Latent Syndrome

Chapter 336 335 Transfer Station

Chapter 336 335. Transfer Station

Located in the Thirteenth Destruction Zone, one of the Salvation Army transfer stations, on an extremely circuitous winding mountain road, there is a rest stop with a picture of a dove of peace spreading its wings on it.

The transfer station plays the role of isolating Chain Saw's cadres. These people are not unpowerful. In this end of the world where crazy Gu refining is happening, those who can survive and climb to a certain position are not necessarily afraid of him, or chain saw. Saw has extremely serious persecution paranoia, everyone wants to kill him, everyone is trying to cut him into pieces, even his wife does not trust him.

Chainsaw is a married man and his wife is well protected by him.

In addition, the transfer station and the research institute are directly connected to prevent mistakes and must be heavily guarded. There are even two S-class infected people staying here.

All the transport trucks were parked outside, more than a dozen of them in total, and inside the rest stop, two infected people were playing poker, and they were playing extremely childishly.

Two people each share half of the cards. You and I lay them out one by one until there are the same cards, then all the cards are taken away. It depends entirely on luck. It is doomed from the beginning. There is no game. Just the most boring way to spend time.

"Uncle, I used to be called an expert in killing entire families."

Nicholas said so.

There seems to be some kind of weird comparison.

"Uncle, I used to be called a master of torture."

Galilei said so.

At this time, a message came from the walkie-talkie, saying that they saw Damon's team coming from the third destruction area down the mountain with supplies.

Due to nuclear radiation interference, long-distance radio communications cannot be used, but the impact is not significant over short distances.

Galilei responded casually and didn't take it seriously. He turned a blind eye to the surveillance video outside and concentrated on playing a boring poker game.

Both of them were once famous killers in the underground world. They were infected only after the Doomsday and the global infection environment.


"I have superb sewing skills and can splice the head of any creature onto a human head, and it's completely natural."

"Can anyone else do it?"

"Even animal fur can be reproduced perfectly, FURRY calls me."


Galilei sighed and said in an extremely pretentious manner.

The weird comparison continues.

"FURRY control..."


“Real art must be intuitive and acceptable to the simple masses.”

"Killing without trace, without the slightest trace of blood, without the slightest trace of strangulation, just like the mysterious chef from the East, whose sword skills are magical and can be chopped down with one knife. The fish does not know that it is dead and is still wandering in the bowl."

"It's for the benefit of the group of friends. The general public agrees. There is no problem in wearing black silk stockings. I'm a professional undertaker."

"I am the only one who can be the hero of the world."

Nicholas laid down a K of Spades, corresponding to the K on the top of the bridge, and collected all the cards.

"Isn't it still a fucking corpse?"

Galilei was speechless.


"Yeah, why are they all corpses?"

Nicholas was shocked, as if he had been struck by lightning.


"I can't stay at Transfer Station B for another day. I give food and drinks to those rocket experts every day. I'm not even that respectful to my mother."

Galilei suddenly became furious and tore all the remaining cards in his hand into pieces.


"Stupid game! I'm actually playing a stupid game with you here!"

"Those scientists are throwing havoc parties every day, you bastards!"

Anger burned in Galilei's heart, and his mood was extremely unbalanced. Although this was a fat job that could drain a lot of money and water without anyone noticing, the working environment was too damn bad.

"Hey, hey."

"Don't make explosive statements out of the blue, asshole."

Nicholas was speechless, Galilei's brain circuit was amazing.

Without warning.

Galilei began to talk about extremely strange things.

"I once read about it in the newspapers."

"Antarctic Research Station...yes."

"The Antarctic Research Station. Before entering the Antarctic, there is a joint scientific research station. Every scientist entering and leaving the Antarctic must register through that place."

"According to research reports, it is the place with the highest per capita use of rubber products, with at least tens of thousands of them used every year."

Galilei said so.

"real or fake?"

Nicholas couldn't believe it. There were tens of thousands of scientists. There should be only a few of them. Wouldn't that mean they could do things day and night?

"Of course it's damn true. It's the official report."

"Those guys have nothing to do in the cold weather, and there is no Internet or anything like that. All the taxes we paid were given to them to open a bank at the end of the world."

Galilei clenched his fists, only regretting that he was not a geologist. If he could go back in time, when his teacher asked him what his dream was in middle school, he would have answered without hesitation that he was a geologist.

Killer sounds cool, but he's just too damn stupid.

"So knowledge changes destiny."

Nicholas sighed.

There seems to be some kind of weird comparison.


"Yeah... roulette."

"In some capital-controlled plutocratic countries, there is a way of playing like this. Poke a hole in a rubber product, and then the plutocrats take turns using it. Ten months later, whoever the female star gives birth to will have to buy a child for her. One-stop service for villa and sports car.”

Nicholas said so.


Like a thunderbolt from the sky exploding into Galilei's heart, he was greatly shocked.

At this moment, there was a sound of traffic outside. Damon and his people must have arrived, but the two of them had no intention of going out and just let their men deal with it.

What's more, due to confidentiality reasons, it is not appropriate for the two of them to come forward.

Unexpectedly, the person who spoke on the intercom was not Damon, but a hunchbacked man whose face looked like he had been struck by an axe. He asked the two managers to go out and take a look.

"Fuck, what's going on?"

"Could it be that Damon was cut off?"

"After all, there are so many supplies, and there are many people keeping an eye on them."

Galilei had an ominous premonition. He had been staying here for half a year, and nothing had ever gone wrong. Today was the first time he had done so.

"It's unlikely. Damon was once an agent of Section 1, a ruthless character among ruthless characters. We two can't handle it together."

"Whoever robs him must be at least on the same level as a chain saw."

"But people of that level... are unlikely to be interested in supplies. Those who are even half-stepped into becoming gods are going to become goddamn immortals."

Nicholas said calmly.

"Let's go."

"Go out and have a look."

Galilei picked up his rifle and filled it with some Countermeasures Bureau standard ammunition.

Two minutes later.

The winding mountain road with an altitude of more than 3,000 meters, although the plants are dry and gray, its density also covers this transfer station well.

The sky is filled with ash.

The Salvation Army guarding the transfer station were on high alert. They discovered something unusual. These rangers were highly nervous. Although they tried their best to hide it, they could not calm down due to their psychological quality. They noticed that they were very panicked.

Galilei also discovered something unusual.

"Who the hell are you?"

Galilei asked Luca with elegant words when he spoke.

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