Late Night Bookstore

Vol 3 Chapter 334: rescue!

"Boss, rescued, rescued! The hostages were saved, saved!"

The old man shouted excitedly.

Zhou Ze raised his head, and the children were sent out by the police on the TV. The reporter also stepped forward to ask about the situation. Parents cried and cried while holding their children.

However, there was a flash of footage in the lens when a medical worker carried a stretcher covered with white cloth and ran to the ambulance.

There is someone on the stretcher.

Lao Dao obviously didn't pay attention to this point. In fact, if Zhou Ze's previous life was not a surgeon's frequent out-patient emergency, it would be difficult to notice this.

However, there were no reports of casualties in this area, and the reporter did not say that they just kept broadcasting and confirming one thing, that is, the hostages held by the gangsters, that is, those children and teachers were successfully rescued.

"Boss, is this Officer Zhang okay?" the old man said happily.

"No." Zhou Ze shook his head. "It's not clear yet."

At this time,

The reporter began to interview the police, interviewing a captain of the Tongcheng police station, but not Zhang Yanfeng who went in to negotiate with the criminals.

Zhou Ze's eyes suddenly narrowed. Instinctively, Zhou Ze felt that Officer Zhang seemed to be in trouble.

If Zhang Yanfeng didn't have an accident, why wasn't he interviewed?

The success of the rescue of the hostages that you have spared yourselves is naturally in accordance with the rules and you have to be interviewed and commended.

Zhou Ze took out his mobile phone and called Zhang Yanfeng's phone.

"Boss, if something happens, should the TV station broadcast it?"

"It may be that the picture is not suitable for live broadcast, or the reason for the publicity has not been determined. This may lead to delays in the news..."

"The phone you dialed has been turned off, please try again later..."

The phone won't work!

Zhou Ze licked his lips.

At this moment, Zhou Ze's cell phone rang and looked down and found that it wasn't Zhang Yanfeng who called back, but the number of Dean Lin.


"Azer, are you in the bookstore?"

"I'm here."

"I came to my hospital. The hospital had just received two patients with severe burns. One of them was a policeman. Now the situation is very dangerous. Come and help me."

"Is the police surnamed Zhang?"

"Yes, the last name is Zhang."

"I'll be here soon."

Zhou Ze got up immediately and walked to the door. Attorney An looked at Zhou Ze with some curiosity.

"Drive and take me to the hospital."

Lawyer An's car stopped right in front of the bookstore.


Lawyer Ann didn't ask anything else, he took out the car key and got up, opened the door, and sat in.

Zhou Ze sat in the co-pilot position and urged: "Speed ​​point."

"no problem."

Twenty minutes later, the car drove into Dean Lin's private hospital.

Several police cars had been parked at the door. When Zhou Ze walked in quickly, he saw the aisle outside the rescue room, with more than ten worried policemen standing.

Several of them also knew that Zhou Zefeng was a subordinate of Zhang Yanfeng.

Several policewomen were crying there, and there were tears in the eyes of the male policemen.


Isn't Zhang Zhang really going to be glorious?

Taking out his mobile phone, Zhou Ze dialed Dean Lin's mobile phone, but didn't answer it there, and cut it off.

But soon, a little nurse came to Zhou Ze. Zhou Ze followed her into the dressing room. With the help of the little nurse, Zhou Ze changed into clothes and passed through the aisle, that is, between the dozens of policemen.

The little nurse pushed open the door,

Zhou Ze entered the rescue room.



The sound of various instruments in the rescue room and the hastily silhouettes of several doctors and nurses on the operating table,

All explain how bad and difficult the situation is at this time.

Especially the sound of monitoring instruments is even more annoying.

In fact, for ordinary people, it doesn’t matter if they don’t know what these monitoring instruments are used for, as long as they don’t call them quietly there is basically no problem.

But now,

The problem is not so important.

Zhou Ze walked to Dean Lin. Dean Lin gave up the position to Zhou Ze and introduced:

"Severe burns, the burn area is more than 80%, we are doing local cleaning, and then, you come to command."

Dean Lin did not know the relationship between Zhou Ze and Zhang Yanfeng. The reason she asked Zhou Ze to come was because she hoped to come up with all her means to save the life of the injured as much as possible, because when the injured were sent, it was said to protect The kindergarten children burned after fighting with the gangsters.

On the operating table,

Officer Zhang’s clothes have been cut open, the whole person,

Oh no,

If this can still be seen as human.

The burn area was terrifying, and even the face was distorted.

In the air,

There is also the smell of barbecue,

It’s really the kind of meat,

But this will not cause any appetite in the operating room.

