Lanke Chess Edge

Chapter 552 Little People (ask for a ticket)

Although the sky was already dark, the teahouse where Ji Yuan and Zhang Rui were located was still lively, the guests had already changed several batches, and only a few tables remained unchanged. A storyteller was telling a book in the center of the hall, attracting most of the tea customers in the building, including Ji Yuan.

But Zhang Rui didn't care to listen to the book at this time, she was a little flustered just now when she heard Ji Yuan talk about Wang Li.

Mr. Ji, do you mean that Wang Li will be in danger?

Zhang Rui's morality is not very high. If she wants to see Wang Li's aura, she needs to have a certain relationship with prayers. For example, Wang Li goes to the temple where she stands to burn incense. The appearance of disaster.

Wang Li's book alludes to the fact that the Xiao family, where the royal censor was located, has the function of supervising all officials. To a certain extent, the power can be regarded as one person under one person and above ten thousand people. If it weren't for the Yin family to intervene , Wang Li is already dead.

Zhang Rui knew that Xiao's family was a high official, but she also knew that Yin Zhaoxian was in full swing.

But, there is Mr. Yin here. All ghosts and gods know that Mr. Yin is a great Confucian in the world. He has a great righteousness, and he knows right and wrong. The two capitals are hundreds of miles away and clean up the turbidity. Since the Yin family has intervened, Wang Li should be fine. ...

Speaking of this, Zhang Rui suddenly remembered something, and his face changed immediately.

No! I heard that Duke Yin is critically ill! Could it be that Duke Yin is about to...

This is all about what, Zhang Rui is obviously concerned about it, so Ji Yuan hurriedly interrupted her.

Don't think about it, even if something goes wrong, just snatch Wang Li out, and watch him die?

Zhang Rui was stunned for a moment and immediately reacted.

That's right, just snatch it out. If you're dying, you still care so much! I thought Mr. Ji was the kind of immortal who wouldn't interfere in mortal affairs...

Ji Yuan smiled.

There are so many injustices in the world, and how many unjust deaths in the world, Ji really can't handle it, and sometimes it's inconvenient to take care of it, but it doesn't mean that people who cultivate immortals don't know how to take care of things. Among the high-level people Ji knows, there are many who are Sexy people.

Hearing this, Zhang Rui felt a little ready to move.

Then how about I bring Wang Li out tonight?

Ji Yuan couldn't help but shook his head, thinking about Wang Li's situation, and then thinking about the Xiao family's situation and the Yin family's situation.

Let's go and ask Wang Li what he thinks first.


It was getting dark and the teahouse was closed, Ji Yuan and Zhang Rui walked on the empty street, heading towards the prison in Changyang Mansion. At this moment, Zhang Rui didn't worry much about Wang Li, but was more curious about Mr. Ji, who was half a body behind, carefully observing Ji Yuan frequently.

As Ji Yuan was walking, he suddenly turned to look at Zhang Rui, startling the goddess in white.

Is there anything to say?

Zhang Rui grinned embarrassedly.

I once asked the judge of the Changyang Mansion on the sidelines, and learned that your method of asking the water god to suppress the water god was actually a great supernatural power. True dragon. Mr. Ji, how high is your morality?

Zhang Rui is just a little god of virtue and industry, not counting as land or belonging to the underworld, and he doesn't know much about nature. What happened on the flower boat that year left a great shock in the hearts of the water god and Tu Siyan, but the movement was actually not Although Zhang Rui and Wang Li felt the same way, they just knew that Ji Yuan and Shuishen had the upper hand in the brief confrontation.

But after these years, as Zhang Rui got to know a little more, he gradually began to understand how powerful Mr. Ji is, and he is probably no worse than the City God of Yifu.

What? Are you afraid that you won't be able to save Wang Li?

Hearing Ji Yuan's question, Zhang Rui quickly waved his hands.

No, no, uh, I'm just curious. Mr. Dao must be extremely high. I heard that some immortal masters who play Hongchen are actually asking to knock their hearts. Did you know about Sister Bai's love tribulation?

Ji Yuan was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly remembered that in the story of The Fate of the White Deer, the white deer is actually the mount of the old fairy, and in name he has a relationship with the white deer.

After thinking about it for a while, Ji Yuan felt that it would be wrong to say too much about this matter, so he smiled and answered I don't know, and continued to move forward without further words.

Zhang Rui was stunned by Ji Yuan's answer. She had already thought about a series of questions behind her, but Mr. Ji said I don't know. After standing there for a while, Zhang Rui hurriedly followed superior.

But the more I thought about it, the more wrong I felt that Mr. Ji's smile was very inscrutable. After thinking about it for a while, I suddenly felt that Mr. Ji already knew what she wanted to ask, and he said that on purpose because he thought it was troublesome?

The yamen area at night was very quiet, and the guards outside the prison in Changyang Mansion yawned frequently. Ji Yuan and Zhang Rui just walked past the two guards and entered the prison. Before arriving at Wang Li's cell, the guards patrolled along the way. The sleepy and sleepy guards turned a blind eye to the two, while the prisoners in other cells slept more soundly.

Only the little paper crane on the roof of Wang Li's prison sensed his master's arrival, and flew out of the prison with fluttering wings and landed on Ji Yuan's shoulder.

Crackling... crackling...

