Latent Syndrome

Chapter 138 137 Tower of Babel

Chapter 138 137. Tower of Babel

Colin, who lacked the ability to control the air, had nothing to do with Johnny now.

He had been running on the street for a full two minutes, watching helplessly as the alienated Apache started killing people. Hollywood, as the base of the global film and television industry, was slowly dying.

The streets were in chaos, with people screaming constantly as buildings collapsed and debris hit the roads, paralyzing traffic. Air raid sirens and car horns tortured people's eardrums like hell.

The extremely bad weather makes everything even more desperate.

Because of the importance of this area, there is already heavy defense by the National Guard, but they never expected this situation. The enemy is a freak who cannot use common sense to consider. This exaggerated individual combat power is simply... …unrivaled.

Colin still maintains his fighting spirit. He understands that power is always limited. No matter how powerful Johnny is, it will eventually run out, not to mention his huge consumption, such a level of power release, and it is continuous. , even if he is the most powerful person in the combat catalog, there should be a limit.

He has also manipulated vehicles and knows that their terrifying consumption is more severe than the recovery from a broken body.

Because the communication terminal has been left behind, it is impossible to contact Liszt at all now.

Although it was only an attempt, he informed himself of the identity of a member of Section 11 and asked the soldiers busy on the street if they had anti-aircraft weapons.

But after asking several questions in succession, the answer was always no, just when Colin was about to give up.

Not all the military is just for food. A large camouflage military truck pulled two...

The six-unit anti-aircraft anti-aircraft gun fired towards Colin.

But this is only a secondary force.

At the same time, there are several military-grade anti-aircraft artillery tracked vehicles equipped with radar self-aiming.

But the latter was of no use to Colin.

He jumped directly onto the truck carrying the six-gun anti-aircraft gun. Colin was impressed by its rugged appearance, exaggerated caliber and six barrels.

This thing...

Definitely useful.

"who are you?"

Several soldiers pointed their guns at him in fear. One of them, knowing that the situation was special, had already opened fire, and several bullets accurately penetrated Colin's head.

Colin's temples were bleeding, but now he had no time to pay attention to these superficial wounds.

"I'm an agent from Section 11."

He said casually.

Seeing this situation, several soldiers were stunned. This guy can still speak, and his head was shot through, and he didn't even feel anything. Could this be the so-called infected person?

Say it.

Even though Colin didn't know how to use the anti-aircraft gun, he could find the switch pull bolt. This thing seemed to require multiple people to operate it, but he couldn't control that much.

As several spikes on the cannon were inserted into Colin's arm, blood was collected.

The blood-red network of veins spread throughout the entire anti-aircraft gun, its caliber became larger, its shape became more exaggerated, and howling blood-red karma fire steamed from the mouth of the tube. Colin had completely mastered this phenomenon.

He didn't know what to say. Maybe it wasn't a vision, but like Violet said, it was more like magic.

"Fuck you..."

Colin, who was extremely strong, could turn the direction of the anti-aircraft gun alone, and the long and fierce battle made him angry.

The reason why this old-fashioned thing has six barrels is because accuracy requires intensive firing to a certain extent.

Colin opened the bolt and aimed the stacked iron sight at the Apache helicopter above. He saw six gun barrels splashing with violent plasma.

Bang bang bang...

The infinitely powerful six-barreled artillery shells were fired in unison. The trajectory across the air was overflowing with blood and fire. The barrels fired at high speed were hot, and thick smoke and blood kept splashing. Thirty or forty rounds per second, the power of each cannon was It was enough to destroy a house, and the rapid-fire continuous fire illuminated the entire neighborhood.

It's a pity that the accuracy is too low. Ten seconds have passed and there is still no hit. But this is not a problem for Colin. He can use his own flesh and blood to fill the ammunition, increasing the rate of fire to 80 rounds per second, six cannons. The pipes erupted into wild cries and roars that were about to scratch people's eardrums. The soldiers withdrew one after another, not wanting to be affected.

Colin was also completely crazy. He aimed his sights at the Apache and quickly rotated the anti-aircraft gun with his great strength, pouring out ammunition like a flash flood.


Bang bang bang bang...

Hundreds of artillery shells bombarded the Apache at the same time. The terrifying explosion was enough to destroy a building. Under the power of the artillery shells, a dazzling light flashed in the sky, and the explosive fireworks ignited the entire night sky.

The helicopter propeller was instantly destroyed, and all the tail compartments were reduced to charcoal, and plummeted from the sky with black smoke rising.

Even Colin.

