Latent Syndrome

Chapter 44 44 Combat Catalog

Chapter 44 44. Combat Catalog

Two days passed.

St. George District, mandatory weekly psychological counseling for Countermeasures Bureau agents.

The light spots that penetrated the leaves and reflected on the blinds made Colin a little distracted. He was tired of this boring trick.

Although Irina spoke softly and her voice was extremely gentle, he was bored by her endless chatter.

"Have you ever killed anyone, Irina?"

Colin took out the stainless steel wine bottle in his arms, took a sip, and looked at the swaying leaves without concentration.

Irina was at a loss for words. After pondering for a while, she said: "Many agents will face such moral dilemmas. I know what you are thinking. This is not a trolley problem of killing one person to save others. After all, they are all living creatures. All people also have human rights."

She paused, guided Colin's thinking, let him digest a little, and then continued to add: "However, people will be dominated by many things, climate, religion, law, customs, and habits. These all converge with each other. The spirit of grinding and condensation is what Montesquieu called the spirit of law."

"Thus you can find that the relationship between law and all things is, in the most general sense, an inevitable relationship produced by the things themselves, that is, the inherent laws between things. In this sense, law in a broad sense is the world rules."

"Of course, it cannot be perfect. It will always need to be revised and improved according to the advancement of the times, but it is also an eternal beacon for mankind."

"But SCT... they can no longer be called crimes. Their purpose is no longer sex, money, power, revenge, or even fun. It is an overriding and beyond-reasonable behavior that cannot be explained from a human perspective. It’s just the dark side of pure chaos that is destroying the order of the world.”

“Any act of supremacy will also be judged as a supremacy.”

Irina took off her glasses, revealing a pair of cold eyes.

"Do you agree?"

The biggest difficulty in psychological counseling is that for smart people, they have stronger suspicion motives than others. Any words of inspiration can be regarded as a kind of strategic words, and all that is really needed is.

Real logic, real insights.

"But that's not the sticking point."

Colin shook his head, he still felt something was wrong.

"The growth marks and scabs are like the human body. Is that what you mean?" Irina can see into people's hearts. "Although the scene of heaven has been described by the sages, the world is still full of holes."

"Cohen... and the woman who sneaked into the movie star's house."

"I wouldn't say they are bad people. Reason will always lose to impulse. I'm afraid no one would do better than them if they put themselves in their shoes."

"But the undisputed fact is."

"Society... no, even the advancement of the world is the same, it needs to be torn apart."

"The blood scab left behind."

“Needs to be stripped away.”

"Possession and loss coexist, but we can only move towards the rational side. If only impulse is left in the world, all palaces of wisdom collapse, complete violence and chaos, no one wants to see that situation."

"Is not it."

Irina thought she had said enough, and Colin must be able to relieve some of his guilt.

Seeing that Colin was still confused.

"Is there something else that's binding you?"

Irina guided that maybe the problem was not just guilt, but also other factors.

"No...I think I should be free, but that's why I'm lost."

Yes, whether it is Irina's words or SCT.

All too cruel.

The acrid smell of cigarette smoke and alcohol filled the entire office.

There are three people playing poker games around the coffee table.


Heath and his best friend, Seagull Story.

Seagull Story and Heath once escaped from prison together, escaped police pursuit, and fled to South America together. They have an irreversible friendship.

"I don't understand, Boss. You may have been deceived by that director. The filming was too bad, and the message released was not exciting enough."

Heath said calmly, he got four 8s, and now he was able to take a big hit from Di Bong. He deliberately said unnutritious words to distract him and let him follow the bet.

"Change must be subtle. It will take a long time. Now you just need to plant the seeds. Just like in chess, you will not directly move the king first."

Di Wei gathered four sixes and talked randomly to distract their attention.

"I don't know much about the rules of chess." Heath took a sip of brandy.

Di Wei didn't know what to say. This man's knowledge was indeed not broad enough, and his usual behavioral style was simple and crude.

Seagull Story looked confused and asked, "What is chess."

Di Wei was shocked, this person was even more of a heavyweight.

He had no choice but to say it in another way: "Just like a woman, you can't do it directly... but first... so that she can be happy, understand."

It’s the final round.

Heath was bluffed by Di Bo and folded his cards.

In the end, the seagull story turned out to be a flush, and he was so happy that he took the bundle of cash in front of Di Biao with a smile as bright as a flower.

Ash had veins popping out on his forehead. He was dealing with information filing and some action arrangements at his desk. He wanted to kill Di Yi directly, but Di Yi was the general person in charge of the Luo City branch.

"Don't you think it's time to move on to the next phase of planning?"

Ash already had murderous intentions.

Seeing that Ya Xiu's face was not very good-looking, Di Biao thought that he had indeed neglected his duty.

"You two just go have some fun."

Di Wei gave the cash on the table to the two of them, and gave them a hand to let them leave.

Heath and Seagull Story didn't dare to delay, picked up the money and went straight out the door.

There was no beauty in the rough concrete-walled basement. Even though the ventilation system was always running, it could not quickly finish the cigarettes the three of them smoked.

At this time, the two top cadres of SCT were left, and they wanted to talk about the most confidential matters.

"The Countermeasures Bureau has been restricting our actions. Now the seeds have been planted. The first phase has been completed and we have entered the second phase. To weaken the authority of the Countermeasures Bureau, elite personnel from the headquarters will move in, and you need to screen them. figure."

Ya Xiu pushed the landline phone on the table to Di Biao. Under the operation of SCT's system, Di Biao had to make this call.

"Oh...are the combatants finally coming?"

Di Wei lit another cigarette, looking forward to it.

The forces integrated in Luo City, even the infected forces, are just inconsequential minions. Most of them can't even resist the gadgets developed by the Countermeasures Bureau, and even the so-called butchers are no more than that.

The Los Angeles branch now needs real combat personnel.

"Do you have someone you like? I don't care. I've always had poor taste."

Di Wei really wasn't too concerned about it, because in the combat catalog at the headquarters, those people were all too powerful, and he really couldn't tell which one was more powerful.

Some of the top cadres of the SCT summit did not necessarily enter the summit with combat power. Some entered the summit based on their leadership ability or merit.

This is a diversified transnational criminal group that requires not only combat power, but also unparalleled resourcefulness.

And the combat catalog is pure strength.

"It's not a question of whether you like it or not." Ya Xiu endured his anger. Di Biao didn't seem to be on a mission at all, but on a public trip. "What we need is the most suitable personnel for the current situation."


Di Wei acted resolutely and dialed the number on the landline phone directly.

Ya Xiu raised his eyebrows. After the mission here is over, he will kill Di Biao as soon as possible.

Twenty seconds later.

The call was answered.

"Luocheng Branch, Di Wei, help me transfer to the Foreign Deployment Department."

Twenty seconds later.

The call is transferred.

"I am Di Wei, and the operation has reached the second stage."

"The expatriation documents have been signed in advance, you can check them first."

Ten seconds later, the signature of the document was confirmed on the phone.

Di Wei tapped his fingers on the table, as if he was really thinking about it, and then said.

"I don't know who to come over either."


"The fiercest hunk, you know what I mean."

"that's all."

Di Wei hung up the phone directly.

Ash took a deep breath, gradually calmed down, and continued working on the document with his head down.

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