

Still trying to threaten me?

Du Wei curled his lips: Oh, is that so? Then if word spreads that a small first-level magician has mastered the instant casting technique, what will be the consequences?

The magician's face was pale, and there was a trace of panic in his eyes.

as a result of?

The consequences are simple! That is, if other magicians learn of such news, he will soon become the common prey of magicians in the entire continent! Any magician is eager to learn the top skill of instant casting! And being a small first-level magician can actually master this kind of ability... As a result, do you still have to ask?

It's like a three-year-old child, who is completely defenseless, but has hundreds of millions of money on him!

Say it. Du Wei smiled: Actually, I know that your so-called instant spell is not a real instant spell. You must have used some opportunistic method to achieve this, right? I It’s not a magician, even if you tell me, it’s no loss to you. I just want to satisfy my curiosity.”

The magician lowered his head, and there was a trace of struggle on his face.

What is there to hesitate? Du Wei sighed: You are just a first-level magician. Although magicians are rare and respected in this world, they are only limited to those who are above the intermediate level. Master. If you are the lowest level magician like you, even if I kill you here, or imprison you here for the rest of your life, I am afraid no one will care about you. The most low-level magician who offends a big noble, right?

You... The magician's eyes finally loosened, his psychological defense began to collapse, and he bit his lips with difficulty: You... If I tell you, you must swear not to say it. Because... it concerns me The status of a magician!.

Yes, absolutely. Du Wei immediately raised his hand and swore: I, Du Wei Luolin, swear here, I will remember everything you said to me today, and I will not tell others again. Otherwise, let the Goddess of Light punish me!

... The magician's expression was a bit complicated, and there was a trace of guilt in his eyes, and then his lips twitched a few times: I... Actually, I'm just a magic apprentice.

...What? Du Wei was stunned for a moment: What do you mean?

I... The magician seemed to have a lot of effort to say it: I said, in fact, I am just a magic apprentice, and my real magic strength is only at the level of a magic apprentice. And my first level The qualifications of a magician are obtained through some means.

Cheat? Du Wei began to feel a little tempted!

To deceive the qualifications of a magician?

According to Du Wei's knowledge, it is not easy to pass the assessment of the Magician Society in the mainland! If the qualifications of a magician can be easily deceived, wouldn't it be a joke?

I have been learning magic since I was a child. My master was a low-level magician. He thought I had magical talent and accepted me as an apprentice. I was qualified as a magic apprentice when I was thirteen years was not difficult. The tone of the magician was a little resentful: There are only a few hundred real magicians on the mainland, but there are thousands of people who have the qualifications of magic apprentices. Unfortunately, the road to becoming a real magician is too difficult. The vast majority of magic apprentices, even if they work hard for a lifetime, cannot pass the first-level assessment. They can only stay at the level of magic apprentices for the rest of their lives. And I... am also one of these poor people.

Every magician will accept a few apprentices, but the magician himself knows that not all of these apprentices can become magicians, and it is very likely that they will not be able to teach a magician disciple in their entire life. But every magician on the mainland will still recruit many apprentices. Because... a person with the identity of a magician is so noble and respected. How can such a person have less followers? Therefore, every magician The master will bring a number of magic apprentices with him. Most of these apprentices have dreams of magic, but in the end, only a very small number of people can realize their dreams. The most abominable thing is that many magicians, they clearly know These magic apprentices have no possibility of becoming magicians, but they don't tell them... because magicians need obedient apprentices around them, someone to help them with magic experiments, someone to help them, to be their assistants, even servants... …And, this kind of servant doesn't cost them even a single gold coin!

This is how I experienced it. When I was thirteen years old, I met my master. He told me that I was gifted, and then took me away from home, saying that he was going to teach me to be a good magician. I followed him with infinite longing, but unfortunately... Later I found out that this is simply an impossible dream. My master has more than a dozen disciples, all of whom have passed the examination of magic apprentices. The Master is just using us as free servants, free helpers.

He will still deceive us with false lies, but he clearly knows that many of these disciples will never become magicians in their lifetime. He knows it! But he just didn't say it!

