Latent Syndrome

Chapter 302 301 Truth and Explanation

Chapter 302 301. Truth and Explanation

McConaughey walked down the ladder step by step, and in fact he didn't even have a lawyer's license.

I came here not to defend Di Biao at all, but to delay time.

McConaughey's arrival will not affect the normal proceedings of this judicial trial at all, because he is a complete layman and will only make a fool of himself.

Jessica followed Luca's instructions, as long as she remained silent throughout the whole process and appeared in court as a specific victim.

The camera adjusted its position and filmed the blond man from different angles. He slowly sat down next to Di Biao without any communication.

I originally wanted to put the dog muzzle on Di Wei again, but when I saw that the two of them were silent, I suddenly thought about it. The two people were already in different positions.

SCT and today's Di Wei are not the same people. Di Wei's existence has seriously harmed the interests of SCT and must be eradicated.

The reason why the SCT does not allow itself to conduct a public trial is largely due to the continued influence of Di Bong. Once that perverse resistance is eradicated, it will also seriously affect the SCT's plan to let the latent disease spread.

At this time, Di Biao behaved as he did in the detention room. Even without a limiter, he remained silent. In order to make the removal more effective, it would not be too late to put it on again when he had an attack.

Di Wei believed too much in the stormtroopers under his command, but he didn't know that all the short-haired men who carried out the blasting plan had been arrested.

As Di Bong's defense lawyer entered the court, the trial officially began.

There is no intensity at all, and there is no macroscopic right and wrong and ethical principles in film and television dramas.

The trial begins with a court investigation led by the judge, followed by court arguments, followed by the defendant's final statement, and then the verdict is announced.


It has "divine" nature.

People are dominated by many things, including climate, religion, customs, and habits. All of them come together to form a spirit that blends with each other. It is what Montesquieu called the spirit of law.

Therefore, there are some logics that are beyond the reach of ordinary people. Why are rapists not directly castrated? Why are human traffickers not sentenced to death? Why are there lawyers defending demons?

Because this is not a place to discuss right and wrong, justice and evil, or play house.

The relationship between justice and all things is the inevitable relationship produced by the things themselves, the inherent laws of things, and the law in a broad sense.

that is.

The laws of the world.

The judge banged his gavel with great seriousness and solemnity.

"The defendant Di Wei."

"You are suspected of carrying out a series of terrorist activities in Los Angeles. In addition to the public prosecution initiated by prosecutor Luca of the Alliance Department of Justice, the Los Angeles public also launched a joint lawsuit."

"Jessica, the daughter of the former mayor of Los Angeles, serves as the representative of this joint lawsuit."

The judge looked at the documents on the case table, most of which were Luka's reminders to him that the outcome of this trial is inevitable, and the important thing is the process. Only by gradually rising from a civil lawsuit to a macro matter can this crazy man be eradicated. brainwashing.

"In the lawsuit."

"You are accused of raping the bride Vivica during the wedding of Los Angeles citizens Vivica and Johnson."

"Stealing goods worth approximately 600,000 alliance coins from multiple supermarket chains and clothing stores."

"And sexually harassed and molested many women, including Los Angeles citizens Fianna and Pasha."

"And kidnapped Melinia, a member of the World Touring Ballet Company, violated and killed her."

Then the judge went on to list a long list of charges.

Everyone in the audience frowned. His crimes were so many that they were not only evil but also vulgar.

McConaughey had a poker face, but looked at his watch from time to time, and his eyes occasionally crossed paths with Luca. During that phone call, McConaughey swore that he would kill him.

Luca doesn't care at all. The advantage of SCT is that it has no bottom line, that's all. When the countermeasures bureau goes all out, they are just a mob. They use many methods without considering public safety. These madmen are just lambs to be slaughtered.

As the protagonist, Di Wei is just as indifferent as every prisoner on trial.

