Lanke Chess Edge

Chapter 809 Drinking and Discussing Swords

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Of course Ji Yuan knew that Tu Siyan was in Yuhu Cave, and the old monk Foyin knew this too. Even Tu Tong and Tu Miao didn't care whether this kind of rhetoric could fool Ji Yuan and King Foyinming. What they needed was just It's just the rhetoric itself.

My Buddha is merciful, relieves the suffering in the world, looks at the Vajra with anger, eliminates the evil in the world...

The old monk Foyin recited scriptures silently and stopped talking, while the attention of the three nine-tailed foxes including Tu Yi mainly stayed on Ji Yuan.

Ji Yuan was silent for a long time before shaking his head and chuckling lightly.

If Tu Siyan is not in the Jade Fox Cave, it seems that Ji will return without success this time.

That Tu Miao laughed.

Mr. Ji also came to see Tu Yi, and since you two came to my Jade Fox Cave, I should treat him well. How could it be regarded as returning without success?

That's right. I, Yuhu Cave, have always had good relations with Buddhism, and I also have occasional contacts with immortals. Venerable Foyin and Mr. Ji can come to Jade Fox Cave. It's really full of splendor. Of course, we must treat them well.

As he said that, Tu Tong lifted the teapot on the table, stood up and poured tea for Ji Yuan himself, but Ji Yuan pressed one hand on the teacup, causing Tu Tong to frown slightly with frost in his eyes, and when he raised his head, he saw Ji Yuan smiled at her, and immediately smiled too.

Don't you like me pouring you tea, sir?

Ji Yuan shook his head, glanced at Tu Yi, and glanced at a female fox demon standing not far behind him from the corner of his eye. He had already smelled a trace of alcohol on her body.

Although this scented tea is delicious, Ji has already had enough tea. I will come to Jade Fox Cave today to have a good chat with fellow Taoist Tu Yi, but Ji prefers wine to tea. I don't know if there is any good in Jade Fox Cave. liquor?


Tu Tong was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously glanced at the old monk Foyin, who opened his eyes and smiled.

Don't worry about me, I can just sit in meditation, I don't drink alcohol or tea.

Tu Miao patted his palms lightly, got up and smiled.

Hahahaha, it's better to be famous than to meet each other. Mr. Ji is really free and easy. Of course, there is wine. I have a lot of fine wines and immortal wines, all of which are in the residence. Mr. Ji, please wait for a while, I will go and get them back...

While speaking, Tu Miao had already stood up from his seat, but turned around and walked away two steps? Then he looked back at Ji Yuan.

I don't know how much you can drink, so I can figure out how much wine I should take? Or does Mr. Ji have something to hold wine, please take some more? Fill it up for Mr. Ji.

Ji Yuan opened his eyes wide and looked at Tu Miao, then reached into his sleeve and took out the white jade thousand bucket pot and put it on the table? Then he also took out the emerald green thousand bucket pot that had already drank the ambergris , This is what Tu Miao himself said, and Ji Yuan didn't force him.

Ji, someone who likes wine? Of course, the more the better.

When Tu Miao saw Ji Yuan take out the two thousand-dou pots, he didn't change his face, he cupped his hands towards Ji Yuan, and didn't say anything more, just jumped up, turned into a demon light and flew towards the distance .

Tu Tong, who was sitting opposite Ji Yuan, smiled? Just a joke.

Haha? Mr. Ji is going to consume a lot of Tu Miao's stock this time? Don't look at him looking indifferent? In fact, his heart hurts, hehehe...

Don't be joking, he has a lot of wine in his possession, so don't feel sorry for him.

Tu Yi also said something at the right time, and then looked at Ji Yuan.

Mr. Ji? Did you have a sword fight with you back then? Do you admire Mr. Ji's sword skills? Why don't you come here today to discuss it?

Huh? It's not bad to discuss swords while drinking.

Ji Yuan didn't refuse, and agreed directly? And he directly added the word Lunjian, as if he didn't mind making gestures after a while.

At the same time, the old monk Foyin looked around the valley. As the aura calmed down, the surrounding foxes moved closer again, but he couldn't feel any connection with Tu Siyan's aura from any of the foxes. Yuan must be calculating Tu Siyan's location, the so-called drinking and sword discussion are just a cover.

Therefore, the old monk Foyin said that he was sitting in meditation with his eyes closed, but he was secretly preparing. If Ji Yuan calculated Tu Siyan's location, in the worst case, he might have to join hands with Ji Yuan to kill the evil spirits .

Although the monks are merciful, but on the matter of Tu Siyan, the old monk Foyin quite agrees with Ji Yuan's point of view, and this thorn must be eliminated as soon as possible.