I have been a magic apprentice for ten years, and finally found that I have no talent in this area at all. It is true that my mental strength has been stronger than ordinary people since I was a child, and I can also sense a little bit of natural force...but this is already the limit. My talents are limited.

Later, in desperation... I... studied magic pharmacy.

Magic Pharmacy?

Du Wei's eyes lit up!

This guy's experience is very similar to his own!

It's just that he couldn't even pass the assessment of the most low-level magic apprentice... Du Wei smiled bitterly in his heart.

In fact, even Du Wei himself didn't know that the situation was not what he thought.

Magicians are a strange group. Most magicians are lonely and proud by nature. They regard themselves as people who stand above all living beings. They are people who can call wind and rain and use the power of gods. The so-called mortal beings, in the eyes of most magicians, are nothing but ants that can be used casually.

Many magic apprentices recruited by magicians are not even as talented as Du Wei in magic! But magicians need followers. Although magicians have money, they can't spend money to recruit servants like ordinary nobles—what kind of words!

As a holy magician, as a mysterious magician, the servants around him naturally need to have the identity of a magic apprentice! How can you use ordinary people to do it? Isn't it very cheap?

However, people with magical talent are, after all, a minority. Therefore, most magicians, in order to have some magic apprentices around them, even lowered the standard to recruit magic apprentices! There are obviously some people with insufficient talent, even if they are only slightly better than ordinary people, they will be accepted by magicians with the temptation of teaching you to be a magician.

After that... these people who are not talented enough to become magicians are just waiting to be cheap labor for teachers for the rest of their lives!

Such a situation caused the assessment of magic apprentices on the mainland to be very chaotic! The levels also vary.

It's just that the assessment that Du Wei went through when he was in the imperial capital last time was conducted according to the real strict standards! Because... that Mage Clark dared not lie to the second person in the Imperial Army, the eldest son of the Patriarch of the Luo Lin Family!

Because of Du Wei's status, Master Clark dared not trick him into being a cheap labor force.

Otherwise, if Du Wei was an ordinary person... then that day, Master Clark saw that he possessed such spiritual power that surpassed ordinary people, so he had already accepted Du Wei!

Even if he knew that Du Wei had no talent for magic, Clark would definitely accept him as his apprentice! Because, having a magic apprentice with excellent magic power by his side will bring a lot of convenience when doing magic experiments by himself in the future.

In fact, many magicians on the mainland do this. If Du Wei hadn't been the eldest son of the earl, he might have been cheated away, and then dreamed of becoming a magician, working as a cheap labor force for a magician, and even wasting his life and delaying his future.

It was by accident that I learned a fact: my teacher had already known that I could never become a magician. There was a trace of bitterness in the prisoner's voice: Even when he put me When he took it away from home, he was already aware of this! However, he saw that I had a good talent for magic power, and felt that having a free servant like me by his side would make it more convenient for him to do magic experiments in the future. Teacher's Many of my disciples are like me. Some of them have strong magical powers, and some have good senses. But they all have major flaws, but they were left by the teacher's side because of a woven dream. taking their lives!.

...and then? Du Wei sighed.

As I said just now... After I learned the truth, I was very angry at the beginning, and then... I decided to change my fate. Since I can't learn real magic, then... I decided to study magic pharmacy The magician captive sighed: Because, magic pharmacists are also a type of magician recognized by the Magic Society. Although... this view is considered ridiculous by most people, although most people think A magic apothecary isn't really a magician at all.

...and then? Du Wei felt his heart beating faster!

Could it be... this guy...

Like himself, he has no magical talent! But now he has become a magician! Moreover, he is in the tavern, but he is really using magic!

Since he, a person without talent, finally learned magic without knowing how to use it... Well, as long as he can tell how to do it... Then, maybe he can do it too!

If there is a way to learn magic, then...

The astrology left by Semel in the secret room in the castle, and the star magic that Semel studied all his life, can't they be learned? !

If you are proficient in magic pharmacy, can you become a magician? Du Wei looked at the prisoner: But according to what I know, the qualification assessment of the magic society, the assessment of magic pharmacists is completely different from other magicians.