He couldn't withstand such a huge consumption of strength, no matter the car chase before or the squeeze just now that seemed to drain his body dry.

He had exhausted most of his strength and was gasping for air. If he continued, he would really die.

Colin is also well aware of the tenacity of infected people. Even if Johnny crashes with the plane, he may not die. Those are people on the combat directory, and they are quite high.

Perhaps driving at a 90-degree angle on a building allowed Colin to break his psychological shackles. He left the military truck, concentrated his strength on his legs, pedaled quickly, and actually jumped onto a building, vertically. Running and walking, the gravity of the earth seems to be nothing.

With his speed, he quickly reached the top of the building, and then jumped among the city buildings with his unparalleled jumping power that could even destroy his shins.

Every time he stepped on the ground, a huge crater exploded, and the same happened when he fell.

He followed the crashed helicopter and wanted to kill Johnny.

It rained heavily, and thin lines of rain poured down from the sky.

The burning flames of the helicopter wreckage still cannot be extinguished.

Cough cough cough…

Johnny, whose whole body was burnt to char, coughed violently, like a dying man, trying to cough out his lungs.

There was not a single piece of good flesh on his skin, it was all bloody and bloody. Only the scorpion tattoo that spread to his face was still lifelike.


He kicked open the helicopter door and walked out of it limping with a staggering gait.

I fell down as soon as I came out.

Because the mud under his feet was soaked by the heavy rain, and the dirty mud was all over his clothes and face, he got up with difficulty and let out a deep breath.

Things developed too violently, and the power of the hallucinogen gradually disappeared, and the mind began to clear up. There were no more radio stations, no more zombies, and no more grinning people.

"This is where?"

The black clouds were rolling, flashing with electric light, and the muffled thunder continued. The raging heavy rain fell on him, and even he felt a little stunned, making him feel unprecedentedly happy.

What you see is a desolate land, full of mud and puddles, and a dozen unfinished high-rise buildings. Accompanied by the desolate wind and rain, it looks a bit sad.

He shook his head. His body was extremely weak. He seemed to have done something big. He couldn't remember clearly, but his strength was less than one-tenth, or even less, and he was on the verge of exhaustion.

However, it was so good that he felt that he was completely satisfied now and could not have any desire.

He only remembered that the agents of Section 11 were chasing him, with vehicles, aerial combat, and helicopters, it was extremely fierce.

Is the danger not over yet?

His expression became completely grim as he saw a tower crane over a hundred meters high, also known as a tower crane, which was really tailor-made for him.


Johnny vomited out a pool of blood. Time was running out. He had to deal with that idiot face as soon as possible. Yes, he remembered that face.

He limped toward the tower crane, sinking deeply into the mud with every step he took, and everything below his knees was covered in mud.

At the moment when I was approaching the tower crane and had to climb the safety ladder.

A surging sense of déjà vu that was so strong that it throbbed in the soul completely occupied my mind.

He has seen this before!

Strong winds, heavy rain, desolate construction sites, high towers with flashing red and green traffic lights, yes, a high tower destined to attract divine punishment like the Tower of Babel.

He has seen it.

In those dreams.

He had seen it when he had his own domain and broke through the shackles of 3 in an instant.

"Is this so..."

"That's actually the case."

For a moment, boundless fear completely occupied his heart, but after a few seconds, it was completely suppressed by the terrifying mind, as if he had obtained some kind of relief.

In an instant, I wanted to make a call to my motorcycle gang in South America, but those things had already been burned to the ground in countless explosions.

"Sure enough..."

Johnny paused for a while, then slowly walked towards the safety ladder, and then...

He began to climb the tower crane, just as fate revealed, no one can resist fate, not even God.

God cannot resist the endless terror, the ultimate fate at the end of the abyss.

When he climbed to the second safety platform, he climbed more than ten meters.

Colin chased him here and found the wreckage of the helicopter. The evil eye's domain expanded, reflecting endless blood, and he found Johnny climbing the tower crane.

He didn't dare to continue to use his power indiscriminately. He had already consumed too much before, but now he couldn't go back in time and his power was almost exhausted. He had to take every step to survive.

Colin just ran against the heavy rain with his ordinary body, his legs got stuck in the mud, and he came under the tower crane and started to climb the iron ladder.

Johnny vomited up a pool of blood again. He knew that he could not waste his strength randomly, even if it was used to recover his injuries, he must save it all for the final fight to the death.

And below, the arsonist had already caught up.

It was a cold face with no emotion and splattered with blood. The scars were extremely hideous, and the eyes in the cold winter were like the dead among the dead.

