Latent Syndrome

Chapter 31 31 First Fall into the Abyss

Chapter 31 31. First fall into the abyss

The blurry picture was torn apart and pieced together haphazardly before my eyes.

Chaotic consciousness spreads and splits in the brain and wanders around.

It seems like a false dream, but it also seems like a real reality.

An old picture tube TV plays boring science documentaries.

Colin remembered watching this film himself, late at night when he was extremely bored.

The noise and color blocks caused by poor signals caused the screen to freeze and drop frames, and the intermittent female voice turned into a weird voice between human and machine.

[The event horizon is a curved line in space-time. 】

[Under the influence of very huge gravity. 】

[The escape velocity near a black hole is greater than the speed of light. 】

[Making it impossible for any light to escape from the event horizon. 】

[Any object approaching the horizon from outside the horizon will take an infinite time to reach the horizon. 】

[The effect will undergo an endless and gradually increasing red shift. 】

What the hell...

Colin felt like he had no body, he couldn't feel his body, it was empty, no hands, no mouth, nothing. He was bound by some supreme power and couldn't move at all.

This discovery horrified Colin to the extreme.


Gravity was pulling him down, but he had no power to resist.

Like the elevator rope breaking, it is sinking crazily, sinking into the infinite unknown and ultimate terror.

The speed was extremely fast, and the painful torrent of the countercurrent recoiled. He felt that he was slowly melting, but he was constantly being filled by chaos and madness. He was falling too fast, faster than light, but this bottomless abyss But there is no end, not even time, no space. One second passes like ten thousand years.

Colin was so frightened that he wanted to scream, but he couldn't make even one decibel of sound.

Dong Dong...

The feeling of falling was overwhelming, and the sudden shock almost shattered the soul.

It's another old-fashioned picture tube TV, and there's nothing but endless darkness and delusion.

[You are always in control, always. 】

[You are a murderer, you are one of the culprits. 】

Cohen's face was covered in blood, and his face was extremely distorted after being smashed into broken limbs. His desperate eyes were like dry wells, and he was crying thick red liquid. He was squirming on the ground, crawling like a cold-blooded animal. Move slowly towards Colin.

Colin was trembling with fear, but he didn't even have the nerve reflexes to relieve his fear. He was sealed by cement and couldn't move or even make a sound. Contradictions and confusion gradually took over his mind.

The screen jumped and flickered into Di Wei again.

[10 represents the most orderly, but that is some kind of totalitarianism. 】

[You haven’t sunk deep enough, we must sink very deep. 】

【In order to discover the truth. 】

It seemed as if the needle thread sewing his mouth suddenly broke, and Colin finally screamed.

The violent pain wreaked havoc on Colin's brain, and his soul seemed to be slowly being pulled out of the strange space at the slowest speed.

But that didn't matter anymore. He gradually felt his body and consciousness, and everything he was familiar with was slowly returning.

Even with the pain that penetrates my body, I feel a little comfortable, which means that I still exist and that I have not dissipated into the endless.

"Standing outside the ladies' room is not a good habit."

The actress covered her mouth slightly with the back of her hand and smiled a little.

Colin understood that time had gone back again.

He remembered that he died due to a violent explosion, and then had a strange dream, but he forgot many details. He only felt extremely fearful, and a pair of invisible hands were dragging him into the abyss.

Is this the abyss syndrome? Maybe it has been infected for some time and I started to sink slowly.

"You have a nosebleed."

The actress was a little surprised, but without thinking too much, she took out a tissue from the brand handbag and handed it to Colin.

She didn't even say goodbye, she just left after doing this.

Colin stared blankly at the tissue in his hand. After wiping the nosebleed with it, he took out a cigarette from the cigarette box in his arms, lit it and smoked it. He stared at the beautiful back of the actress fading away.

What a shame not to have a dance.

In about an hour, this place will be bombarded by SCT guys. I don’t understand how those crazy people have long heads. Entering the film industry does not mean defeating the film industry.

The question is what to do now? I still have two chances to start over. The only drawback is that my time retrieval seems to be limited to one day, or even a few hours, which will greatly reduce the operability.

Since Beverly Hills is not close to the city center, it is very likely that it will be too late to call for help now. But Colin had to try and directly used the communication terminal to send a call for help to the headquarters. It would be best if the infected person could come over. After all, the SCT operator There is a big killer inside.

It's just that ordinary RPG rocket launchers are far from having such huge lethality. Colin guessed that they were anti-tank missiles or something like that. Only SCT can get this kind of thing.

There is already a layer of protection, but the final problem is not knowing where those people will attack from.

By the way, that woman.

Colin looked down the hall from the second floor, but found no trace of that weird woman. According to what she said, it seemed that she had helped him deal with several SCT people. He didn't know if it was true or not, but for now he could only follow what she said. If this train of thought continues, the top priority is to find the woman.

Just when Colin was thinking about something.

After finishing her hair, Eugene came out of the bathroom. She wore a luxurious purple dress with crystal sequins. She also solemnly wore a silk decoration from her fingertips to her wrist. Her long dark green hair was tied into a delicate bun. The hair knot and some freckles disappeared after the foundation was concealed. She is definitely a beauty.

"What are you pretending to be?"

As soon as Eugene came out, he saw Colin's brows were furrowed and he was leaning on the guardrail with his elbows, smoking while carefully observing the banquet hall.

Colin looked back and couldn't help but sigh: "Fortunately you are a woman."

Because there are some places that are inconvenient to enter by yourself, you can only ask Eugene to find them.


No, that woman must have sensed some kind of crisis before she left the banquet to complete what she was supposed to do. She completely misunderstood the logical relationship. If he found her first, it would interfere with what she would do next. .

"What, are you lonely? Because all the actresses here don't like you, so you set your sights on me? This idea of ​​yours is very low-level, my friend."

Eugene sarcastically said.

Colin hissed deeply. When Eugene is not annoying, he is still not annoying.

But now there is no other way. Just like before, wait for the introduction from the film industry giants, and then secretly observe what the woman will do. Damn it, I don't even know her name.

"Seriously, are you afraid of falling into the abyss? What I mean is abyss syndrome."

Colin didn't want to experience that feeling again. It wasn't pain or horror that could be described in just a few words. It was a kind of... extreme terror.

"Can you shut the fuck up? I'm waiting to enjoy the banquet."

Eugene took out a small mirror from his handbag and looked at his face, still not thinking it was perfect.

Colin: "..."

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