Latent Syndrome

Chapter 170 169 The First Beast

Chapter 170 169. The First Beast

Colin was driving a motorcycle speeding on the road. He received an emergency transfer order and went to the St. George District to assist the first branch agents in the encirclement and suppression of the Pope.

Even if there is no transfer order, Colin will still do this. As long as the Pope is dead, the SCT stragglers will not be able to cause too much trouble and can be suppressed by just using modern weapons.

The traffic in the city was somewhat congested, but Colin still relied on his nerve reaction speed and driving skills that were far beyond ordinary people to shuttle freely among the vehicles.

There was drizzle in the sky, and the army was undergoing evacuation operations. The wartime radio repeatedly broadcast a sentence, asking all the women and children in Luo City to cooperate with the army and leave Luo City.

Colin recognized that it was Gray's voice, which surprised him because this was not the Bureau's style at all.

Let women and children leave? It must have been the biggest compromise and concession.

The same thing happened in St. George District as in Whitestone Town. Even now when Colin recalled it, he still felt frightened. It wasn't fear, it was just that the scene was really like hell.

I don't know how far that field can spread, and in this emergency situation of war, being able to evacuate only half of the people is already the limit.

Moreover, news came from the communication terminal that SCT had launched a general offensive. Some functional buildings were occupied by those weird organizations with shaved heads. At the same time, various civil organizations that had sprung up in recent years, with the material support of SCT, also Trying to break through the blockade of Los Angeles.

This sudden evacuation is a blow to SCT, because the city government has not completely given up on the people in the city as rumored, which will make some people shaken.

But perhaps it also makes some people even crazier in a sense, because only women and children were evacuated, and those desperate men are likely to collude with SCT.

With the high speed of the locomotive, Colin soon arrived at the St. George area. Unfortunately, there was no evacuation operation here. The roads were blocked and the traffic was completely paralyzed. Many people ran directly with their legs, trying to outrun the black fog. faster.

He realized that this matter must be resolved as soon as possible. There are more than one million people in a city area. If they are all annexed...

It is no longer a man-made disaster, it can be described as a natural disaster.

Colin went some distance deeper into the center of the city, and he also saw the overwhelming black fog pressing down on the city. It was really like Baishi Town.

After passing through the fog in Baishi Town, we arrived at the eerie and bizarre jungle.

And what is it this time?

He had an extremely ominous premonition. He picked up the communication terminal and prepared to leave something. After two seconds of silence, he put it back.

He couldn't help but think too much. Instead of waiting for the black mist to hit him, he ran directly towards the black mist, and his whole body and the motorcycle were submerged in it.

In the scarlet sky and earth, there is no celestial body on the blood curtain, only the surging bright red clouds in the shape of a huge vortex, accompanied by thousands of cries and shouts in the core, and the increasingly huge body of the strange insect, which envelopes the city. The swirling blood cloud slowly stirred, like the end of the world.

There is a main road hidden by two rows of tall buildings. Hugo, who is blocking the way, is still standing quietly on the spot, wearing a transparent raincoat, showing no emotion or anger.

"How can this be?"

Mei didn't even know what had just happened. The torrent of gold and silver, like a dam bursting, had disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

And when God comes to his senses.

The two ace agents were already kneeling down on the ground, unable to resist, as if their souls had been taken away by Hugo.

“Extreme pain, like extreme joy, cannot last long.”

"Because it was too violent."

Hugo slowly raised his hand. Although there was nothing in his hand, he still held it tightly.

It was as if he just had a thought.

Bang bang...

There were two crisp explosions, accompanied by the clicking sound of bones being crushed by a hydraulic press, and the snapping sound of organs mixed with blood being squeezed.

Although Mei had been mentally prepared, even the ace agent from Section 1 was unable to parry, and was directly hit by a monster like the opponent.

In an instant, it exploded into random splashes of blood and mud, and dripping blood rained freely on the ground, making it impossible to die.

Even Ya Xiu, who was watching from the sidelines, was a little stunned. Even though his estimate of Hugo's combat ability was already exaggerated, he never expected that even a person from the first department would be killed immediately upon meeting him. , if he faced those two people, he would probably be dead.

Mei was already a little desperate. Although there was still the hazy clone beside her, it was only a clone after all.

"Mr. Professor, let's kill this counterfeit together, and Luo City is already within our grasp!"

Ash no longer hesitated. He suggested that he was a magician, creative, and communicative. These were his characteristics. The vision was a strange silver prism crystal.

This kind of suggestion, like the Pope, is useless in the hands of the weak, but in the hands of the strong, it can exert unparalleled power, any shape, any function, and develop infinite wonderful uses according to the potential of the mind.

Ash's domain expanded directly. Thousands of fist-sized prismatic silver cubes were suspended in the air without any support points. The surrounding independent domains began to take effect. In an instant, the wind pressure caused by the magnetic field violently blew everything away, and the silver The blocks condensed into a ring, and a spiral spike larger than a truck was built in the center.

Under the influence of the ring force field, the silver spikes in the center rotated crazily, crushing towards the hazy clone.

The terrifying sound of tearing through the air and the tearing air flow were so fierce that the buildings on both sides of the street were stripped of their skin by the strong wind.

Not to mention humans.

Even if a cruiser is placed in front of it, it will fall apart in an instant.

May is ready to die and hopes everything goes well for Seka.


Hajime just punched out, and the bandage wrapped around his hand tore open, and an infinite dragon of flesh and blood burst out from it.

He didn't know if it was an arm or a beam of some kind of giant tower. The infinite muscle tissue was bloody and exposed, and the red and blue blood vessels and tendons proliferated violently. The hand was already thicker than the person who was bigger than him. And that cell division constitutes the rate of regrowth.

As fast as light, just like light, it rushed away against the silver spiral thorn.

Swish, swish, swish...

It was too late to say it, but it was so fast then. It was just a flash of lightning, less than a second.

The flesh-and-blood dragon directly scattered the spikes and hit Ash.


There was an earth-shattering loud noise, and Ash was directly blasted away, but this was not enough. The flesh-and-blood dragon pushed him forward rapidly with unparalleled strength.

It smashed through a building at Ash, and the destructive force directly smashed the concrete structure to pieces in an instant, and it was still growing. There were loud noises that filled the sky one after another. Ash just felt like the world was spinning, and he was sitting there. It's like a Mach 100 roller coaster. The force alone will tear people into pieces.

One office building after another exploded against Ash, and an unknown number of high-rise residences also exploded.

It spread for several kilometers, and finally hit the ground hard, like a meteorite cracking, creating a huge crater with a diameter of hundreds of meters and a spider web of cracks.

Ash in the center of the giant pit was in ragged clothes, his head was squeezed and deformed, his blood was squeezed out, and his whole body was distorted and his bones were twisted. The power he used to restore his body was almost exhausted, and he lay paralyzed on the ground like a dead dog. For a short time Unable to get up again, he is already half disabled.

At the same time, he put his other hand on his shoulder blade and twisted off the completely deformed hand. Blood was pouring from the wound.

He shook his shoulder, and an intact, normal arm was born. The hand was not wrapped in bandages. It was engraved with obscure bright red runes, densely packed like scriptures, and constantly oozing blood.

Even Hugo was a little stunned. Even if it is a fake, is it so powerful?

The top cadre of the SCT was also directly disabled after meeting him.

"It's just a fake after all."

"You do not possess a... cruel spirit."

Hugo took off his glasses and put them in his breast pocket, his gloomy eyes were like the deep sea, and he began to get serious.

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