Late Night Bookstore

Vol 3 Chapter 302: human face

After going round and round, he returned to the police station. Boss Zhou is not a person who likes to manage things, but to this day, he can't pretend to be invisible to the things he has jurisdiction over.

If Huang Mao's hang and another drowning can be said to be a real suicide or someone killing his mouth, what about the two who were locked up in the police station?

It can't be said that the gangsters of tomb robbers can still be in the sky, can they have a huge protective umbrella to extinguish even the police station?

It's not a gangster TV series.

Lao Dao followed Zhou Ze with some panic. After a rough inspection of the tongue-biting brother, Lao Dao's face became increasingly pale, which was scared.

I have seen ghosts, but I was scared by this kind of scene. It sounds a little weird, but it is actually very easy to understand.

Tongue bite is self-sufficient, and it has to be bitten off. When you eat a tongue accidentally, ordinary people can hurt for a long time. Imagine how terrible it is to directly bite.

The cause of death is either due to excessive blood loss, or because the remaining tongue is blocked causing suffocation, and excessive bleeding can lead to insufficient oxygen intake. In short, this is a very powerful method of death. A very painful method of death.

The most ridiculous thing is that a few little hair thieves who robbed the tombs were not fighters dedicated to noble ideals.

Is it possible?

"Arrange for me, I want to see the rest."

This is what Zhou Ze said to Zhang Yanfeng.

Zhang Yanfeng was a bit embarrassed, but he still arranged it. Although he didn't want to admit it, Zhang Yanfeng understood that Zhou Ze might be the key to breaking the game.

This case has gradually left the category of human control.

Eventually, after two hours, when it was already dawn, Zhou Ze finally saw the young man in the room next to the infirmary.

The young man's eyes were a little loose, his body twitched from time to time, and even if he caught his "culprit" and sat in front of him, he was as if he had not seen it.

Zhang Yanfeng screened out other police officers, but he stayed by himself.

"Can you still talk?"

The old man stretched out his hand and swayed in front of the young man. The young man still didn't respond, and didn't even move his eyes.


Zhang Yanfeng nodded, "There is this trend."

As an old criminal policeman, Zhang Yanfeng has seen too many old fritters that like to "show" in the police station, shouting that I have mental illness, I have epilepsy, I have waited for various other strange diseases in an attempt to get through .

However, the one in front of him, Zhang Yanfeng, dare not determine that he was pretending to be crazy and selling silly, because the first trial was because he was young and inexperienced, so he took the lead in opening a breakthrough in him.

Zhou Ze reached out and patted the guy's cheek gently, but the guy still didn't respond.


Have a heartbeat,

Have body temperature,

But as if completely cut off from the outside world, he fell into a complete self-closure.

At this time, let alone interrogation, even if you take a chair and beat him up, no one will cry.

"What should I do?" Zhang Yanfeng looked at Zhou Ze. "The bureau has sent people to ask psychologists."

Zhou Ze shook his head,

It's useless,

This is not simply a mental illness.

"Where did he attempt to commit suicide?"

"In the detention center, trying to swallow a metal ornament on his clothes while eating."

"Take me to the detention center."

"it is good."


In the detention center in the bureau, boss Zhou is no stranger. He had stayed here for one night before, and it was Zhang Yanfeng who arrested him. It was because that night, an iron chain appeared on his leg, which triggered the next series of things.

There are not many people in this detention center today, and the young man is also in a separate compartment, separate from the other cells.

Zhang Yanfeng motioned to the policeman who managed the area to open the door. Zhou Ze did not rush in, but looked inside through the railing.

In the corner,

Squatting a young man,

He held his knees with both hands,


Like a frightened quail, he was not panicked all day long.

The prison door was opened and Zhou Ze walked in and squatted directly in front of the young man.

Fingers and nails slowly grew a little, shaking in front of the other party, the other party's original lost eyes refocused, and the body's tremor became more pronounced.

The existence of all the dead souls has an inherent fear of Zhou Ze's nails.

"Speak, who wants you to die."

Lao Dao and Zhang Yanfeng looked at each other,

It's all baffling.

But anyway, having experience anyway, immediately took out the bull's tears and wiped his eyes.

Immediately, Lao Dao had a natural sense of superiority, took out a small book and squatted down next to Zhou Ze, a pair of intent to act as adjutant to take notes.

From time to time, Lao Tao also deliberately looked up at Zhang Yanfeng,


You can't see you can't see.

Zhang Yanfeng stretched his hand to poke the old road, and then spread his hands, indicating that the old road to take out the thing just for him to use.

Master shook his head,

No way,

For you,

I have no sense of superiority.