On the mainland, there are ten levels for real magicians. Every time you pass the exam, the difficulty will increase a lot! Therefore, the higher the level of magician, the stronger the strength is naturally.

However, although the assessment of a magic pharmacist, known as also a kind of magician, is much simpler.

Even, it is so simple that it will make people feel perfunctory!

There is no grade in the assessment of magic pharmacists!

Just level one!

As long as you pass the test! You are the Magic Apothecary! Then the Society of Magic will also award you a badge, which symbolizes the official recognition that you are a magician.

Although, this kind of recognition is not recognized by most people.

Moreover, even the badges issued by the Magic Society itself have a certain discriminatory treatment!

The magic pharmacist issued a copper round badge, the workmanship is very simple, and... there is no magical anti-counterfeiting spell.

Perhaps, the Society of Magic also knows that no one would be interested in pretending to be such a profession that not many people value.

A magic pharmacist, commonly known as a poisoner, has a lower social status than an ordinary doctor.

And the badge of a real magician, even at the first level, is a silver one! Sorcerer 1 is the Silver Leaf Badge.

Of course Du Wei will never forget that what he seized from the prisoner of the magician during the fierce battle in the tavern that day was a genuine silver leaf badge!

In other words, he did not pass the examination of a magic pharmacist! It's the assessment of a real magician! !

How on earth did he do it?

Learning magic originally seemed to be a shattered dream. At this moment, hope surged in Du Wei's heart again!

My talent is excellent magical power, and my natural mental power is stronger than ordinary people. If I were an ordinary person, it would just show that I have more energy than ordinary people, and I am not easy to get tired, etc... But, I lack sensitivity. No matter how much I meditate and how hard I try, at the very beginning, I couldn't sense even a single wave of natural force. The prisoner said slowly: Later, after I had studied magic pharmacy for ten years, I suddenly A question arises... What is the so-called force of nature? The teacher told me that it is everything! It is everything in this world! It is wind, fire, water, even the slightest drop. But this statement, It's still too vague. A thought popped into my mind... If I can understand what the so-called 'force of nature' is, then maybe I still have hope.

Du Wei listened quietly, and at the same time he was carefully thinking about what this guy said.

For example, the magic of the fire system. Magicians can use the fire element in the natural world through spells, and then use magic to conjure flames! In magic pharmacy, there are also more than a dozen ways to use potions to produce flames. Flames! For example, the simplest one... At this point, the magician captive glanced at Du Wei: Do you understand me when I say this?

Please continue, I can understand. Du Wei smiled lightly: I have also read some books on magic pharmacy.

Okay. The magician continued: In magic pharmacy, there are more than a dozen methods that can achieve the same basic principle as fire make fire! For example, the most basic one can use a The powder produced by the fire phosphorus can burn by itself! Then I was thinking... fire phosphorus can make fire, and the magician's fire magic can also make fire. Could it be...the fire phosphorus contains the so-called natural force The magic element in it? Or, there is something in the fire phosphorus grass, which is the fire magic element?

Du Wei's heart moved, as if he had thought of something, but he couldn't grasp it for a while.

I heard the magician prisoner continue: I discovered another subtle thing. All magic spells! I mean all! Although the power of spells varies from small to large. Let's take fire magic as an example, the simplest The fireball technique, and the legendary flame burning city that can destroy the world's forbidden spell! Although the power is countless times different, but in fact, the principle is the same! Both use flames to burn! But... here comes a subtle thing... All the things that various departments of magic can do, magic pharmacy can also do! For example, fire magic, although pharmacy can't make a large-scale flame burning city The power of the powerful forbidden spell level, but the principle of making fire is the same! Another example is wind magic, water magic, etc... All kinds of magic can be done with pharmacy! Although it can only do the most A simple basic principle, but it can be done! Why is this? Maybe... I was thinking, maybe, those precious raw materials of pharmacy actually contain the so-called magic elements of various magics !Is not it?

There was a proud expression on the captive's face: Since I can't use meditation to extract the magic elements in nature...then, I will use the pharmacist's method to extract the magic elements from the potion!!\u003cfont style=display:none\u003e[Wanjuanshuwu wjsww.]\u003cfont\u003e


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