Biquge, the fastest update of Lanke Qiyuan!

Usually, old beggars don’t use this method of transforming Qianyuan, not because it is used as a means to suppress the bottom of the box, but because they don’t want to use it after leaving Qianyuanzong. identity of.

This series of demonic cloud itself is a powerful demon technique, which can help demons and the like use the power of heaven to enhance their mana, and it also has a strong sense of oppression. The evil within knocks back to reality.

During the rising of the waves, crystallization began from the top, and the white tornadoes in the sky turned into chains, and the situation changed in an instant, bringing the old beggar's rolling thunder sound full of shocking evil power, pressing together to the back of the escaped fairy light of dark clouds.

Lightning kept hitting the rising seawater crystals below, directly smashing some of the crystal pillars, but the number of rising crystal pillars was extremely large, combined with the chains of the sky, presenting a tendency of double-teaming up and down, and instantly flanking the dark clouds.


The sharp ice crystals formed by all the waves were all dyed by the thunder in the cloud, bursting into bursts of light, but the technique cast by the old beggar has already formed two closed thorns, which are about to smash the huge dark cloud into pieces.

Hey... Ah—

Crazy roars and ear-piercing screams came out of the dark clouds, and black smoke came out from the dark clouds, increasing in number and increasing in frequency.

Ah... It's so painful...

Hahahaha... Woooo...


There were shouts and howls, there were crazy laughs and broken tears, all kinds of weird voices sounded in the black smoke, intertwined together to appear extremely chaotic and piercing.

A skilled spellcaster is quite responsive to the magical technique he controls, sometimes it is even like an extension of his limbs, as is the case with the old beggar at the moment.

The combined forces from the sky and the ground were like his hands, but the feeling of being entangled in the dark clouds made his brows twitch. It was very slow, and it also brought him a feeling of disgust.

Crush me!

Boom boom boom boom...

The magic light lit up, illuminating the entire dark cloud brightly, and then the ice crystals exploded in the cloud, smashing the entire dark cloud in an instant, as if endless resentful spirits poured out with the explosion, the essence of this dark cloud is not just a piece of evil The clouds, most of which are composed of resentful spirits.

The number of these grievances is estimated at one hundred thousand, and they are surrounded by black air, much larger than ordinary ghosts. When flying, they dragged at least three feet of black rainbow behind them, making them spread out like the surrounding sky. They are all resentful souls. Unlike ordinary ghosts, these resentful souls do not have much reason at all, only memories of pain and jealousy towards strangers.

At the moment when the dark clouds shattered, a few demonic lights escaped along with the resentful souls, and wandered in the place where the resentful spirits filled the sky. Seeing that they were all covered in a radius of tens of miles, the white clouds where the three old beggars were located also suddenly appeared. It gets dark.

The old beggar showed shock, there were so many resentful spirits, so many souls died tragically and were taken away by magic, and the two apprentices beside the old beggar were also scalp numb, so Lu Xiaoyou will not say, even if In those years when Yang Zong was emperor, he had the power to control the life and death of thousands of people, and he just sat on the golden palace and gave orders. Even during the war, he had never seen so many people who died of resentment.

Several celestial lights in the distance are also approaching the three old beggars at this moment. The old beggar did not cast spells to stop them, but let them approach. Disciples wearing Qianyuanzong costumes.

A disciple of the Qianyuan Sect, you have met the seniors of our Sect!

Thank you for your help, senior. May I ask which generation of masters are you from my sect?

The three saw a scruffy beggar and two people who were not well-dressed standing on the top of the cloud, but they didn't feel slighted in their hearts, and they saluted respectfully.

The old beggar nodded, staring at the wraiths all over the sky.

Those evil spirits escaped under the cover of resentment, they must be eliminated, but how did so many resentment gather together?

The old beggar avoided the other party's question about his identity as Qianyuanzong, but instead focused on the current situation, and of course the three Qianyuanzong disciples did not dare to ask.

The woman in the middle couldn't help saying bitterly when she heard what the old beggar said.