On the other side, Tu Miao looked back at the valley where Tu Yishu Pavilion was located after fleeing for a while. Although the celestial light of Ji Yuan and the Buddha light of King Foyinming had subsided, they were still faintly visible in his eyes. Help, so I am not worried that they will look down on the visitors.

After a short flight, Tu Miao first went back to get the wine, and then fled to the distance. Relying on the movement of a formation, there was a wooden pavilion in a clearing in the center of the forest.

The room is full of wooden floors, and there are no chairs. There are two beautiful women sitting at a low table, one of whom is Tu Siyan. At this moment, her clothes are half-faded, she looks very casual, leaning against the table, Playing with his hair, looking at a chessboard on the table, and the woman opposite Tu Siyan actually knows Ji Yuan, who is the woman who gave Hu Yun the nightmare back then.

Hmph, you guys are very relaxed!

Tu Miao snorted coldly, stepped into the room with one step, glanced over the chessboard on the table, and also over the two women, staying slightly on the exposed part of Tu Siyan's body.

What else can I do, do you want me to see him?

Tu Siyan said this, then slowly straightened up, the clothes on her shoulders slipped a lot, and the woman opposite her looked at Tu Miao and asked.

Well, is he willing to leave?

Neither of them directly called Ji Yuan by his name, not even Mr. Ji, not because they hated Ji Yuan, but because they were cautious not to call him by his first name.

I lied that Tu Siyan was not in the cave, what can he do? He can't help but not believe it! As for when he will leave, I don't know when he will leave. When I came, I vaguely heard from the air that he was going to drink with Tu Yi and discuss swords over there.

On the sword!

Tu Siyan's eyes lit up.

Then you'd better transcribe it, I want to see it too.

The woman on the side also smiled.

Perhaps they want to use the excuse of discussing swords to make a fuss, and just be careful.

Do not worry.

After speaking, Tu Miao turned and left.


It didn't take long before Tu Miao's escape light fell into Tu Yi's courtyard again, and he laughed loudly at the people in front of the wooden table.

Hahahaha, Mr. Ji, the wine has arrived!

As he said that, Tu Miao flicked his sleeves, and jars and pots of fine wine appeared one after another on the grass not far from the table.

Ji Yuan's so-called drinking wine is not a joke, he immediately stood up, walked to the edge of the wine jar with his sense of smell, while Tu Miao stretched out his hand to lead the wine, signaling Ji Yuan to take it as he pleases.

Based on his feeling, Ji Yuan directly took a jar of the best immortal wine, and slapped the mud to guide a drink to taste.

Good wine! Fellow Daoist Tu Yi, back then it was just a slap in the face, but today's opportunity is rare, so Ji used it to refer to fellow Daoist Sword.

Today's Ji Yuan is very different from the introverted past, but Tu Yi's eyes flashed, and he stood up without timidity.

Okay, since Mr. Ji invited me, Yi, I will accompany you to watch the sword!


Tu Yi stomped his feet lightly, moved his sword finger in his hand, and his whole body turned into a white rainbow pointing towards Ji Yuan, who also greeted Ji Yuan with his sword finger, and when his two fingers collided, a lingering sword intent rose, and the terrifying sword energy exploded Generally spread towards the surrounding valley.

Many fox demons lying around in the valley seemed to feel the long sword piercing through their bodies at this moment, and many of them were so frightened that they fell to the ground, and among them, Tu Yun with a high level of cultivation, even if his scalp was numb and his body was covered with goosebumps. Pimple popped up, still staring intently at the open space in front of the tree pavilion.

Two expert swordsmen talk about each other, although they are sword fingers, they are like two peerless magic soldiers confronting each other, sometimes it's like watching a storm, sometimes it's like two butterflies dancing, the beauty is full of breathless excitement edge...

Excellent, the wonder of swordsmanship in the world, this should be unique!

The old monk Foyin doesn't use swords, but the two swordsmen in front of him are discussing each other, which is already a manifestation of Tao. What kind of weapon or even whether to use a weapon does not affect the mystery of the mind.

The same is true for Tu Tong and Tu Miao, their eyes never leave Ji Yuan and Tu Yi for a moment. The swordsmanship at this moment is more worth watching than life and death fighting. The word discussion is to discuss the sword with the finger and the way with the sword.

Hahahaha, Fellow Daoist Tu Yi is really good at swordsmanship.

Ji Yuan fought against Tu Yi with one hand, discarded the drunk wine jar with the other hand, and picked up another jar, but Tu Yi didn't drink alcohol, his eyes were full of fighting spirit, obviously he didn't want to lose.