Zhou Ze supported the operating table with both hands and kept taking deep breaths. He needed to calm down and urgently needed to calm down.

How difficult it is to deal with extensive burns, how high the mortality rate is, Zhou Ze knows, even doctors can really only play the role of doing their best.

Several doctors around are still doing wound cleansing treatment, and the specific injury condition must be judged by the results of the treatment.

"Results of inhalation injury?

Zhou Ze entered the state and asked.

Inhalation injuries are common in fire scenes. The injured yell at the fire scene and inhale a lot of dust and heat, which will cause serious damage to the respiratory tract. On the one hand, it will cause swelling of the respiratory tract and cause suffocation. Caused some serious injuries, and induced a serious infection of the lungs at a later stage.

"It's not a big question. I have already asked it. He was burned by gasoline."

Zhou Ze nodded,

The next thing to worry about is shock and infection. Generally speaking, the three main reasons for the high mortality of large burns are inhalation injury, shock and infection.

Each one is equivalent to a ghost gate pass. Whether you can survive this ghost gate pass really depends on luck.

As for Officer Zhang’s burnt face, Zhou Ze is not very sad. As long as the person can keep it, boss Zhou is even willing to help him skin graft for free.

It's okay to transplant a better skin from his buttocks to his face.

From the afternoon until late at night, Zhou Ze and other talents completed the first stage of surgery and walked out of the rescue room.

A group of policemen and police station leaders stepped forward anxiously to ask about the situation, as if there were still reporters outside.

Zhou Ze was too lazy to take care of these people and gave it to Dean Lin to deal with it. He walked directly to Dean Lin's office. On the way, he saw lawyer An sitting on the nurse's desk and chatting with a little nurse.

Upon seeing Zhou Ze coming over, Attorney An stopped communication immediately, handed the little nurse a business card, and came over voluntarily.

"How is it, is the situation okay?" Attorney An asked. "I read the news and said that the police officer was fighting with the gangster who had been charged with gasoline in order to protect the child, and then burned together. This Is a good policeman."

Zhou Ze shook his head. "The situation is not optimistic. I just had surgery and is now entering the stage of anti-shock treatment."

There is a washbasin in the office. Zhou Ze took off his gloves and washed his face with cold water.

"I don't understand medicine." Lawyer An shrugged. "How long does anti-shock treatment take?"

"48 hours."

"Is it just after 48 hours?"

"This is only the first hurdle. It will be difficult to deal with infections next." Zhou Ze raised his head, picked up Dean Lin's towel, and wiped his face.


Lawyer An vomited his lips and touched the tip of his nose.

"If..." Zhou Ze said.

"what if?"

"If he dies, can he keep his dead soul?"

"What?" Lawyer An surprised.

"If he dies, can he keep his dead soul?"

"He didn’t die unjustly, and he didn’t become a ghost. If he really died, he would also sacrifice. Such a person would probably go straight to **** if he died. If the Yangyang will give him a memorial service, he You will suffer a lot, and you will receive some preferential treatment in hell."

"I mean, can there be a way to pull it back?"

"Oh, think too much."

"In the beginning, there was a ghost who did this to me."

Zhou Ze thought of that little aunt.

"Can you be the same as him?" Lawyer An said absurdly.

You are like him,

Why am I two or eight points with you?

"Aren't you able to extradite ghosts?" Zhou Ze asked, "I still have a few ghost certificates here, which can be used for him. Tongcheng just missed a ghost!"

"It's almost impossible. I'm the evil spirit responsible for extradition of the **** riots and fled successfully. This has its own limitations. How many underground souls are there? It's impossible to count.

Unless he will participate in the riot that escaped after he went to hell, and he is still successful, and he is still among the people who successfully escaped, this is not a one-of-a-kind choice. This difficulty is equivalent to dropping a drop of water into the sea. You will find it again. Come this same drop! "

Zhou Ze licked his lips,

One hand grasped his hair hard.

"There must be a way, there must be."

"The one who can be sent to **** is a dead soul that is not good or obsessive. Does he have obsession?

And If you force his ordinary dead soul, it will only let his soul dissipate.

In other words, you, me, and some other stowaways, all of whom were born out of exceptional luck.

If you can really do it in batches, then it is really one person who has won the chickens and dogs, and he will not die, and he can still bring the whole family with him. Is there such a good thing? "

"Shut up, let me be quiet."

"........." Lawyer An.

at this time,

A nurse ran anxiously and ran to the office door, shouting to Zhou Ze while breathing heavily:

"Dr. Xu, Dean Lin told me to call you,

Say yes... Say yes.........

It is said that the patient has experienced severe shock reaction. "

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