These are all transformed by the living beings of Tianyuzhou. If it wasn't for the resentment spirits gathering resentment and filth that were too strong to disturb our primordial spirit at close range, how could we be driven away? We set out from Yuyuan Mountain with a total of eight masters. Brother, the only ones here are me and the other three, if it wasn't for the action of the seniors, I'm afraid we won't be able to get away!

These words are partly angry and partly fearful. Immortals are not without emotions, but their desires and fears are different from those of ordinary people, and their emotions are also lighter.

Where are you going?

The old beggar asked casually, and didn't waste time. He had already started to cast spells in his hands. These resentful spirits didn't disperse or attack, which showed that the evil spirits themselves were also hesitating. , but unwilling to retreat, this is exactly what the old beggar wanted.

So many old beggars with resentful spirits don't want to let them go, and they don't want to let the evil spirits hidden in them get away.

A fat monk with a clean face and no beard answered.

Returning to seniors, I was ordered to go to the Tianji Pavilion. I was supposed to set foot on Nanhuangzhou. I didn't expect these evil things to be included in our whereabouts. They lay in ambush halfway, affecting our itinerary...

To Tianji Pavilion? The old beggar understood something in an instant, and he was even more worried about the situation. With the way of being in charge of a senior brother, he actually had to rely on the calculation power of Tianji Pavilion?

Then why are you still standing there, why don't you go!

The old beggar suddenly spoke in such a loud voice that the three monks were startled. They looked at each other and saluted the old beggar again.

What the senior said is very true, I will wait here and go!


The old beggar changed his mind, stopped the three of them again, paused the formula in his hand, and pinched the magic light on the tip of his left finger to hide it. paused midway.

At this moment, the old beggar's right hand reached into the beggar's clothes that exposed a small part of his chest, scratched it like scratching old mud, and then grabbed a small and exquisite sheep fat jade charm, which was full of spirit patterns on the back and engraved on the front. The word too empty.

Here, let me lend it to you for a while, and then return it to me when you return to Qianyuanzong. With this, you will be safe on the way to Tianji Pavilion.

After all, if he was intercepted once, if there was a second time, he might not be able to reach the Tianji Pavilion.

This is……

The female cultivator in the middle took the jade talisman carefully, looked it up and down but couldn't see anything special.

Hey, this is a good thing. The Taixu Jade Talisman of Yuhuai Mountain is rare in the world for hiding magical effects. It is very rare. It was given by a friend of mine in Yuhuai Mountain. You can’t use too much mana, you’ll fly slower, use it flexibly by yourself, let’s go!”

Yes! This junior is resigning! This junior is retiring!

The three of them saluted again, without talking too much nonsense, they took off the light and flew away.

At this moment, many resentful spirits reacted, turning into a black gust of wind and wanting to chase after them, but after flying a certain distance, they seemed to hit some barrier and were bounced back, while those celestial lights were able to escape without hindrance .

If you want to keep someone, first ask my old beggar if you agree!

It turns out that after the previous Qianyuanhua method broke the evil cloud, it did not completely dissipate. The old beggar is now dual-purpose, and half of his spiritual thoughts use his heart to defend the law, maintaining a layer of not-so-strong restriction covering the grievances in a radius of tens of miles. spirit.

If the evil spirit behind it is strong, this restriction is not enough to see, but a single or even a small group of wraiths cannot break through, and it can bluff people if it is effective. After all, the other party does not know, and dare not rashly expose their whereabouts.

Seeing that, as expected by the old beggar, the suspended formula continued, and the seal formula in his hand changed instantly, and a vague sense of dryness and heat arose in the old beggar's palm.

Master, so many resentful spirits can't be saved.

Lu Xiaoyou said this, but Yang Zong already knew what the old beggar was going to do, so he answered.

Urgent measures are taken in a hurry. Everything cannot be perfect. It is better to send them back to heaven and earth than to harm others. Those evil spirits will be buried with them.

The resentful spirits in the sky were originally flying randomly, but after realizing that there was a barrier, many resentful spirits began to rush towards the white cloud where the three old beggars were. The horn is extremely harsh.