The little paper crane flapped its wings quickly a few times, bringing up a breeze and noise, and then stretched out one wing to point to the cell floor. Ji Yuan and Zhang Rui followed the direction of its wings and saw a puddle of liquid that hadn't dried up and a few pieces of porcelain that hadn't been cleaned up.

I see, well done!

Ji Yuan praised, and the little paper crane twisted a few times, looking very comfortable.

Zhang Rui looked away from the wine on the ground, and then looked at Wang Li who was sleeping.

Wang Li, Wang Li, wake up, Mr. Ji is here!

Ji Yuan was also looking at Wang Li. Under his eyes, he vaguely felt that his aura seemed a little unusual. Before he could take a closer look, Zhang Rui had already passed through the prison door and entered the cell, grabbing Wang Li very naturally. ears.

Wake up, Mr. Ji is here!

Stimulated by the intense pain, Wang Li suddenly woke up.

Oh, hiss... Auntie, please lighten up, lighten up...

Keep your voice down! Mr. Ji is here!


Wang Li couldn't take care of the pain anymore, he searched in the cell, and then looked outside the fence, and he saw Ji Yuan standing there, all these years Wang Li felt that he was getting more and more vicissitudes, and Mr. Ji and his memory The image in is still exactly the same.

Wang Li met Mr. Ji!

It wasn't until Wang Li saluted that Zhang Rui let go. Ji Yuan couldn't help but twitched when he saw Wang Li being woken up by Zhang Rui's physical method. Seeing that Wang Li's ears were all red, the goddess' attack just now was not light.

Ji Yuan also returned a salute to Wang Li, and looked at Wang Li with some emotion. The storyteller was not too young, and now he could see white frost on his temples, but Wang Li's figure was beyond his calculation. Yuan's expectations were somewhat clearer.

I haven't seen you for many years, but your storytelling ability has not been lost, and you are in prison.

Wang Li thought that Ji Yuan was teasing him, and scratched his head embarrassedly.

Seeing Mr. Wang on such an occasion, Wang is really ashamed, but Wang is not idle. He has written many stories that Mr. said back then, carefully crafted many times, and many of them have been widely spread. Mr. Negative entrusted it.

Well, I heard.

Wang Li looked at Zhang Rui next to him, knowing that she must have said it, and subconsciously rubbed his ears. Fortunately, Zhang Rui changed one ear every time he pulled it, otherwise he would doubt which ear would be twisted off. That is, two ears are one big and one small.

Let's not talk too much about the book, there is another matter related to yourself.

Yes, Wang Li, you have suffered a bloody disaster recently, you should leave with me, I'll tell you...

Zhang Rui couldn't wait to explain everything she knew to Wang Li in detail, and also added about the wine on the ground. Wang Li's face became more and more wrong when he heard it, and finally looked in surprise at the place where the wine jug was broken on the ground.

Is this poisoned wine?

It may not be poisoned wine, poisoning is too obvious, but it must not be a good thing, otherwise the paper crane would not break it.

Paper crane?

Wang Li was stunned for a moment, and suddenly found a white paper crane on Ji Yuan's shoulder, recalling that white light, Wang Li couldn't help saluting.

Thank you, Mr. Ji, and thank you, Zhihe Benedict!

Then what are you waiting for, let's go?

Zhang Rui urged again, Wang Li was about to respond, but suddenly frowned again.

But if I leave like this, wouldn't it be an escape from prison, wouldn't it be absconding in fear of crime? Master Yin speaks out for me, if I leave, political enemies in the court and China will miss this opportunity?

You idiot, Mr. Yin is a member of the imperial court and the son of Duke Yin. What can he do? At most, he will be slapped with a few words and his face will be dull. You will lose your life!

Wang Li looked at Ji Yuan with a calm face, and then at Zhang Rui with an impatient face, and said hesitantly.

The jailer mentioned during the chat that Yin Gong is critically ill. At this time...

Oh, then you...

Zhang Rui approached Wang Li anxiously, the latter covered his ears reflexively and took a step back, seeing the former annoyed and funny.

Even if I stay in prison, they will definitely not do anything to me with Miss Zhang here!

It's not that Wang Li is really not afraid of death, but he understands that Zhang Rui will not ignore him, and Zhang Rui laughs angrily at this shameless attitude.

Even if I'm a ghost, I can't stay here all the time. There will always be times when I'm negligent. What if I'm not here and you get killed? What contribution do you make to the affairs of the Yin family? You're a little man, what are you talking about?

Originally, Wang Li had always been submissive in front of Zhang Rui, but when he heard Zhang Rui's words, the more he listened, the more angry he was. Finally, after Zhang Rui finished speaking, Wang Li put down his hands and stood up straight, clenching his fists and said to Zhang Rui.

What about a small person? A small person also has a backbone! Yin Gong is a great Confucian in the world, and the Yin family is a loyal family. No one in the world does not look up to, who does not admire? Now the Yin family is in a crisis, and I, a small person, can't help much, but I don't want to hold back!


As soon as Zhang Rui approached, Wang Li lost his momentum immediately, and he covered his ears and took two steps back in fright.

Okay, you two completely forgot about Ji...

Ji Yuan had no choice but to make a sound, Zhang Rui and Wang Li in the cell were taken aback at the same time, they really ignored Mr. Ji just now.

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