And, are you cheap to be a bull?

"Sergeant Zhang, let me do this." Zhou Ze looked back at Zhang Yanfeng. "Some things, once I see them, I want to forget them, it's hard."

From his heart, Zhou Ze still hopes that Zhang Yanfeng will be his own police and serve the people.

Moreover, if you really see ghosts with your own eyes, then your cognition of the world, even the three good views you had before, is a terrifying blow and even a destruction.


Zhang Yanfeng hesitated, turned around, left here, stood outside and waited.

About a quarter of an hour later,

Zhou Ze and Lao Tao came out from inside.

Zhang Yanfeng looked at Zhou Ze, and then looked at the book in his hand, and asked:

"This, can I watch it?"

"Arrange a car, we are going to Linzi." Zhou Ze said.

"it is good."


Xishulinzi is located beside a beach. It is one of the few areas on the Tongcheng land that have not been developed on a large scale. There are several villages and towns nearby.

It was Zhang Yanfeng who drove. He changed his casual clothes and he insisted on following.

After getting off,

Zhou Ze immediately frowned.

The old man also frowned, and things were very difficult and serious.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Yanfeng asked.

"A lot of resentment!"

The old man answered very seriously.

"What?" Zhang Yanfeng surprised.

"It smells bad."

Zhou Ze put his hand in front of his nose and waved his hand. There is a lot of garbage accumulating there in the beach near the front. In the summer, there are a lot of bad smells. Some upstream garbage will be left behind when passing here. Slow Slowly accumulated into a small garbage mountain.

"........." The old one.

"........." Zhang Yanfeng.

He was the first to walk into the forest. Because of the recent rain, there was mud on the ground. Zhou Ze was at the forefront. Zhang Yanfeng said he could lead the way. Although he didn’t find where the tomb was, he could at least bring them to the robbers. The location identified during the day.

Zhou Ze refused, and he should have asked by himself.

As the saying goes, people are good at their death,

When a ghost faces a ghost mission, if he dares to play "ghost thoughts", then he can really be awarded a small red flower to reward his courage.

The reason why Zhang Yanfeng is not allowed to lead is because the young man is walking in front of Zhou Ze.

This is his soul, but not all.

There is a description of excessive shock, which is very popular in many places, that is, "the soul is scared".

In fact, this young man belongs to this category. He succeeded without suicide, but a part of his soul was really scared out of the body, which caused his body to fall into a state of "self-closure".

Zhiguai novels often have the idea that Yuanshen knows how to know. The birth of the image of Tieguai Li in the old days is also based on this principle, but there is a difference between "active" and "passive".

"Boss, he didn't find it before."

The old man with the tears of the bull naturally can see who is leading the way, so he came up and asked.

The young man also led the way during the day, but the police worked hard for the entire afternoon and extended half of the night, still finding nothing.

"Looking when you are a human is different from looking when you are a ghost."

Zhou Ze explained.

Human eyes can give people a window to see the world, but in fact, human eyes are also easy to be deceived, but it is different when they die.

Where are you cheating?

This is also a saying,

But in fact, ghosts are really not so easy to cheat.

After walking for about twenty minutes, it was quite far away. Boss Zhou was helpless. His leather shoes were already covered with mud, which made him look very uncomfortable.


The young man in front stopped and he stood still.

"Here?" Zhou Ze asked.

The other party nodded.

Zhang Yanfeng followed the team by himself. To be honest, he had a feeling that he was an outsider, but at this time, he heard Zhou Ze's question and immediately said:

"It's not this place during the day, it's far away."

Zhou Ze raised his hand,

Instruct Lao Zhang not to be noisy.

Lao Zhang was choked a little uncomfortably.

"Old man, look here."


Lao Dao immediately started to look around. Although Zhang Yanfeng was a little inexplicable, he also found it with him.

Everyone's goal is concentrated on the ground, hoping to find the entrance of the tomb directly.

Zhou Ze dislikes the mud and fallen leaves on the ground that are too dirty, and walks a little perfunctoryly.

Walking around,

Zhou Ze seemed a bit strange to see the tree in front,

Because he gives people a very clean seems to have been taken care of not long ago, this is not taken care of by the cleaners.

But the bark of this tree is more tender, the leaves of this tree are more lush,

It's like a nouveau riche standing among a group of bitter folks, it seems a little bit out of place.

Zhou Ze walked to the tree,

Reach out and use your nails to gently scrape the bark,

Zhou Ze did not know why he did this, nor did he understand the significance of doing so, but there was such an impulse.


Under the scraped bark,

A face,

Slowly revealed...

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