These shots were broadcast to various parts of the Freedom Alliance through cameras by reporters including Anton. However, the SCT and the Countermeasures Bureau have been competing for a long time. People have long since left the information cocoon and the two-pole opposition. Pictures can deceive people, and sounds can deceive people. These Accusation cannot make people who worship Di Bong collapse so easily.

Just as the strong must rule over the weak, the smart must fool the stupid. In the gangster logic of this conspiracy theory, any evidence can be fabricated.

And Luka also knows this, this is what he wants, logic can never convince people.


There is no truth, only interpretation.

This public trial has only one goal, to demonstrate authority and make everyone aware, even Di Bong.

Even for such a man.

and will bow before the law.


Influence collapses.

Idols usher in dusk.

Fall off the altar.

No one dares to resist authority.

Thus created.

Absolute domination.

"At the same time, in the submission of the prosecutor Luca of the Ministry of Justice."

"You are suspected of illegally entering the country, conducting cult activities, and instigating and inciting the public to commit violence."

"As well as the direct or indirect murder of multiple law enforcement officers and the bombing of buildings."

Because there were so many charges, the judge began to list charges such as armed rebellion, placing dangerous goods, organizing, leading, and participating in terrorist activities, hijacking aircraft, illegal manufacturing and selling of firearms, and mail storage, etc.

After reading for more than two minutes, I came to the last item, the crime of illegally depriving citizens of their freedom of belief in religion.

McConaughey looked at his watch. As expected of you, Dick.

Because Di Wei had committed so many crimes, the trial had to be compressed into a certain period of time. The Countermeasures Bureau only made plans for some targeted cases and asked the judges to give priority to these cases.

In the end, when the criminal context was clear, all charges were found guilty, the verdict was announced, and the trial was over.

"Prosecutor Luca, please present the relevant evidence that constitutes the above crime."

The judge looked at the documents on the table, and Luca reminded him that his work was over here. The next step was all the countermeasures bureau's performance. All he had to do was say a specific sentence or two at a specific time.

Luca's back was bent, and the evidence on the court could fully show that ordinary people died of shame.

First some witnesses were called.

Witnessed that when Di Zhu first arrived in Luo City, he ransacked a rich man's manor, killed more than 20 people including housekeepers, servants, cooks, and gardeners, and looted and stole valuable jewelry and art collections. , and a limited edition luxury car.

After all witnesses have been called.

Luca also listed many physical evidences, including Di Bong's DNA test, fiber residues from the khaki windbreaker, and video recordings of the surveillance equipment on the projection screen.

Countless people are watching this public trial.

In the homes of ordinary people, infected people from the underground world gathered in the pub and watched TV. It was a feast.

In the car driven by Eugene, Violet, and Opal, live sounds were played on all channels of the car radio.

Due to the influence of that movie, DB and Di Bong were portrayed as extremely great heroes, but in the face of these conclusive personal and material evidences.

Some people are gradually beginning to waver. The movie contains elements of editing, and the evidence also contains elements of fabrication. But a movie is a movie after all, and these evidences can all interpret the movie as an incendiary image that confuses black and white.

Inside the court.

"The defendant Di Wei."

"You can question the evidence."

"Of course, you have to provide evidence to refute it."

The judge's voice was dignified.

Di Wei remained silent, looking at everyone present in the courtroom. Except for the agents from the Countermeasures Bureau, everyone he caught his gaze subconsciously shrank their necks.

He was silent for a moment and looked at McConaughey.

"You are my defense attorney, it's your turn."

Di Wei said calmly.

Luka and Hao looked cold. The next step was crucial. If there was a slight change, the capsule in Di Biao's body would be activated immediately and he would be executed.

McConaughey: "..."

The seat on Luka's side was piled with mountains of evidence, but there was nothing behind them.

What else can McConaughey say.

"The defendant...has no doubt."

As McConaughey said this, he glanced at his watch calmly, and then withdrew his gaze.

Luka and Hao looked gloomy and turned their gazes to Di Wei.

The judge continued to speak.

"The evidence is overwhelming."

"Defendant Di Bong, do you plead guilty to burglary, multiple murders, and property theft?"

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