This is a sword debate that is very beneficial to the observers. Many fox demons surrounded in the valley insisted on watching even if their eyes were stinging.

However, although the sharpness of the sword energy did not penetrate, the influence of that kind of sword intent was too strong. Some fox demons even had their eyes bleeding, and had to retreat to a suitable distance to adjust their breath. Holding on, there are also fox demons who memorize it in their hearts, or want to take shorthand with a pen and paper, but often this is counterproductive, either more painful or blank.

Tu Yi wanted to win, but Ji Yuan was not obsessed with winning or losing. Sometimes he held the sword with his left hand and the wine jar with his right, and sometimes he turned it over. The sword kept coming out and the wine drank even more. His stomach was like a bottomless pit. The wine of the wine is introduced into the mouth by Gulu Gulu, and it often bottoms out in a moment.

Moreover, the three nine-tailed foxes and the old monk Foyin could clearly see that Ji Yuan didn't use any power to dissolve the alcohol at all, and he didn't even let out a trace of alcohol, so that after discussing the sword for a long time, after dozens of jars of wine poured down, Ji Yuan's cheeks were already slightly flushed .

Mr. Ji, if you drink like this, your sword will become unstable. How can you discuss the sword with me?

Tu Yi reminded in a cold voice that he felt that Ji Yuan was belittling him.

Hahaha, Fellow Daoist Tu Yi, discussing swords is based on the theory of swords, not with your mouth, um, except for drinking.

Ji Yuan's laughter irritated Tu Yi a little, and he didn't remind Ji Yuan to be careful, his shots were a little quicker, and the sword in his hand was three points stronger than before.

Well done!

Perhaps it was because of drinking that Ji Yuan became a bit more insolent. He greeted each other with sword fingers while laughing, and the speed and sword intent of the sword were improved at the same level as Tu Yi, and the sword skills of the two sides were still inseparable and had not changed at all.

Tu Yi was startled, he calmed down and restrained his extra emotions to deal with it, knowing that he should not be careless, but as time went by, Ji Yuan's sword technique gradually became chaotic, but his sword intent became more and more powerful.

Body skills follow up, pointing swords at fingers, alternating swords, drawing swords to strike each other...

Three days have passed, and Tu Yi has put all his heart and soul into dealing with Ji Yuan's swordsmanship. He is no longer able to calculate Ji Yuan's next move or even the next move as he was at the beginning. He only focuses on the changes in front of him. The change in swordsmanship has almost changed from random to unintentional, and it is also because the sense of oppression brought by Ji Yuan's sword is getting stronger and stronger at this moment.

‘Am I going to lose! '

At this moment, Tu Yi's confidence in himself began to waver, and this wavering also made it more difficult to deal with Ji Yuan's swordsmanship.

Tu Tong, Tu Miao, and the old monk Foyin have already seen a clue, and there are very few foxes on the outskirts of the valley. Huaguang blooms, but it seems to be following the fairy swordsmanship...

'No way... Old Ancestor, it seems like I'm going to lose...'

Tu Yun sat propped up on the mountain peak, her eyes were bleeding from the corners of her eyes, but her eyes were wide open, full of disbelief.

Three days of sword discussion was also three days of binge drinking, Ji Yuan shocked everyone with his sword skills at this moment, but his face was already blushing, and he even hiccupped occasionally.

Hi~~~ Hahahaha, happy, happy...

Ji Yuan drew out his sword again and again, pointing out hundreds of sword fingers in an instant, forcing Tu Yi to retreat again and again.

It was also at this moment that Ji Yuan narrowed his eyes and turned around. The fallen leaves and twigs on the surrounding grass vaguely followed his movement. After taking another sip of the fairy wine, he stopped sideways and pointed forward with his right sword , the surrounding fallen leaves present a spiral, rising up with the sword intent to transform into a dragon, and rushing towards Tu Yi.

This sword made Tu Yi feel unstoppable and unavoidable to Tu Yi, who had just vented the sword intent before, and even aroused the mana that had been suppressed for three days. whole body.

At the moment when the mana was about to be released, Tu Yicai suddenly realized that he had fouled, and the moment he was flustered, the sword spirit dragon in front of him suddenly collapsed.

Pieces fell dangling from the air, returning to silence, Tu Yi stared blankly at Ji Yuan, who was holding the wine jar, shaking his body.

Good wine...good sword...


Ji Yuan fell directly to the ground.

Mr. Ji!

Tu Yi immediately appeared in front of Ji Yuan, and then he breathed a sigh of relief, Ji Yuan breathed evenly and looked peaceful, he was actually drunk and fell asleep.

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