Latent Syndrome

Chapter 283 282 On the verge of breaking out

Chapter 283 282. On the verge of breaking out

"What are you waiting for? Agent Colin."

"Although infected people don't need to eat, they can draw the nutrients their bodies need from different dimensions."

"This principle applies to you too."

"But if you don't feel full, you will lose the sense of life."

"If it goes on for a long time, it will cause the condition to worsen."

"Your situation is not optimistic."

Luca noticed that when Colin first entered the door, he was slightly lame, although it was only slight. Infected creatures can regenerate even broken limbs.

There is only one possibility, Colin was bitten by his vision.

"Use it slowly."

"I suddenly changed my mind."

"Perhaps, the hazy method is more to my liking."

Colin saw that Luka's propaganda and all his actions were against Luca. Although those high-ranking officials might not be good things, if he killed them, he would be no different from the SCT madman.

And...if the situation is really desperate, all infected people who have already developed symptoms will undoubtedly die.

After saying that, Colin turned around and prepared to leave.

"SCT has a way to promote Ash Di as a positive figure."

"Even if their profile picture is widely advertised and they are wanted criminals, they can be turned into heroes."

"Without the support of the Countermeasures Bureau, you must not have that ability."

"Suppose...we assume that Colin is a child molestation criminal who forces women to engage in sex trade and is so cowardly that he only dares to attack women. What would it be like?"

“Your video will be on TV everywhere.”

Luka picked up a piece of sashimi with his hands extremely roughly, put it in his mouth and chewed it.

"Are you threatening me?"

Colin had known for a long time that this meeting would not be that simple, and he was already prepared for a life-or-death showdown with Luca.

"You can think of it this way, everything is a conversion of resources. Once your position is different from mine, it will be harmful."

"Why care about the lives and deaths of a few people?"

“No sacrifice, no gain.”

"Look at this building. Without the cost of the lives of those construction workers, it would not have been able to achieve this height."

“If you want people to listen to you, it’s not enough to just tap them on the shoulder, you have to shock them.”

"Only when the real violence and terror comes, can they know how powerful the abyssal syndrome is, and they can become more tenacious and stronger."

"You have killed so many people and been involved in so many incidents, let alone just a few...bureaucrats."

"Do you want to be the sinner of history and let the world go to destruction step by step?"

“Only when there are no constraints can we compete with SCT, otherwise we will lose.

Luka persuaded.

"I have decided."

"Besides, you are not qualified to do that. You are indeed the director, but unfortunately you are only the deputy."

"It's not your turn to dominate the Countermeasures Bureau."

"I will stand on Hagi's side. Do you have any questions now?"

Colin was prepared, with a fierce look in his eyes, ready to kill at any time.

"those people."

"It's evil."

"The South Pacific incident was... they took the lead."

"That's why they tried their best to cover up everything. You know that the solar eclipse three years ago, with the fall of the Observer, came something from the sky."

"Biologists and geologists active in that area participated in that survey."

"Including an intelligence officer from the Homeland Security Secret Service, the predecessor of the Countermeasures Bureau, who is now one of the people in the high command."

"He is the only person in the countermeasures bureau who knows the truth."

"No one knows what he is going to do. One thing is undoubted. He is looking for those scholars everywhere, seizing their extraterrestrial objects, and killing all those who know the secrets."

"Their motives are complicated, but mine are pure."

"I'm just doing the right thing."

"They won't protect you either."


Luca took the silver suitcase and took out a few photos from it, which were photos of Opal and Pim. There was also a photo of a car, which was taken under a snow-capped mountain. It was Colin's car.

Colin's eyes flashed, and he had murderous intentions.

The hint of death burst out instantly, the sharp iron wire blade rose in the wind, and the iron pieces snaked and twisted in the air, reaching Luka's neck in an instant.

And Luka just stretched out his hand and grabbed the blade. His five fingers were cut to pieces with blood and flesh, but they were still holding tightly, using the finger bones and the remaining tendons.

For a moment, it was clamped tightly, making Colin unable to move.

Colin was about to continue his attack when Luca spoke.

"Hold on."

"Those people care about this kind of thing, but I don't care."

"Also, I discovered something very strange."

"Before meeting you, I conducted research on you. I investigated all the incident files you participated in, down to every pixel and every character."

"But various problems were discovered. If it was just a coincidence or two, it would be okay."

"The bombing of the Los Angeles Stock Exchange in the Seaport District, the attack in Beverly Hills, and the case of a serial killer who specializes in torturing and killing women."

"I am puzzled because SCT's plan is completely meticulous, without any leaks, and the error tolerance rate is extremely low. It is impossible to fail without accidents and coincidences that approach the limit."

"And you seem to be able to predict the future, and you can always come up with the optimal solution at the last node approaching the limit."

"Can you predict the future, or can you..."

"Go back in time?"

Luca was stunned. He heard that the Pope also had similar power. That kind of power was too terrifying and transcendent. It was already a method of the gods. It might be integrated with the origin of the universe, and even had the power to suspend time.

And this man can actually rewrite the ending, reverse the future, and look back on the universe?

It would be extremely unwise to fight him.

"Let's do it."

"Only one person can survive today."

After Colin said that, the waiters in the restaurant fled out one after another. They thought they were serving a big shot, but they didn't expect such a dangerous situation to happen.

Luca picked up the rifle in the suitcase with one hand, but without pointing it at Colin, he killed all the waiters in the restaurant with a few bangs.

Colin was stunned. This person... was even worse than SCT.

"You're wrong, Colin."

"You have to be of use to me."

"I have said before, your position is very important and can change the outcome."

"I received the news, Di Wei..."

"It's not dead, and it's still alive. It's ready to land in North America and make a comeback."

"Don't you want to avenge all the dead in Section 11?"

"Or just let it happen and repeat the mistakes of Los Angeles."

Luka said harshly.

Colin was shocked. The remnants of the stormtroopers were still active, which always made him feel uneasy. He didn't expect that under such circumstances, Di Biao could make a comeback.

"You can't threaten me."

"As long as I kill you, the secret will not be revealed."

"Although those people are hiding something, it doesn't matter."

"Kill them again."

"Eradicating all that, that's what I'm going to do."

After saying that, Colin stopped hiding his moves, the waterfall of blood surged, and the bright red high-pressure blood knife slashed towards Luka.


"You crazy lunatic."

Even Luka didn't expect that Colin would have such an awareness, so there was nothing to say.

On the verge of breaking out.

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