Lanke Chess Edge

Chapter 856 Waiting for Your Toast

Biquge, the fastest update of Lanke Qiyuan!

Longnu put Ji Yuan's calligraphy and painting into her sleeves, and played with the fan Zao Niang gave her in her hand. With a flick of her wrist, the folding fan unfolded in Ying Ruoli's hand, but this time it seemed that she deliberately controlled it and did not There is no exaggerated splendor, just azure-gold luster across the fan surface like water waves.

It can make the dragon girl lose her composure. Many people at the banquet in the hall also paid attention to this fan. Now that the light has receded, everyone can see the original pattern of the fan more clearly. Even the old dragon and several dragon lords are curious about it. this.

Ying Ruoli looked at this exquisite fan with a pair of crystal eyes, and the embroidered picture on it seemed to be that she was holding a wooden branch standing in the wind, and jujube trees and yellow flowers were dancing in front of her like a dragon.

This, is this me... so beautiful...

Ying Ruoli brushed the fan lightly with her hands, only to find that everything around her seemed to have changed, the wind was blowing, and the fragrance of flowers was wafting, as if it had become a jujube tree in the small courtyard of Ju'an, where someone grasped the branches in the moonlight Dancing sword.

The wind turns at will, when the sword moves gently, the breeze slowly surrounds it, and when the sword moves sharply, the wind blows up and down, unpredictable and amazing!

The twigs in the hands of the sword dancer seem to be pulled by sticky threads. Finally, as he swings his sleeves and swings the sword, the breeze in the courtyard rushes out of the small courtyard obliquely with the fallen branches and jujube flowers, turning into a faint blue and yellow dragon flying in the sky. Then the breeze sent flowers, and it fell like rain...

'Is it Ju'an Pavilion? It's so beautiful...'

This scene of sword dancing and sending flowers like a dragon is reflected in the eyes of the dragon girl, and it gradually fades away, everything in front of her eyes is back to a fan, and the guests at the Dragon Banquet are all in the corner of her vision.

Zao Niang smiled happily.

Ruoli, it's fine if you like it, I'm afraid you won't like it.

How could it be, as long as it is given by you, even an ordinary fan Ruoli would like it, not to mention that this fan is so precious, Ruoli has a magic weapon at hand!

Zao Niang was slightly taken aback, her face flushed a little, she said in a mosquito-like voice.

I don't know exactly what power this fan has, but of course it can definitely help you control wind and thunder...

It's okay? I'll figure it out myself? Don't forget Ruo Li, I'm a real dragon now!

Longnu said, putting away the fan and holding it in her hand? She looked back at the direction of the chief seat, and then at Ji Yuan in the direction of the Dazhen envoy.

Zaoniang, let's go.

Long Nu did not go back to the chief seat, but took Zao Niang's hand and walked towards the direction of the Dazhen Mission.

Mr. Ji? That Lady Ying is here.

Yin Zhaoxian said something to Ji Yuan in a low voice? The latter nodded.

No problem.

When Ying Ruoli and Zao Niang walked over, the nearby guests also looked at Longnu, and some even slightly cupped their hands.

Ruoli met Uncle Ji!

The Dragon Girl bowed to Ji Yuan first, and the officials of Dazhen and the Celestial Masters had already stood up, and they all saluted to the Dragon Girl.

I've seen Mrs. Ying!

Of course Ying Ruoli also turned towards Yin Zhaoxian to return the salute, and then turned slightly while holding the salute.

Hello, Mr. Yin? How are you all? Please sit down.

Ji Yuan sat back in his seat? He didn't feel any nervousness when facing the dragon girl, he just raised his wine cup to the dragon girl.

Even if there was such a day back then, I didn't expect it to be earlier than expected, and you did a better job. Congratulations on your successful transformation of the dragon.

Just finished speaking? Ji Yuan has already drank the wine.

Ying Ruoli casually took a cup from Zao Niang's table, filled the cup too, and held the cup with both hands facing Ji Yuan.

Uncle Ji? Ruoli respects you...

This time Longnu didn't cover her face with her sleeves when drinking, but closed her eyes slightly, and drank the wine in one gulp. Then she took Zao Niang to sit at the table together.

On the Dazhen envoy's side, when Longnu was drinking, they also quickly finished their drinks. After all, Longnu was drinking at the banquet in this area, so they dared not not accompany them.

Ji Yuan looked at the table next to him, Long Nu would be whispering to Zao Niang, and unfolded his calligraphy and painting to appreciate, the painting on it was the scenery of a section of Tongtian River, and the one who raised the words praised the entire Tongtian River beautiful view.

Calligraphy and painting are of course also treasures, but to Longnu, their artistic value should be greater than their practical value, but Ji Yuan can tell that she really likes them.

