Late Night Bookstore

Vol 3 Chapter 456: 2 degree barbecue experience

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If it’s not possible to move while in possession,

Boss Zhou estimated that he would really spit out old blood directly!

Cooperating with oneself for the rest of life, is it so close to cremation, right?

Randomly find a suitable body and temporarily take a rest,

Just finished the first spa in my life and haven't enjoyed this after rhyme,

Have to be pushed into the incinerator?

Last time in a conscious state, the process of being rescued, transferred, mourned, mourned and sent to an incinerator,

Almost has become Zhou Ze's demons.

That kind of experience is a fear that ordinary people can't imagine, especially the moment they are pushed into the incinerator,

That depression,


Enough to crash!

to date,

These are all psychological shadows that Zhou Ze cannot erase.

"Okay, Curator Zhao, let's get started."

The woman’s voice sounds sad and sad,

It should be a poor survivor.

Feeling that the stretcher underneath started to be pushed up,

Zhou Ze really wanted to laugh,

If I can, I really want to pull the one in my body from the "bed",


give it to you,

You come to live,

Let me end,

It’s about to be grilled twice.

This day really can't survive anymore.

Should we change?

You come out to live, I live in,

If you have nothing to do, you can take a bubble and talk to you and pretend?

However, this is just a matter of thinking. There are some cases of self-inflicted self-abandonment, but self-inflicted abandonment cannot solve the problem.

Zhou Ze began to desperately want to get out of this body,

Can't I stay in this lounge?

I will stay somewhere else.

Or, if it's a big deal, wander randomly for a while.

Beside, began to play Buddhist music.


It's about to start.

When I feel that the stretcher truck and the incinerator's conveyor belt beneath them are successfully connected,

Zhou Ze struggled almost as hard as he could.

He already has a body that borrows a dead body, so he can't fully enter and control this body. Zhou Ze remembers that Cuihua and some ghosts can control some bodies.

But many people have eaten pork,

Not many people have seen pigs running on plastic tracks.


The door of the incinerator was opened.

This is equivalent to aggravating the stimulation to Zhou Ze,


Not outside sound,

It’s the sound from the body,

Like inadvertently,

Zhou Ze felt his consciousness seemed to slip in.

"Hands are moving, hands are moving!"

"Look, move your hands!"

"No one is dead, no one is dead!"

There was a cry of exclamation outside,


For the employees working in the funeral home, they had heard the rumors that someone was suddenly awakened when they were sent to the funeral home for cremation.

But for themselves,

This is the first time I met.

"Husband, are you still alive, are you still alive!"

The deceased rushed to Zhou Ze,

Start crying.


People were removed from the funeral home,

Zhou Ze can even feel that even the suppressed air has become a lot happier.

Being carried into a car, the car started quickly.

The noisy surroundings also quieted down.

In the car,

If you add your own words, it may be three people. This is what Zhou Ze distinguished from the footsteps.

Seems to have triggered something by myself,

Resulting in a little bit more control over this body,

But with his original body,

Oh no,

Xu Le’s body is still incomparable.

"Not dead?"

The driver driving in front was a little unbelievable,

"Why didn't you die?"

"........." Zhou Ze.

These words,



"I don't know. I'm chaotic now. I watched as he was about to be pushed into the incinerator. I would be relieved and I could get a new life.

But while being pushed into the incinerator,

His fingers suddenly moved,

Son of a bitch,

Why is he not dead yet!

At that time, I really wanted to push the staff away and stuff him into the incinerator and burn it! "

"........." Zhou Ze.

Boss Zhou has a bit of a pain for this buddy who was possessed by himself,

Because it was not someone else who said that just now,

It was the surviving man who looked on his body and exclaimed, "Her husband, you are still alive."


What a sin you made,

Wife so eager to die?

And looking at the tone of the driver’s words,

It's true that love is a ray of light, so green makes you panic.

"Whether he is dead or not, I will not send him to the hospital. Forget it, I will strangle him now, no matter whether he is still alive or not, I will confirm a death method for him!"

"No, no. Didn't you see the car following you? Your relatives are following. They are going to the hospital with them! And our parents have received the news, they dare not come At the funeral of my son, I heard that your brother is alive and has gone out to the hospital!"

Zhou Ze, who was attached to his dear friend "Lao Wang next door", couldn't help but sigh in his heart,

This story,

More and more exciting,

Your brother and your daughter-in-law,

It's really a fertile field.

