Lanke Chess Edge

Chapter 718 Special Train

When Ji Yuan returned to the courtyard, the courtyard had already returned to tranquility, and the small characters had returned to the Sword Intent Tie, but not all the ink on the inkstone on the table had been eaten away, but a trace of ink remained in the inkstone.

Mister is leaving?

Zao Niang stood up from the table, asking this question on behalf of everyone, Ji Yuan had nothing to hide, and gestured for the wooden sword in his hand.

Fellow Daoist Practitioner is really in a hurry. The superior said that the fairy port in Yuhuai Mountain is well built. I didn't mention this last time. I just went to have a look.

Before some people in the courtyard could show their disappointed expressions, Ji Yuan immediately laughed.

Yuhuai Mountain can be regarded as a nearby land. If you are interested, you can go and have a look together.

This proposal is mainly for Zao Niang, this girl has never been out of Ju'an Xiaoge, but Ji Yuan discovered that she really didn't even have the idea of ​​leaving Ju'an Xiaoge, even if she went out to her now. It’s not difficult to say, and I’ve never done it before. It’s not that I dare not, I really don’t have such an idea.

Maybe this is the tree. Ji Yuan doesn't object to Zao Niang's house, but he thinks it's better to walk around occasionally.

Sure enough, everyone readily accepted Ji Yuan's proposal, especially Hu Yun. Although he was content with his practice, he was still active in his bones. It would be great if he had the opportunity to go out with Mr. Ji.


Yuhuai Mountain is hidden in the continuous Yucui Mountain in Jizhou, and Xiangang will naturally not be built in Yuhuai Holy Land, but to find a suitable peak in Yucui Mountain, at most it will be closer to Yuhuai Mountain.

At noon that day, Ji Yuan and the others had already strolled in the mountains.

Ji Yuan didn't tell the people from Yuhuai Mountain when he would go there, he only said that he would arrive in a few days. In fact, he flew to the foot of Yucui Mountain with Zao Niang and others, and then found a path in the mountain where the spiritual energy flowed.

Sir, why don't we fly directly to Yuhuai Mountain, I heard that the scenery of Yuhuai Holy Land is very beautiful.

Hu Yun's transfigured teenager asked this question, but Ji Yuan didn't rush to answer, and pointed to the front.

Go and have a look.

A group of people are not ordinary people. Walking on the mountain road is like walking on flat ground, not to mention the speed. It is easy and fast to climb over the mountains. After crossing a small hill, the original dense forest is a little looser. Packets are on their way, and some even carry large boxes.

Hey, in this barren mountain and wild ridge, there are still people dragging their families and luggage on the road? The further you go, the more you go to the depths of Yucui Mountain?

Yeah, so it's obviously not an ordinary person.

Hu Yun and Sun Yaya each said something, looked at Ji Yuan, saw that there was no response, they walked along the road together, and soon caught up with the person in front.

If you observe carefully, you will find that although the people in front dragged their families and had a lot of luggage, their clothes were clean and they were not sweating much. When they heard the movement behind them and saw Ji Yuan and others coming out, this group Everyone turned their attention. ,

One of the old men who looked older but straight put down the shoulder pole in his hand, took a few steps back and saluted Ji Yuan and the others.

I'm going to move to Yuling Peak. There are books and seals left by Yuhuai Mountain. I don't know who they are, but something happened?

Ji Yuan returned a salute shallowly.

I heard that Yuhuai Mountain will open Xiangang. We have some friendship with Yuhuai Mountain, so come and have a look first, and then visit Yuhuai Mountain.

The old man immediately lifted his spirits and saluted again.

It turned out to be a few elders who were rude and impolite. You all salute the elders quickly.

Meet the fairy!

The seven or eight people behind the old man put down their things one after another, and saluted Ji Yuan and the others together. Yucui Mountain is Yuhuai Mountain's own garden, and Ji Yuan's words are unlikely to be lying.

They are all practitioners, so there is no need to be too polite. If it is convenient, can I wait for you?

Oh, the Immortal Elder doesn't dislike me, just wait for me to walk slowly!

The old man smiled, returned to his original position, took out a few big pear-shaped fruits from the basket he picked, and held them in front of Ji Yuan and the others.

Please use it, it's not some great spiritual fruit, it's better than sweetness.

After Ji Yuan and the others took it and thanked them, the two sides hurried on the road together, chatting about the matter of Yuhuai Mountain and the ferry of Yuling Peak.

A few years ago, I heard that Yuhuaishan wanted to build Xiangang, and it spread early. Wei Xianzhang, who is in charge of this matter in Yuhuaishan, is very open-minded. All branches have been notified, although we are the voice of spirits, but we are recommended by the water god of Tongjiang, and we will directly get a jade medal, so we can go to Yuling Peak to choose a place to build a building!

The old man's eyes shone brightly when he spoke, and anyone could hear the longing in his words.