After all, she was the protagonist of the banquet, and Long Nu went back to the main seat after a while, and the officials on Dazhen's side and the celestial masters including the national teacher Du Changsheng felt very honored. After all, whether it was because of them or not, But it is a fact that Ying Niangniang, the protagonist of Hualong Banquet, sat in their place for a long time.

Ying Ruoli just returned to her seat and sat down, Ying Feng left the table and came to her, and toasted her with a smile.

Ruoli, apart from bringing you back at Jiangkou, Brother Wei hasn't formally congratulated you on transforming a dragon yet. Come, have a drink with Brother Wei.


Ruo Li, drink.

Ying Feng drank the wine in the glass, saw that Longnu had also drank the wine, sat down beside him without saying a word, picked up the jug on the table and poured wine for himself, drank one cup after another...

The old dragon on the side snorted coldly and gave Longzi a hard look.

Hmph, nonsense, based on your current appearance, do you want to transform into a dragon?

Long Zi was still very afraid of his father, usually he would have shrunk and retreated to the side, but today he didn't leave, he just looked at the old dragon.

Father, today is a good day, I just want to drink.

With that said, Yingfeng poured himself another cup, and the mother of the dragon at the side pulled the old dragon's sleeve.

Husband, let him do it today...

Hmph, it's up to you.

Long Nu also poured herself wine and clinked glasses with Long Zi.

Brother, I will accompany you.

Hehehe, okay, Ruoli is better... This wine is also delicious, I can only understand today why Uncle Ji likes drinking so much...

Ying Ruoli drank the wine in the glass and offered to pour the wine for Ying Feng.

Brother, Mr. Ji's drinking is to taste the taste of the world's wine, not brother's taste. I believe that Mr. Ji would not like to drink this kind of wine...

Ruoli, you are right. After all, you are a real dragon, and there are more reasons in your words. Brother, let you drink and drink...

Longnu frowned and stretched out her hand to press Longzi's cup, her voice became cooler.

Brother, if you complain, you can complain. It's okay to use alcohol to drown your sorrows, but there's no need to pretend to be drunk and depressed. Parents are watching, the dragons of the four seas are watching, and Uncle Ji is watching too. Who are you doing this for? , to them or to myself, or to me?

Ying Feng was slightly taken aback, looked up at his younger sister, saw Ying Ruoli's eyes were as clear as a pool of spring water, his heart felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured on him, and his body trembled slightly.

Ruoli, I...

Seeing her elder brother's appearance at this moment, Ying Ruoli let go of the hand holding the wine glass, and a smile appeared on her face, like red flowers blooming from mountains and rivers with melting ice and snow.

Ruoli has always believed in her brother, before, and even more so after transforming into a dragon.


Ying Feng drank the wine in the glass, stood up and returned to his seat, looked up at his sister, although not as majestic as his father, but could handle such a big occasion, looked at his father, the latter seemed to sigh slightly , and subconsciously looked down in one direction, Ji Yuan held the glass in front of his eyes, his eyes looked at the wine glass as if he was in a daze, and he just refused to drink while holding the wine.


Longnu's sound transmission sounded in Longzi's ears, and the latter was slightly stunned before he could turn his head when Longnu's voice came again.

Brother, you should toast Uncle Ji.

Long Zi nodded, picked up the jug and stood up, but when he came out of the seat, the old dragon stopped him.

To toast Mr. Ji?


Hmph, here you are.

The old dragon waved his sleeves towards the front of the table, and the jug on his table floated towards Longzi. The latter subconsciously grabbed the jug, and after weighing it for a while, his heart moved, and he looked at the old dragon with an inexplicable expression.

Father, go and have a drink with Uncle Ji.

Go, it's not convenient for me to accompany you today, so you can toast him a few more glasses for me.

Although Ji Yuan looked at the wine glass, he could see from the corner of his eye that Long Zi was getting closer and closer to him during the pleasantries, and then came to Yin Zhaoxian after slightly bowing his hands.

Uh, Uncle Ji, what are you doing while holding the wine glass but not drinking?

Seeing that Uncle Ji didn't respond after saluting, Ying Feng sat across the table and asked carefully. When he saw Uncle Ji, he would raise his head and look at him. Although his eyes were pale, they were as clear as a dragon girl.

Ji Yuan smiled.

Waiting for you to drink with me, but it seems that the wine in your jug ​​is better than the wine on my table.

After saying that, Ji Yuan drank the wine in his hand, and handed the wine glass to Ying Feng, who smiled, lifted the jug to fill Ji Yuanman, and the wine poured out was ambergris.

After pouring a glass, Ying Feng also poured it for Yin Zhao first.

Yin Gong please drink this wine too.

Yin Zhaoxian smiled and looked at the drink in this glass, which was exactly the same as the one in the small pavilion in Ju'an back then.

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