It's a pity that you have hung up now, otherwise I will introduce my best friend Wang Keshao to you.

"But you can't go to the hospital. We said to the outside that it was a heart attack. What if I went to the hospital and it was poisoned?"

The man's voice became very tense.

"You ask me what to do, how do I know! How do I know!"

The woman shouted hysterically.

"It's you, you let me feed him to drink that, it's you, you blame you! I said earlier that this is not possible, it will be a problem!"

The woman began to divide the pot.

"It's all about this time, and you still say what the use of these is, the medicine is taken by me, the person is fed by you, we can't get rid of it!"

The man's is quite reasonable.

"You drive slower, drive slower, I called my friend, by the way, don't go to the first hospital, go to the third hospital, the hospital I used to work there.

I called to arrange,

It's okay, it's okay, as long as he is dead, we will be fine!

Hurry up and confirm that he is dead. Hurry up and confirm, as long as it is sent to the hospital to confirm that he is dead, the hospital will not do an autopsy, no.

I'll drive. "

The woman calmed down and changed the driving position with the man.

This is a business van, the space is actually quite large.

At this time, the man came to Zhou Ze. He first put his ear on Zhou Ze's chest. He didn't hear the heartbeat, his hands were on Zhou Ze's nose, and he didn't feel breathing.

It looks like a dead man!

at this time,

The man's eyes were glared,

Because he saw his brother's right **** slowly erected!



The man screamed,

not dead,

People are really not dead,

Really not dead! ! !

Brother is really alive,

Still alive!

"Sister-in-law, Ehime, Ehime, he is really not dead, my brother is really not dead, he just moved his finger, and he is also against me, to me..."

"Then kill him!"

The woman screamed.

Don’t blame these two people for being so flustered now,

It’s true that when all these mourning meetings are over and they are sent to the incinerator, people suddenly “live”.

There are really few people who have experienced this world.


This person,

They killed them.

Even if it is a cold killer, it is estimated that he will be at a loss in the face of this situation, these two people,


The performance of this couple of dogs and men is already great.

"Yes, kill him, kill him!"

The man unconsciously reached out and pinched his brother's neck.

Zhou Ze felt his neck was strangled,

Whispered in my heart:

"Brother, I advise you to be kind."

The woman looked backwards through the rearview mirror while driving, and immediately scolded:

"It's time to go to the hospital. What should you do if you pinch out the traces? Didn't you leave evidence intentionally!"

Once sent to the hospital, even if a person dies, the doctor will doubt if he finds a streak on his neck. As long as a simple autopsy is done, the approximate cause of death can be determined.

"Yes, yes, no traces can be pinched!"

The man looked left and right in panic, picked up a towel on the seat, and covered it directly against his brother's nose and mouth. His hands pressed against it, not daring to use too much force, but enough to ensure that his brother could not breathe.

"Brother, you die, you die soon!!!!!!

My brother begs you, you are dying, hurry up! ! ! ! "

Shouted the man.

Suffocation came,

Zhou Ze felt a little uncomfortable,

But it hasn't reached the level that is so uncomfortable.

Zhou Ze understands,

Because of the joining of his soul, this body has inspired a little activity from the state of complete death, but it is still a state of suspended animation, which is equivalent to the situation of "turtle resting power."

In fact,

Humans don’t just breathe through their mouths and noses. The pores all over the body can actually breathe. Especially when the body is still in a dead state and the oxygen consumption demand is not large, it is not a big problem to be covered by the mouth and nose. .

About a quarter of an hour later, the woman shouted:

"The hospital is in front, is it dead?"

The cars of the relatives behind were too tight, and it was impossible for the woman to deliberately slow down, fearing to cause suspicion from relatives.


Men are not too sure,

He was desperately pressing the towel all the way, even an elephant, should he be suffocated?

He let go of his hand,

Remove the towel,

I subconsciously picked up the towel and wiped the sweat beads on my forehead,

He sweated too much,

Ten percent is percent is scared.

But when he realized what towel he took,

Throw the towel out immediately,

Rubbed his face hard with his hand,


Damn it!

But when he looked at his brother lying on the seat again,

A scene that scared him appeared,

Brother who has been covered by his mouth and nose,

Suddenly opened his right eye,

Also to him,


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