Hey hey, it's extremely rare to be able to occupy a place in Xiangang, but now there are many people who practice it, and it is a foregone conclusion that the ancestors will be destroyed by Dazhen. Yuhuai Xiangang will definitely be able to touch the spirit of the new universe!

Yeah, Dad brought our whole family here directly. I have never walked such a long way when I grow up. We walked tens of thousands of miles to come here. There are jade badges everywhere. After the gods checked it, it was finally convenient.

Hu Yun looked excited.

Then what is the jade badge so powerful that the gods won't embarrass you if you have it? Sir, do you mean that I can go out for a walk even if I don't have a real form with that jade badge?

Ji Yuan smiled and said nothing, while the old man on the side laughed.

Yes, yes, that's true! The premise is that you have done nothing wrong, but judging by your clear breath, you should be fine.

Chirp chirp...

The little paper crane flew to Hu Yun's head and pecked twice.

Hey, why are you pecking me?

Hu Yun complained, and waved his hands to grab the top of his head.


The little paper crane dodged deftly, and then flew to Ji Yuan's shoulder, but seeing that Ji Yuan didn't speak, he just flapped his wings towards Hu Yun.

Sun Yaya also seemed extremely curious about this jade chapter, so she couldn't help but also said.

That's the truth. It would be much more convenient to have this jade chapter. I want it all. Sir, what is your relationship with Yuhuaishan? If it's convenient, can I get one for Hu Yun?


The little paper crane flew over Sun Yaya's head again, pecked the girl's head, and flew away quickly.

Oh, what are you doing?

But the little paper crane had already returned to Ji Yuan's shoulder, Ji Yuan just smiled and shook his head, Zao Niang on the side also covered his mouth and smiled, he already knew why the little paper crane pecked at Hu Yun and Sun Yaya.

Although the golden armor behind him saw everything in his eyes, he remained silent and expressionless, but his eyes were a little disdainful for the so-called token and jade badge that the old man took out when showing off. It's all the same expression, and no one else can see it.

Ji Yuan knew why the little paper crane pecked at people, but he didn't know how to write a note to Hu Yun. This little fox is full of spirituality now, and he is even more concerned. Yuan wrote a note, and with Hu Yun's personality, he would definitely not be able to resist going out and wandering around.

It gets dark faster in the mountains, and the further you go, the more people you meet in the mountains. Some of them are walking around like a group of old men and saluting, some are like floating immortals, and some are simply There is no human form, and of course there are serious immortal cultivators, most of whom are casual cultivators or families who have some relationship with Yuhuaishan.

These people have a common feature, that is, almost all of them have jade badges issued by Yuhuai Mountain. Even if they don't know each other, they mostly go together when they say hello. For those of them who can eat the first wave of dividends in Xiangang Said that everyone is very happy.

This is not only the benefit of things outside the body, but more importantly, the opportunity to broaden the fate of immortality. The blessings and fate on the road of practice can be increased, and sometimes it depends on whether you can grasp the opportunity.


The sound of a crane in the sky revived everyone's spirits. The sound of the crane was so penetrating that one could tell it was not an ordinary thing, and Ji Yuan and the others also knew that it must be a spirit crane from Yuhuai Mountain.

Twenty miles north of Yuling Peak, thick fog and obscuration, walking with a jade badge, the number of people protected by the jade badge is limited to those recorded in the jade badge!

The spirit crane circled a few times in the air, and then flew towards the distance after the sound transmission was completed. Obviously, there was also a need to send messages in other directions.

Whether they were sincere or not, the travelers in the mountain below saluted slightly towards the sky, and then continued walking. Sure enough, after more than ten miles, there was a mist in the mountain, and the fog behind it was getting thicker and thicker.

Elder Immortal, you don't have a jade badge, uh...

At first, the old man turned his head and wanted to talk to Ji Yuan and the others, but found that Ji Yuan and the others were no longer by his side.

Behind the fog, Wei Wuwei followed Ji Yuan respectfully.

Sir, you don't need to inform Wei Mou if you are coming today. I have made preparations very early.

No, we're just here to take a look, and we're going to Yuhuai Holy Land after that.

Yes, sir, there are a few others. The Jade Spirit Peak is in front of it. It is not the original peak of Yucui Mountain, but a real person in the mountain combined the five mountains with great magic power. Please look at it, sir.

At this moment, a group of people passed through the fog, and a huge mountain peak appeared in front of them. It was the Yuling Peak of Xiangang. looming.


There was a loud and clear cry, shaking the surrounding clouds and mist slightly rolling.

Weimei Sect, Sky Swallowing Beast? This fairy port has not been fully established yet, and there is already a ferry coming?

Wei Wuwei's smile on his fat face did not change.

Sir, it's not that there is a business coming so quickly. The Sky Swallowing Beast is here to wait for you. The Tianji Pavilion has a lot of face, and it directly borrowed the most famous realm in the world to wait here.

'My special train? '

Ji Yuan froze for a moment.

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