Latent Syndrome

Chapter 396 395 Ancient times and the future

Chapter 396 395. Ancient times and the future

Heller always had an extremely unsettling premonition.

It didn’t just start recently.

But it was a few years ago, even before he crossed the ocean and stole the body of the Los Angeles butcher.

Once it is completely quiet, the mind will involuntarily begin to fall into the chaos of complete disintegration.

It is as if one already knows that human consciousness is just a cognitive subject composed of nerve synapses, forcibly creating a controller for a body.

This ruler must be cautious and fearful, because it is nothing but a creation elected by flesh and blood, genes, and cerebral cortex.

Above the highest throne, it was empty, with nothing.

This is true for everyone.

It is a puppet driven by desire.

Once disobedient, there is the fear of death, disappearance, annihilation.

will become a madman.

The world does not advance under human will.

Heller sometimes discovers some extremely terrifying things. Human beings always attribute all their achievements to the great human wisdom. In fact, human wisdom is just a product controlled by every cell and every inch of tissue in the body.

And people can never touch the truth, because it is a well-planned scam from beginning to end. This kind of terrifying cause and effect has long been replaced by the stunning and superb skills of changing the day and night. The body is not the body of consciousness, it is the invisible body. The product of deception by formless things.

What humans do, what they think, what they love and hate.

All just.

The physical shell.

All great ideas and superb wisdom are just like the feathers of a peacock, showing off to the fullest, just to attract the opposite sex and obey biological instincts.

All works of art and writing, Mozart, Shakespeare, Michelangelo, and the Empire State Building, are elaborate courtship rituals.

But it doesn't matter.

People have achieved countless gains with the most basic motivations.

And then promoted society.

This structure is more complex and subtle.

If we say that before the birth of industrial society, humans were flesh and blood.

It is the body that has not yet been opened in the beginning, the Hongmeng has not yet been transformed, and is a body that has been enslaved to ancient times.

And now.

Then it was implanted into the future.

Heller knows what kind of scenes are the most frightening: the deep passages illuminated by the dim green lights of emergency exit signs, and those scarlet warning lights in emergencies.

Also like the blood-red eyes in the dark green forest.

Man was enslaved by the ancient times and invaded by the future.

This may be the source of madness.


Disease can erase some things and highlight some things. It abolishes one aspect in order to stimulate another.

The essence of the disease lies not only in the hole it digs, but also in the positive consummation of the vicarious activities used to fill the hole.

This is latent disease.

Do not know why.

These turbulent thoughts, these holes deep in his heart, prompted Heller to transform into a butcher, erasing everyone who was similar to himself, in order to fill this hole.

In the past few days, her fear had become even worse.

The self is the shell of something.

And now, it's taking back what it already has.

There was acid rain in the sky.

When Luca returned to the institute where he had fought Colin before, Heller had already escaped.

He already knows all the right steps.

Know when to kill whom and what to do when.

"who are you?"

The chain saw was imprisoned by Luca in a palm-sized cube metal box. This is a scientific research product of the second branch. It is the same as the situation in White Rock Town and St. George District. It is also the same as the research conducted by the chain saw. It is an independent A small world opened up.

Under certain circumstances, it can be used to imprison extraordinary things that transcend matter and spirit.

For example, forbidden objects, opal, and chain saws.

Luca ignored the chain saw problem at all. He spent too much energy escaping from Arnold's pursuit and had to do the right thing every moment.

There were many corpses of bandits on the ground. Even after Hannah left, the institute still had a certain amount of armed force.

The Countermeasures Bureau once produced special ammunition on a large scale. The quantity of these bullets was enough to wipe out everyone in the world ten times.

Garner no longer knew when he would be able to return to his sister, let alone what the situation was like in the air-raid shelter. He originally only planned to stay away for up to half a month.

But the matter has come to this, and he has no choice but to complete all his orders under Luca's coercion.

He has given up hope on whether he can survive. During this period of time, he has seen too many brutal duels. Even an A-level infected person will be completely wiped out physically and mentally even if there is a slight trace of the aftermath.

Walking on the edge of death all the time.

Before, Luca's escape from the man with the revolver was even more dangerous. If Luca hadn't used the magic method, he would have died due to the ability to annihilate reality and realize fantasy.

The scene of the earth shattering was too terrifying, as well as the fabricated power of gods and monsters.

In theory, Arnold can do anything he can understand, but there is no way beyond his logical scope.

For example, resurrecting people cannot be done without gaining insight into the real life and death, because the essence of human beings is, after all, an ethereal thing that cannot be touched. If you have to do it, you can only resurrect the human body. Becoming a walking zombie, or assigning false memories to be implanted, rather than being a real person, is something beyond comprehension.

It can also be said that one has unlimited power, but cannot use it at all before knowing what true infinity is.

It contains the truth, it contains the ultimate.

Perhaps Arnold had only one reason to help SCT, and that was to get a glimpse of the truth, so as to break free from the shackles of thinking and logic that humans cannot break through.

This way he can reach the truth.

But this doesn't matter to Luca at all. He only needs to do the right thing, although he doesn't know whether what is waiting at the end is understandable to humans.

But it must be correct.

"It's your turn, Garner."

"Use your skills."

"You have the essence of inspiration, and can even find the ability to find designated people within a certain range."

Lukaru said, asking Garner to find Heller.

Along the way, Luca has been eliminated. In the Wheel of Fortune where the chain saw is, all the main bodies of it are now only the last one.

The chain saw must be present for the killing to be meaningful.

"I said."

"Sometimes it is indeed possible, but my ability is uncontrollable."

Garner was ready to explain.

"It doesn't matter."

"I already have the purest power of the abyss."

"It prevents you from retrieving it from another space."

After saying that, Luka's stick-insect-like fingers pressed on Garner's skull, and the unknown ghostly charm poured into it, giving Garner the mental strength to even break through the S-class infected. Although it was only an external force, it was functional. The use is enough.

Garner's hints were also activated by violence, but it seemed that he could not bear this huge power. His eyes were bloodshot, his veins were exposed, and two blood vessels at his temples burst in succession, as if the brain was being driven by an overclocking force. It won't be long before it gets burned out.

But Luka didn't care, he already knew all the right steps.

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