Lu Xiaoyou and Yang Zong rushed to attack, one in front and the other in the back, casting spells to prop up the barrier to block the impact of the endless wraiths.

The old beggar was not in a hurry at all, of course he would not care about the impact of the wraith, but he could train the two apprentices.

The things around you are left to you two.

After leaving these words, the figure of the old beggar gradually faded and even disappeared in front of the two apprentices, and he seemed to have lost his existence for a while, but Lu Xiaoyou and Yang Zong were not in a hurry at all, they just concentrated on dealing with the wraith in front of them, He didn't use any magic weapon, just used his own pair of fleshy palms and magic power to fight against the enemy.

And in the center where the wraiths are most dense, a group of flames suddenly appeared here. A wraith passed by here, and the resentment invaded the flame, and was instantly ignited by the flames, turning the wraith into a moving fireball.


Wow... Wow... Wow... Wow......

Passing on from ten to ten, more and more resentful spirits were ignited by tiny sparks, and the flames continued to spread around at an exaggerated speed, almost instantly turning dozens of miles into a sea of ​​flames, with endless vengeful spirits wailing in it , but the resentment is too strong, and it won't be burnt out in a while.

And this fire seems to be only effective on the wraiths. After more and more wraiths were ignited and flew around, the hidden evil spirits finally became obvious.

One of the monsters has never even been seen by the old beggar. It looks like a pitch-black pool of mud, surrounded by a few monsters. At this moment, the mud-like monster spews out endless black water, like a swamp. The sewage, with a strong stench, where the water passed, all the fires on the wraith's body were extinguished, but the wraith's own screams were even more exaggerated.

The next moment, the monster inhaled again, and under the gust of wind, endless resentful spirits quickly gathered towards it, and all of them merged into its mouth, making its body bigger and bigger, and the resentment and evil spirits on it appeared geometrically at this moment. The multiples have risen to the point where even old beggars have to face it squarely.

What the hell?

The old beggar muttered, looking at the situation, he couldn't help but be shocked, and the feeling that his energy was locked made him unable to distract himself.

And those monsters seemed to have said something through sound transmission, and the mud-like monster spit out a stream of black water towards one side, and instantly broke through the not-so-tight barrier of the old beggar, and then streaks of demonic light fled away in an instant. , leaving only the sludge monster in the air machine that was supposed to lock the old beggar.

At the moment when the old beggar was about to leave behind those streaks of demonic light, the sludge monster rushed towards the old beggar with more and more resentful souls and endless stench. .


In an instant, the filth overwhelmed the old beggar and completely submerged him.


Lu Xiaoyou screamed, and Yang Zong on the side immediately took over Baiyun and flew away to a high place.

Junior brother, are you crazy? Go back!

Master's supernatural powers are so powerful, how could something happen to him, we are here to make him useless! Brother, calm down and feel...

Lu Xiaoyou eased his emotions, and after calming down, he suddenly froze for a moment. In the filthy sky in the distance, he really couldn't feel the breath of Master, but he could feel another feeling in his heart. Every time he and Yang Zong made a mistake and faced Master , you will have this feeling, of course this time it is not aimed at their senior brothers.

The generation of mayflies, dare to be rampant—

As the old beggar's angry majestic sound sounded, a burst of white light suddenly lit up in the center of the filth, and rays of light penetrated the filth, as if it contained a small sun.


The filth all over the sky was evaporated instantly in the flames and white light, leaving only the infinite white air continuously rising towards the sky, while the old beggar in the center was wrapped in the infinite white light, unfamiliar with the white electricity, like a raging god.

At the same moment as the resentful spirits were dispelled, white rainbows shot out towards the distance as if they were spiritual, chasing after the demon light that had fled before.

Old beggars don't show their power, they treat me as a sick cat! Xiaoyou, Xiaozong, let's go!


After shooting out the white rainbow, the old beggar ignored the escaping monsters and called out to his disciples. Lu Xiaoyou and Yang Zong immediately came back on a cloud. When they approached the old beggar in the white light, they were instantly surrounded by halos. It turned into a stream of light, and flew to Yuzhou at a faster speed than before.

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