Johnny climbed up the safety ladder at a faster speed, and there were creaking and shaking sounds from time to time.

"Don't you feel guilty?"


He tried to mess with Colin's mind.

"Although you are hypocritically working for Section 11."

"Those who died by your hands."

"It's several times what I have in my hand."

"At least the ones I killed were normal people, and the ones you burned to death were all poor people who had no power to resist."

Johnny continued to climb faster, applying visions to his body and recovering from his injuries instantly. He had to reach the cockpit of the tower crane before Colin.

Colin said nothing.

After Cohen, after the woman who sneaked into Eva's home, there were also those infected who were shot by themselves during patrols.

Since these.

That fire became Colin's new nightmare.

Colin didn't reply, his face was expressionless, and he kept giving himself psychological hints.

Society only exists as a spiritual concept, and only individuals exist in the real world.

That's just necessary.

Like fate.

You can't be disobedient, falling into it is just a fool's self-disturbance, which is ridiculous to the extreme.

"You hypocritical person."

"My kind!"

Johnny fully unleashed himself, climbing the safety ladder at top speed with great agility, jumping several meters each time and repeatedly boarding the safety platform.

And Colin also realized to speed up and chased him at top speed.

But it was still a step too late.

Johnny had already arrived at the cockpit. The white pipe network was spreading crazily towards the crane lever. The tens of meters long steel lever was burning with strange white fire in the rainy night.

When stimulating the power, Johnny, who was on the verge of exhaustion, vomited a pool of blood again, but his eyes flashed with fierceness. The lever grew huge rotating and rolling saw teeth, and then moved towards it with an agility that did not match its huge body. Colin rowed away in the passage, a huge creaking sound carried unparalleled pressure, the airflow of the rotating gears disturbed the sky, a hurricane blew up, and raindrops swayed, destroying everything.

Although this would cause the entire tower crane to collapse, Johnny didn't care about anything anymore. He only thought about how to kill Colin. Nothing else mattered.


It's not just Johnny who uses the chariot.

Colin held a steel pipe next to him and injected power into it, spreading the blood vessels, ablating the karma fire, increasing the hardness of all the steel pipes in the passage, and at the same time displaying the vision of the God of Death, thousands of wire knives rolled into it. Wrapping it around provides the ultimate in defense.

Bang bang bang...

The sound of gold and iron echoing across the sky was deafening.

When the exaggerated "tower crane chainsaw" cut, the splashing sparks rushed around like a waterfall, instantly turning the rainy night sky into daylight.



Johnny's strength could no longer support such a huge consumption. He vomited a pool of blood, which also contained fragments of his internal organs. He collapsed completely and fell from the cockpit of the tower crane.

There was a bang.

His head hit the iron and he was bleeding, and he fell to the second-to-last floor, a safety platform a hundred meters above the ground.

The wind howled and the rain poured from the sky, everything became blurry.

Johnny's body convulsed and collapsed on the ground, and he no longer had the energy to stand up.

And Colin also walked up to him and stared at him emotionlessly.

Just as he said.

No matter what kind of madman.

After tearing off his mask bloody.

It's just a mortal body.


"I've seen it, I've seen this scene."

"In a dream."

"And you, with your arsonist face."

Johnny was already furious, and his voice was a little weak. He finally realized that it was not a wanted order, but a phantom that he had already seen before, in a vague dream.

"Everything you do is for what."

Colin couldn't understand, he couldn't understand why SCT wanted to destroy civilization.

Johnny laughed ferociously, but it affected the wound, causing him to only show a twitching smile, with a certain sense of loss.


"It's just okay."

"I could do it, so I did it."

"Some people don't want anything."

"Just wanted to watch the world burn."

"This is SCT."

"You can't defeat the SCT. It's impossible. Those who are ranked above me and the Summit. You can't compete with that ultimate terror."

Johnny knew that he was ushering in...

Destined death.

"Any last words?"

Colin knew nothing would come out of these lunatics.

Johnny looked at the sky full of black clouds and without any stars. His expression was gone and he just looked at it in despair.

"I think."

"Good people sleep better."

"And the bad guys are able to make the most of their waking hours."

"And now, no one sleeps better than me."

He said this.

"That's all."

Colin's tone was calm.

Johnny took a deep breath, used the last strength of his body, stretched out his hand tremblingly, his fingers twitching, squeezing out the last bit of strength, and then faced Colin.

Put up a middle finger.


His head was crushed into pulp by Colin's kick.



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